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babao May 20, 2024 10:55 am

This changed the trajectory of my life.

I love the ending, I love who Daon ended up with. But there was definitely this small voice in my heart that hoped Soohyun would've been endgame.

Nothing could ever compare to the heartache of seeing a romance so innocent, raw, and beautiful be defiled by a possessive and jealous man. What Soohyun and Daon shared was a romance that was raw, reciprocated, and beloved. Nothing could replace the love and affection Daon felt for Soohyun and in the same way, nothing could ever replace the raw intensity of emotion, affection, and the desire to protect Daon that Soohyun felt.

He was ready to love him whole regardless of their future, of their past, and of their messy present. Soohyun loved Daon like a part of himself, like an extension of his soul, like a half of his heart. I wish we could've seen their love whole.

I feel that Daon never loved Jaemin the way he loved Soohyun. Maybe that was the case when Daon was younger but definitely it changed as they grew older. Daon saw Jaemin as someone higher than hope, he was salvation that was irreplaceable. That was why a part of him could never confess—it was almost like blasphemy to him. How could he confess to possess a man like a God to him? And the sly Jaemin knew this. Knew that Daon saw him as a concept—salvation.

Now I should go to my corner and cry my heart out for a romance that could've been. I just know Soohyun would've given the world and the high heavens to Daon had they had the chance to blossom their love.
