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Sigh, first off the black haired girl seems very anoying lmao no one would act like that i...

Ja-kyung March 20, 2018 5:23 am

Sigh, first off the black haired girl seems very anoying lmao no one would act like that irl

    Le Apricot March 20, 2018 5:37 am

    She acted wierd in front of the person she likes....found it quite real

    Anonymous March 20, 2018 6:08 am

    You're kidding, right? Many people act like that.

    person March 21, 2018 2:50 am

    Why do think that's annoying? Anyone would be shy when handing their number (or in this case id name) to their crush. It'd be pretty impressive if you were confident in front of them.

    Ja-kyung March 21, 2018 5:51 pm

    But idk if its normal to not answer the friend like that

    killpeoplewhentheycan'tseeu April 1, 2018 9:22 am
    Why do think that's annoying? Anyone would be shy when handing their number (or in this case id name) to their crush. It'd be pretty impressive if you were confident in front of them. person

    yah hand them over just bcz u like them what if they r hacker or a person involved in crime 10 by 10 logic right there