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Nakyum is so precious, just give him any happy ending and I’ll be satisfied, he’s such...

DontmindmeImheretoread August 1, 2020 6:38 pm

Nakyum is so precious, just give him any happy ending and I’ll be satisfied, he’s such a little bean who needs love, it can be with seungho or just by himself idc just any happiness for nakyum will mean the world to me. I just want to see him smile and be comfortable and adorable!

On the other hand I wanna talk about the whole “Stockholm syndrome” kinda thing that’s happening. I don’t really think it’s Stockholm Syndrome, What I think the author wants to convey by him giving up on running away is him finally accepting who he is. Nakyum, DON’T hate painting those(just to remind ya’ll) he only don’t like it because his teacher said so and so he is in denial of it. Seungho here has the role of bringing his deepest desire, wether it’s painting or his desires for a man. Nakyum don’t like what his doing only because his teacher will be disappointed. I must say that I like Nakyum and seungho today because, ya know, actual consent, I still don’t like how their relationship kinda start, it was like Nakyum was only clinging to comfort after heartbreak and so going for the nearest available access, and it is kinda sad. But I’m hoping for like a better relationship between those two, I’m kinda having a gist that they’ll be better, and nakyum will develop “real feelings” for seungho and same goes for seungho, like changing to be a better person and only seeks nakyum. AND THEN I SWEAR THE AUTHOR Will make the sniper or hitman or whatever he is, put nakyum into critical condition and will make seungho angry but also develop deeper feelings for nakyum OR making seungho take the whatever assassination attempt is and finally have nakyum clear that he loves seungho, either way, or if it takes into an unexpected turn, I CANT WAIT!

    miineko August 1, 2020 6:50 pm

    you said it ALL

    loksiz August 1, 2020 7:01 pm


    LynxSeoltang August 1, 2020 7:21 pm

    This is exactly what I've been saying. Nakyum don't have Stockholm shit. He just simply gave up. I feel so sad for him and yeah I agree with you. I agree with everything you said.

    abthurd August 1, 2020 7:24 pm

    Yes it's not Stockholm syndrome. He stayed because he nobody wants him. And I think the thing that strucks me the most with his realization is the fact thar Seungho acknowledge his painting skill and he likes painting. It's not an ideal situation to say the least but it's what's good for him for the time being.