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This is really disgusting racist and islamphobic. It's so freaking disrespectful. Like it'...

Anonymous May 17, 2020 2:39 am

This is really disgusting racist and islamphobic. It's so freaking disrespectful. Like it's a freakin sultan, these kinds of things are soooo not islamic and the fact that they are using Muslims for trash like this is disturbing

    linafenina May 17, 2020 2:43 am

    sorry but where did you see trash things here

    Hak>>>baka May 17, 2020 2:54 am
    sorry but where did you see trash things here linafenina

    he was kissing and sleeping with mariah before marriage it's called (zinah) and it's one of the great crimes
    ---muslims male and female do not have any physical contact with the other gender till marriage and after marriage only with his/her spouse---

    yakuzahottie May 17, 2020 4:06 am

    oh so you wouldn't find this anything wrong with it if the guy wasn't muslim? you're here, reading manga where the most popular genre is yaoi and you dare preach about religion? give me a break! why not comment with your own account so we can see what you usually read, huh? fucking coward!

    Saynon May 17, 2020 4:18 am
    oh so you wouldn't find this anything wrong with it if the guy wasn't muslim? you're here, reading manga where the most popular genre is yaoi and you dare preach about religion? give me a break! why not comment... yakuzahottie

    How are you gonna compare reading Yaoi to critisizing the use of Religion in manga? Like everyone has the right to voice their opinion on the things they've read. Theres nothing wrong with wanting Mangas to get actual real life setting correct.

    Samkeesh May 17, 2020 8:43 am
    oh so you wouldn't find this anything wrong with it if the guy wasn't muslim? you're here, reading manga where the most popular genre is yaoi and you dare preach about religion? give me a break! why not comment... yakuzahottie

    Your comment was wrong on just so many levels

    linafenina May 17, 2020 2:06 pm

    Sorry but i'm Muslims too but even now man have it easy sorry but zinaa is pretty much the women's prob and even in history Muslims king had many wife (play things)more than the "4" ok so I don't think that's a problem here it's just states reality it's not because he have a religion that that mean he's some one perfect

    mentari May 18, 2020 1:27 am
    Sorry but i'm Muslims too but even now man have it easy sorry but zinaa is pretty much the women's prob and even in history Muslims king had many wife (play things)more than the "4" ok so I don't think that's a... linafenina

    that is tradition, not religion. sadly in a lot of cultures, the men are revered while women r treated like furniture, so they get away with everything. but in islam, the weight of sin & punishment for zinaa is the same for both sexes.

    i know, muslim men r not perfect. but the problem here is THIS IS NOT THE ONLY STORY that depicts muslim men like this. they r making it like it's a normal thing for them to bed a woman before marriage.

    linaferina May 18, 2020 4:43 am
    that is tradition, not religion. sadly in a lot of cultures, the men are revered while women r treated like furniture, so they get away with everything. but in islam, the weight of sin & punishment for zina... mentari

    Hhhhhhhhhhhhh but you know All other religion say that too. And if we see all the manga and films out there , there's is more don't take it like they have problems with Islam and personally I don't see kings of Muslims country with the karisma and charms that they always describes loool take it as a compliment or don't a positive things ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    hafafa May 27, 2020 3:12 am
    oh so you wouldn't find this anything wrong with it if the guy wasn't muslim? you're here, reading manga where the most popular genre is yaoi and you dare preach about religion? give me a break! why not comment... yakuzahottie

    um I never cared to be a member, but I made an account just to reply to you sweetie.

    don't have to be muslim, or practicing to point out a disgusting islamphobic webtoon. I am a practicing muslim tho and kinda way I don't read yaoi genre. I didn't notice it's really popular tho. But since you care so much about my personal life, I do read fantasy, romance genre.

    sexism and sex before marriage is a big no no in islam. To use muslim characters doing things that are a sin is a big disrespect to islam and muslims. legit everything from mangas, tv shows, news, whatever not once to they showcase a "normal" muslim, they either have to be terrorists or oppressed women. that bs is annoying and a huge , and a huge misrepresentation of islam. so yes it's wrong for a "muslim" to be sleeping with someone who isn't he's wife, but it is a norm for nonmuslims and that's okay for y'all not us

    you don't have to be muslim to see this kind of theme as disgusting, you honestly just need to be a normal and logical person. I know you be lacking some now, but imma pray for you. in the mean time, im hella bored, so if you know any fantasy, romance genre send it my wayyyyyyy

    hafafa May 27, 2020 3:13 am
    that is tradition, not religion. sadly in a lot of cultures, the men are revered while women r treated like furniture, so they get away with everything. but in islam, the weight of sin & punishment for zina... mentari

    yes thank you. how can you be muslim and not know this

    hafafa May 27, 2020 3:29 am
    Sorry but i'm Muslims too but even now man have it easy sorry but zinaa is pretty much the women's prob and even in history Muslims king had many wife (play things)more than the "4" ok so I don't think that's a... linafenina

    Hi "I'm Mulsims" im muslim too. I understand islam and I understand trashy men who sin and are muslim isn't islam or represent islam/muslims. This is a problem of culture not religion.
    Zinaa(Sex before marriage) is a sin for both men and women. if society, the culture puts the woman's sin on a higher level, they would see her as a "slut" and not the guy, that's ur culture's issue. y'all are just sexist. Zinaa is a big sin and accusing someone requires a lot of solid evidence(multiple ppl witnessing it) so you can't accusing someone lightly. If I know a muslim guy is going around than he's a whore to me. Y'all just need to stop blaming only women because it takes two to mingle lol.
    In islam marriage is a huge deal. Muslim kings can have up to four wives (muslim men in general who can afford taking care of four families and respecting the women, treating them equal). Islamically, a "plaything" isn't a thing, it a invalid marriage if he just wants to be a whore. all the marriage rules end up in favor towards the wife or wives. That's why I am happy as a muslim woman, because Islam values women so much.
    Problem here is culture, and yes I hear stories of sultans and "leaders" misusing their power. it's wrong, it's a sin, and it's culture.
    It might be okay for you if they use less than one percent of the muslim population (1 billion of us) to mislead others into thinking islam is all about sexism, oppression and terrorism, but it isn't okay at allllll and you who is muslim shouldn't be okay with this. my love, learn ur religion take pride in it and don't let anyone insult Allah or he's religion kkkk.

    effa May 28, 2020 11:44 am
    that is tradition, not religion. sadly in a lot of cultures, the men are revered while women r treated like furniture, so they get away with everything. but in islam, the weight of sin & punishment for zina... mentari

    these novels are written a long time ago in the nineties by american authors and redrawn by Japanese artists. These works were made so long ago in a time where Americans hardly knew who Arabs are. They are a product of their time