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aggravated seme June 11, 2018 6:33 am

I wanna get back into it, but I seriously cannot take disappointment ;-; my heart weak. Has this been ACTUALLY picked back up?? Cause I waited a year and then two years for these updates. I need to knoooow for sure.

    Akeno June 13, 2018 4:43 pm

    Yes we'll continue this until it's finished, no worries!

    Ahxily June 13, 2018 6:13 pm
    Yes we'll continue this until it's finished, no worries! Akeno

    Bless your hearts and thank you for picking it back up <3

    aggravated seme June 15, 2018 2:18 am

    T_T thank you so much <3 <3 reading back on my insomniac self it may have come off as rude my apologies! Please do not push yourself too hard. :) We are patient bunch of fans! Thank you for your work *90degreebow* T_T

    Akeno June 15, 2018 3:57 pm
    T_T thank you so much <3 <3 reading back on my insomniac self it may have come off as rude my apologies! Please do not push yourself too hard. :) We are patient bunch of fans! Thank you for your work *90d... aggravated seme

    No worries I understand how painful it is to read something that gets dropped in the middle of it (looking at you oko-sama star >_>), we'll try to update every week but worst case scenario it'll be every two weeks or so ^_^