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The thinks he won’t be recognized cause of his hairdo and glasses??? Lmao ok Also pleas...

ADMK May 22, 2024 2:48 am

The thinks he won’t be recognized cause of his hairdo and glasses??? Lmao ok

Also please don’t swim with contacts on! At least that’s what my ophtalmologist has adviced me!!

    Phime May 22, 2024 5:16 am

    It's the Sailor Moon disguise! I'm wearing a different skirt and top, although they're basically the same color, you'll NEVER KNOW IT'S MEEEEEEE! Hahahahahahaha

    Babidi May 22, 2024 6:09 am

    How do we do it then???!!?? I wore contacts but with glasses on, without them i couldn't see. Now i've bought special swimming glasses and i can see with them underwater but i used to wear contacts before. Why??? They do not get wet, i need to know whyyyyyyyyy

    ADMK May 22, 2024 2:45 pm
    How do we do it then???!!?? I wore contacts but with glasses on, without them i couldn't see. Now i've bought special swimming glasses and i can see with them underwater but i used to wear contacts before. Why?... Babidi

    There’s still a risk of your contacts getting in touch with water, even if you wear goggles, and like this they could trap microorganisms, resulting in infection.
    Some people might not be as careful and end up losing their contacts too while playing in the pool, jumping etc
    Just be sure to always clean your contacts