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You guys don't understand... He equally cares for his group members.. Especially Tanaka, h...

Rinsama_ May 25, 2018 8:26 am

You guys don't understand... He equally cares for his group members.. Especially Tanaka, he's fond of him..

So even tho Tanaka did sth bad, and he hated him and could never forgive him.. He couldn't take revenge on him..

Just imagine if your mom kills your dad, would you kill your mom? I doubt that.. Since they're both equally important to you, even if you hated their actions, you couldn't really hurt them.. (Or if you hated your parents, think of someone really important to you)

    Raime August 3, 2018 10:00 am

    yeah, thats true, still I could never ever forgive my mother too... everytime I see her I could only feel hatred for killling my dad. I love my parent a lot but I think I wouldn't talk with her for loooooooooooong time if I eer could... and this is not something bad... I mean its horrible, he killed all his 'brothers'. even if they werent that close, they spent every day together its something... I can't even describe it... for me it was just.. too much.... I could never ever forgive him... I can understand why he didn't kill him. But could never in my life tlak woth him

    Rinsama_ August 3, 2018 12:22 pm
    yeah, thats true, still I could never ever forgive my mother too... everytime I see her I could only feel hatred for killling my dad. I love my parent a lot but I think I wouldn't talk with her for looooooooooo... Raime

    I'm sorry.. It's OK to not like them, it's even normal to hate them or don't wanna have anything to do with them again..