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Coulda shown the little sister and mom (more than a panel). There's no good reason as to w...

gogorobopanda July 2, 2019 1:01 pm

Coulda shown the little sister and mom (more than a panel). There's no good reason as to why women are so often faceless in yaoi, particularly the ones in which women aren't evil mothers/exes.

    Freeee July 3, 2019 11:12 am

    I got lost when h kept saying “nee-san” is coming. Whose nee-san? The two brothers’ or kazumi’s? And where is kazume’s mom?

    Freeee July 3, 2019 11:12 am
    I got lost when h kept saying “nee-san” is coming. Whose nee-san? The two brothers’ or kazumi’s? And where is kazume’s mom? Freeee


    angel1 July 9, 2019 12:45 am
    I got lost when h kept saying “nee-san” is coming. Whose nee-san? The two brothers’ or kazumi’s? And where is kazume’s mom? Freeee

    nee-san is Reiko, Kazuomi's mother and Masaki(nii-san)'s wife

    Koro_Sensei July 14, 2019 3:24 pm
    I got lost when h kept saying “nee-san” is coming. Whose nee-san? The two brothers’ or kazumi’s? And where is kazume’s mom? Freeee

    If it's a "nee-san" it's a "she" therefore, Shinobu is referring to the wife, Reiko. If it is a "nii-san", then what Shinobu was referring to a "he" therefore his brother.