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summer.scarlet May 29, 2017 4:56 pm

To those people who have experienced a beautiful love life such as this, I really envy you :) I wish my life was just as perfect.

    Anonymous May 29, 2017 8:31 pm

    do you know the story of the women and the goat?

    summer.scarlet May 30, 2017 4:37 am
    do you know the story of the women and the goat? @Anonymous


    Anonymous May 30, 2017 6:09 am

    a women, who lost her job, her money her family and her husband , was on the verge of suicide.
    she went to see an old wise man to ask for an advise.

    "the Goat" he said "the Goat is the solution, bring a goat and let it stay in your room for one week.
    she did as she was told, but the gaot was so noisy, turbulent, destroyed everything in her room which got dirty, it was even worse than before and she couldn't even sleep anymore.

    she went back to see the old man, "it's even worse what should I do" she said.
    "now you can take out the goat" answered the old man.

    after the goat left, her room was once again calm and relaxing and the women started to enjoy her peaceful life once again.


    moral: your life is awesome (well I hope your doing fine), don't let some small detail make you belive that it's less perfect than others'

    Belive in youself ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    (sorry for my average english)

    Painful Tears May 30, 2017 7:07 am

    Well everything isn't as perfect as it shows...but I get u and I too...envy it lmao

    CathyBLover June 1, 2017 10:28 pm
    a women, who lost her job, her money her family and her husband , was on the verge of suicide.she went to see an old wise man to ask for an advise."the Goat" he said "the Goat is the solution, bring a goat and ... @Anonymous

    Wow, never heard this one before! Thanks, it's great!