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Some of the characters have been shallow, but peacock dude, geez

Super Anime Fan December 13, 2020 2:04 pm

It's actually disgusting how much peacock dude puts stock in appearance. I mean, yeah, he's a peacock, and they're very shallow superficial animals, but he did a complete 180 from harassing Bai to now wanting to be with her at all costs no matter what the second he saw her real face. I mean, at least the manga called him out on it, but damn. I know they're not human and so follow different standards, much like real animals do in the real world, but still.

    Yayi December 13, 2020 2:24 pm

    Remeber it’s a manga animated from animals, the peacock is known as very beautiful animal therefore it is normal to ge attracted to beautiful animals

    Bchan December 13, 2020 2:53 pm
    Remeber it’s a manga animated from animals, the peacock is known as very beautiful animal therefore it is normal to ge attracted to beautiful animals Yayi

    the irony there being male peacocks are actually the pretty ones (since like here.. males are the one clamoring for female's attention) whereas females are the plain looking ones. XD

    Jennie Kim best girl ✨ December 13, 2020 3:41 pm
    the irony there being male peacocks are actually the pretty ones (since like here.. males are the one clamoring for female's attention) whereas females are the plain looking ones. XD Bchan

    Yeah, in the animal world, males are alwys the nicer looking one, while in humans, its the opposite.

    Super Anime Fan December 13, 2020 4:08 pm
    Remeber it’s a manga animated from animals, the peacock is known as very beautiful animal therefore it is normal to ge attracted to beautiful animals Yayi

    I'm aware of that (it's actually the argument I've been using when people mention how shallow they are), but Alva took things to a whole new level. He was borderline being abusive before, and now did a complete 180.