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speculation...(possible spoilers?)

youraedthiswrogn May 1, 2017 10:46 pm

I think i see whats going on now, Jiwook has been compared to Siwon since they were younger and has developed an inferiority complex because of it, despite said complex he still seems to care about his brother to an extent even now (he said he "almost lost his brother because of what happened" in a way that made it seem like he cared if he did). Fast forward to the present, somehow Joohoon must've found out about how fragile a person Jiwook is and decided to bully him since he is clearly either an extreme sadist or just a mentally fucked up person (i'm leaning more towards fucked up because there hasn't really been anything that shows any kind of kink here so much as him just being an asshole.). Eventually the bullying progressed to the point that Joohoon was threatening to rape Jiwook and so Jiwook, in the heat of the moment and out of fear for himself, convinced Joohoon to rape his brother instead. The reason he acts so cold when he brother survives the suicide attempt and is possessed by Taemin is because he feels guilty over his choice, as i said i believe he still cares for his brother but also hates him due to the complex, and because he doesn't want anyone to know what he did. He might be thinking that if Siwon kills himself that it would tie the loose ends so, despite hating what he did, he is trying to make Siwon's life hell again RIGHT after he survived a suicide attempt to make him finish the job (successfully kill himself this time). He keeps mentioning how he's "got his place back", i think this just means that now that Siwon is out of the spotlight he isn't being compared to him anymore and is no longer just "siwon's brother".

    manganiME May 2, 2017 1:50 am
    I wouldn't necessarily say organizing a gang rape shows any power or influence on Joohoon's part as all he'd need to do is find the most unsavory people he could find that wouldn't blink when he offered free fo... youraedthiswrogn

    It was recorded and clearly copies were made. That means there could be criminal repercussions. Also, there never was a guarantee charges would not be brought. Someone could be pushed so far that they will go to the authorities.

    Joohoon was the figure in charge in that room. The others asked him if it was "okay," and he even said they could beat him to the verge of death if they had to. I also get the idea that his very sadistic type personality and confidence speak of a certain power. People would fear him. That's power.

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 1:57 am
    It was recorded and clearly copies were made. That means there could be criminal repercussions. Also, there never was a guarantee charges would not be brought. Someone could be pushed so far that they will go t... manganiME

    You can think of it that way, but i personally interpret it this way: The recording was to make sure Siwon didn't go to the authorities, it was just insurance for the rapists. The rapists were only asking Joohoon because he set the entire event up, not necessarily because they needed his permission. They're already raping an innocent person so i doubt they care much for what Joohoon thinks on the matter, they've already kidnapped and bound him, they're balls deep already and i doubt they would've stopped even IF Joohoon had told them to stop. They're all expecting sex and are going to get it, it's not like Joohoon is going to reveal the plan to the authorities if they don't listen to him. As far as him telling them they can beat him near to death, i think it was just because they didn't expect Siwon to resist so much and weren't sure what to do so he gave them a solution.

    manganiME May 2, 2017 2:06 am
    You can think of it that way, but i personally interpret it this way: The recording was to make sure Siwon didn't go to the authorities, it was just insurance for the rapists. The rapists were only asking Jooho... youraedthiswrogn

    And if the DVD was just insurance against cops...why make copies? That makes it more likely someone might turn it in? The rapists also knew they were being recoreded, again, putting THEM at a disadvantage.

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:11 am
    And if the DVD was just insurance against cops...why make copies? That makes it more likely someone might turn it in? The rapists also knew they were being recoreded, again, putting THEM at a disadvantage. manganiME

    Because they're already rapists, i don't imagine they'd be below watching the video and masturbating. They're high school boys who got the chance to have sex with someone however they wanted without regard to the person and got off, i'm sure they found it sexy and would masturbate to it often. Sure, with there being more videos out there there is a higher possibility of them being caught, but if they did they'd ALL go down so i doubt they are worried about one of the ones involved turning them in. They're all in this together, they either all get away with it or they all fall so they took the video to ensure that Siwon wouldn't say anything and so that they would have some memorabilia.

    manganiME May 2, 2017 2:17 am
    Because they're already rapists, i don't imagine they'd be below watching the video and masturbating. They're high school boys who got the chance to have sex with someone however they wanted without regard to t... youraedthiswrogn

    I totally get the rapists being idiots. But Joohoon doesn't strike me as out of control. Making copies strikes me as losing control.

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:20 am
    I totally get the rapists being idiots. But Joohoon doesn't strike me as out of control. Making copies strikes me as losing control. manganiME

    Think of it this way, you could replace him sitting there all by himself with any of the other rapists and they'd be the ones who looked like they were in control. Keep EVERYTHING else about Joohoon that we've seen the same, all the scenes the same, but change it in THAT scene so that he's one of the rapists. If you do this he'd still look like a sadistic asshole, but would no longer look like the leader of operations.

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:23 am
    I totally get the rapists being idiots. But Joohoon doesn't strike me as out of control. Making copies strikes me as losing control. manganiME

    In other words, the one sitting aloof in that position is who looks like the one in control. You could put Joohoon in the spot of one of the rapists, make it so that HE doesn't ask for permission to rape Siwon like they asked him (wasn't it just one guy who asked him?) and he wouldn't look like he was subservient while the guy sitting in the corner not participating in the gang rape but only watching on would look like the ring leader.

    manganiME May 2, 2017 2:30 am
    In other words, the one sitting aloof in that position is who looks like the one in control. You could put Joohoon in the spot of one of the rapists, make it so that HE doesn't ask for permission to rape Siwon ... youraedthiswrogn

    Well, it's more than sitting there. It's sitting there looking smug and being the one to give the okay and being the one telling them to shoot it properly and it being him who is giving permission to beat him senseless. It's the cascade of "boss" variables. He comes across as the one in control there, just as he was in control of SiWon in Karaoke by force of will and strength until SiWoon came and kicked his butt. He gave in to SiWon as the stronger (though I'm sure he'll plot some revenge.)

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:41 am
    Well, it's more than sitting there. It's sitting there looking smug and being the one to give the okay and being the one telling them to shoot it properly and it being him who is giving permission to beat him s... manganiME

    I definitely see what you're saying, i'm just saying it didn't have to be Joohoon who performed that "cascade of boss variables". If one of the other guys had been the one to proposition the others with the gangrape they probably would been asking THAT guy if they could start and it probably would've been HIM that made sure they recorded properly because, as i said, i believe the tape was an insurance policy. Anyone who had brought the entire event together would want to make sure their insurance was recorded properly. I said this before, but if one of them falls they all fall, including whoever set the event up, it was just as much in Joohoon's best interests for the tape to be of high quality as the rapists so him saying this doesn't have to indicate that he's the ringleader rather than that he's just the one who said it. Any of them could've said these things and been the one to sit in the corner watching the gangrape happen tossing out order, in my opinion it just happens to be Joohoon because he's the one who set the event up. I believe the "beat him near to death if you want" was just part of Joohoon's personality showing and had nothing to do with him being in charge.

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:45 am
    Well, it's more than sitting there. It's sitting there looking smug and being the one to give the okay and being the one telling them to shoot it properly and it being him who is giving permission to beat him s... manganiME

    While Joohoon is definitely a messed up person, i haven't seen any indication that he is in a position of power, popular, or ruling by fear. I believe the only person they've shown afraid of Joohoon is Jiwook and i suppose Siwon's body as well, though that is easily attributed to their shared history. There isn't anything i've seen that shows Joohoon has been terrorizing anyone else.

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:50 am

    Oh no, my urge to debate had started to rise. (▰˘◡˘▰) I completely agree that what you're saying could, and most likely IS the case. Joohoon definitely HAS been portrayed as a tyrant the entire manga and it is entirely possible that he is popular either to mask his true nature or because people fear him. I'm just saying what I got from what i read. Your opinion happens to differ so i was just wanting to tell you what i thought and why, not change your mind. I hope i didn't come across too aggressive.

    manganiME May 2, 2017 2:53 am

    Not at all. You have a very sharp mind and I enjoy your interpretations (which I mostly agree with, actually)

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:53 am

    Is your name a combination of 'manga' and 'anime'?

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 2:55 am
    Not at all. You have a very sharp mind and I enjoy your interpretations (which I mostly agree with, actually) manganiME

    Thank you, and i really enjoyed your interpretations as well. You conveyed them very articulately and gave your reasons for believing so, which i honestly wasn't able to find any fault in. I think the only difference in our opinions of what is happening in the manga is interpretation.

    manganiME May 2, 2017 2:57 am

    Yep. Manga and Anime, which I enjoy both

    youraedthiswrogn May 2, 2017 3:06 am
    Yep. Manga and Anime, which I enjoy both manganiME

    You and me both ლ(´ڡ`ლ) The anime that i currently have bookmarked are: 1. Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria 2. Zero kara hajimeru majou no sho 3. Re:Creators and 4. Tsuki ga keirei. I just finished watching season 2 of Konosuba and it was hilarious (⌒▽⌒)