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Chapter 3 page 42 and I'm not continuing this shit anymore. like the older brother got me ...

abcdefuckoff April 17, 2019 5:39 am

Chapter 3 page 42 and I'm not continuing this shit anymore. like the older brother got me pisseddd to the core and is acting like a pussy and the only reason why the younger brother said all those horrible things is because he was shocked and HURT, I mean after being suddenly shunned, ignored, avoided and whatever the fuck the older brother did to neglect the younger brother without telling him any REASON, what kind of response did he think he would get?? the older brother even got the fucking nerve to punch him WHEN- ugh. Now, I'm not saying that the younger brother's actions was acceptable by justifying he was hurt and its cool that he apologised at the end but goddamn give that younger brother you've neglected a slack like what. the. fuck.

okay rant over.
