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I dropped it here I cant, ...

Anonymous December 1, 2017 5:21 pm

I dropped it here
I cant, I JUSTT CANT, he is already annoying for me and this... HOW THE HELL TO SLAP A WOMAN???

    ene December 1, 2017 5:49 pm
    Ninjaaturtlee January 31, 2018 8:35 pm

    ??? Yes but she slapped him too so?? There is no difference If its a man or woman so she is as bad as he cuz they both slapped each other

    Dema February 28, 2018 7:43 am
    ??? Yes but she slapped him too so?? There is no difference If its a man or woman so she is as bad as he cuz they both slapped each other Ninjaaturtlee

    Very true, though when she fell and scraped her knee and he pressed on it cause his emotional issues irritated me a bit. not so much the slapping cause like u said she did it too, but that was a bit much to me tbh. Still, over all I loved it :D Every story has flaws :P

    Dema February 28, 2018 7:44 am
    Very true, though when she fell and scraped her knee and he pressed on it cause his emotional issues irritated me a bit. not so much the slapping cause like u said she did it too, but that was a bit much to me ... Dema

    Oh, plus diff culture sometimes gotta take into account...

    V May 27, 2018 3:06 am

    If a woman can slap a man, a man can slap a woman. She was saying some stupid stuff that not only degraded him but also herself. Hence, why he slapped her. There are double standards but maybe try not to be so hell bent on them?

    abthurd December 4, 2018 9:05 pm
    If a woman can slap a man, a man can slap a woman. She was saying some stupid stuff that not only degraded him but also herself. Hence, why he slapped her. There are double standards but maybe try not to be so ... @V

    The thing is only people who have read this manga and understand how this couple works will know how wild and violent this two can be towards each other. It's not one sided tbh.