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Krissy May 2, 2019 11:09 am

I was at first, pretty annoyed at the black haired dude, because he was pretty prejudiced and well...sorta homophobic? But then reading the second chapter i was more annoyed with the other dude.

I'm not sure if the author thinks it's completely normal and fine to (i'm gonna use this term very loosely) almost sexually assault (or kiss maybe ?) someone in their sleep...but it's a hard no from me.

If someone (even if i were attracted to them) tried to do something to me in my sleep, i too would have kicked them out.

I don't think they should end up together either if i'm gonna be completely honest.

    Lolcatz101 May 2, 2019 12:29 pm

    I mostly with your comment, but I wanted to add another perspective.

    In the first chapter, I didn't see the seme as homophobic (though I understand where that came from). I felt like his reaction to the uke coming out was reasonable. In the same way that a man living with a random woman could be seem as inappropriate, I believe that the seme felt uncomfortable living with a stranger who might be sexually attracted to him. Had they met in a different context, I think the seme would've been a lot more accepting

    Noctyxnis May 2, 2019 3:49 pm
    I mostly with your comment, but I wanted to add another perspective.In the first chapter, I didn't see the seme as homophobic (though I understand where that came from). I felt like his reaction to the uke co... Lolcatz101

    I'm sorry but, it's just a question : how did you assume that black hair guy is the seme and blondie, uke?

    Kazure May 2, 2019 3:59 pm
    I'm sorry but, it's just a question : how did you assume that black hair guy is the seme and blondie, uke? Noctyxnis


    Kazure May 2, 2019 4:00 pm

    once you read yaoi manga for a long time, you develop a radar for these sorts of things, kind of like an acquired skill

    Mari017 May 2, 2019 4:28 pm
    once you read yaoi manga for a long time, you develop a radar for these sorts of things, kind of like an acquired skill Kazure

    But there's a "gay seme" tag? Light haired guy is seme though

    Lolcatz101 May 2, 2019 6:15 pm

    Lol, I realized after posting that I just made a random assumption for which I had no evidence. It was an honest mistake, and personally I'm fine either way, but I'm sotry for any confusion this may have caused

    Lolcatz101 May 2, 2019 6:16 pm


    caroline4323 May 2, 2019 10:26 pm

    Yep.. Do you just invite random people to live with you just bc they are homeless? I think he is pretty open-minded..

    Mélimélo-chan May 2, 2019 11:11 pm
    once you read yaoi manga for a long time, you develop a radar for these sorts of things, kind of like an acquired skill Kazure

    OMG ! Same got some radar up in here BUT! I must say I am not sure about this one! But yeah I feel like the seme would be the black hair dude as well

    Noctyxnis May 2, 2019 11:40 pm
    once you read yaoi manga for a long time, you develop a radar for these sorts of things, kind of like an acquired skill Kazure

    oh trust me, I read hundred of them. I was just a bit sceptical this time, because these two aren't that obvious. Feel more like they can switch positions