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Lovelife.. not about manga lol

Yaoi4Life February 13, 2018 6:21 am

Just skip me, I talk useless crap


There's this new student in my school, , more like a transfer.. he's really nice that everyone likes him and he's really handsome and really cute too, everytime he walks around campus, someone will eventually steal a glance at him and giggle.. oh shit lol, so then, he started hanging out with us and we got to know him better and I kinda started have feelings more like a boy crush , but I knew that one of my friend already like him, like seriously like him, that's why would rather pretend that I like him as a friend rathe rthan like him as a guy that I want to date hahaha.. Valentine's is coming

See I told u I talk useless crap

    Right in the kokoro February 13, 2018 6:30 am

    Who gives a shit if your friend likes him, she ain't dating him and he ain't dating her so why cut yourself out so fast if you really do like him. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    yeeeeahboy February 13, 2018 6:46 am

    I agree with above. Friends end up liking the same person all the time, and why do your feelings matter any less just bc your friend likes him too ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Mark Lorenz February 13, 2018 7:15 am

    I love the intro hahahha

    Mark Lorenz February 13, 2018 7:22 am

    It's just a matter of who's more important? "hell no!!" but I don't think that's it.. I mean I guess if your friend is a "REAL" friend and the guy might like you; I guess she'll support you unless she is a selfish biatch. I had similar experiences. My friend had a guy that she has a crush on and I.. you can say that I like that guy too but I'm closeted that time so I never told anyone.. then that guy turned out to be gay and also had a crush on me.. my friend.. she was seriously happy for me and told me "NO GUY CAN DESTROY OUR FRIENDSHIP" and I guess that quote should also be the same for you and your friend.

    Sam III February 13, 2018 7:46 am

    C O N F E S S

    Yaoi4Life February 13, 2018 9:29 am

    Thanks for all the comments guys, it made my night and I don't really know bout confessing because I'm not really that confident with myself and would rather keep my feelings to myself cauz don't wanna feel rejected but at the same time, I just freaking wanna scream everything out, that's why I don't really think of confessing cauz I don't want it to be awkward between us like all of us friends, seriously, two of my friends seriously like him

    Yaoi4Life February 13, 2018 7:52 pm

    But seriously, there's also a plot twist to it

    Yaoi4Life February 14, 2018 4:46 am

    That's true.. basically, in my lovelife right now, there's a guy that I like but I think he like my friend that is Bi, but then she likes me

    What a life