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Zoey Zoey Zoey February 15, 2016 8:17 am

It's super obvious that Hotoko is t really dating Ueda-San. Ueda prob said pretend your my lover and reunited with your first love. Idk his reasoning for why pretending to be lovers is a good idea. It's funny but my auto correct keeps changing Ueda into "Head". It's kind of apropo

Zoey Zoey Zoey January 14, 2016 6:32 am

Suzu Chan looks like she's three

Zoey Zoey Zoey January 12, 2016 9:02 pm

They need to adopt a baby. There needs to be another volume where somehow a baby comes into their life, like a no good relative drops off a baby and saki and jun become parents. I need to learn japanese so I can send this plot development to Kanda Neko

Zoey Zoey Zoey January 8, 2016 7:35 am

I'm not loving her newer stuff. Some of her stuff is great but lately I'm really bored. There's a lack of feeling, a lack of intensity that even in what's supposed to be an intense seen just falls flat. Maybe I'm to picky

    Suzume January 10, 2016 1:30 am

    I feel exactly the same way!

    Khaliuka January 28, 2016 5:14 pm

    wooowowowow, you totally said it for me!! I read her mangas with disappointment and an "i love her mangas" in my head xD But, i just couldn't understand what was disappointing me & u just helped me clarify it! thanks! xD

    Vampire Queen April 13, 2016 9:15 am

    Agreed, I like Koishite Daddy and Love Kids the best from sensei's work. The new stuff is ok but yeah it does not have the depth that these had.

Zoey Zoey Zoey November 19, 2015 6:45 am

Suzu looks like she's 3 which is odd since she's suposed to be in HS

    Hot & Spicy November 19, 2015 3:19 pm

    It's quit common to find a HS girl or even older that small. My cousin who's 24 is about 145-150 cm tall ( ̄∇ ̄")

Zoey Zoey Zoey November 17, 2015 7:24 pm

I can see them getting shut down over it. These sites are already treding a fine line of legality and I can totally see shota manga being used as a reason to do it. In the west any depiction of children (even drawings) shown in a sexual sit is considered kiddie porn. I'm not a fan of shota-in fact I find it triggering. I do my best to avoid it bc I know it's gonna make me freaked out. My dads a pedophile and I've got a deep scar from that. Unfortunately Mangago had its titles and covers all mixed up again (why does that happen?) and so I found myself here by accident; but it got me thinking how these mangas could maybe be used as a justification to finally shut down this website -which would suck cause I love mangago. I wouldn't just lose a place to read Yaoi but I'd lose all the work I've put into my lists.

    Errant Belle November 20, 2015 9:25 pm

    Totally agree!!!
    I just wrote the same thing.
    I wish they would remove/ban all shotacon and lollicon too for that matter.

    I missed the tag for this and read it thinking it was a yaoi story about the father.
    No, it wasn't explicit; however, I think this type of material should not be distributed in any format because, animated or not, it's basically kiddie porn.

    Thelegendofloki November 25, 2015 3:33 pm

    not a fan of it either... it's just weird.
    But I have to admit the cover looks adorable..

    LovelyOtakuLove December 31, 2015 8:32 pm

    If you don't want to read it look at the genre most shotas on this website is just doujinshi so most people read it for the shipping

    LovelyOtakuLove December 31, 2015 8:33 pm
    If you don't want to read it look at the genre most shotas on this website is just doujinshi so most people read it for the shipping LovelyOtakuLove

    It is labled correctly

    Errant Belle December 31, 2015 9:02 pm
    It is labled correctly LovelyOtakuLove

    It's not a questions of simply avoiding it.
    I don't want the website to post what amounts to child pornography.
    Basically, I do not want to use a website that traffics in child pornography, illustrated or otherwise.
    Let other website traffic in that type of material.
    I don't think it's too much to ask that this website draw a line at the sexualization of children.
    I'm surprised so many people think it's OK and even defend it.

    LovelyOtakuLove December 31, 2015 10:30 pm
    It's not a questions of simply avoiding it.I don't want the website to post what amounts to child pornography.Basically, I do not want to use a website that traffics in child pornography, illustrated or otherwi... Errant Belle

    People defend it because they like the manga some like this one are not that bad

    Errant Belle January 1, 2016 4:48 am
    People defend it because they like the manga some like this one are not that bad LovelyOtakuLove

    I guess there is the difference.
    I think an adult molesting a child is always bad.

    Anon January 1, 2016 12:24 pm
    I guess there is the difference.I think an adult molesting a child is always bad. Errant Belle

    Murder is bad. Violence is bad. A lot of people still like watching it, because it's fictional. As long as all they do is read and watch it then it's fine. It's fictional. Child pornography involves an actual living child who are not able to give consent or a legal consent having sex. There's a difference. Don't throw the word around.

    LovelyOtakuLove January 1, 2016 2:05 pm

    The funny thing is this one has barely anything in it and this is where were having this arguement

    LovelyOtakuLove January 1, 2016 2:07 pm

    And its not that I don't agree with you some of them I don't like because they are a little like yeah but if the child knows what there doing and they are okay with it I enjoy the manga more because its more cute then yeah. Its also better when they are at least teenagers

    Anonymous May 15, 2016 2:26 am

    So rape and incest are ok? Yaoi has a ton of stories that include one or the other, and in many cases both. The thing is this is considered art (not that I agree with it 100% with the content), but I do support art and the freedom to make it.
    I mean what is the difference between this and what Degas painted? He was a creep who loved little girls in the nude and in ballet clothes and yet his paintings hang in the Louvre.
    Plus dont forget all the shoujos that have the adult teacher seducing their students?
    If you get your panties in a wad over this (which is fairly tame) then I suggest you not read any manga except sweet life shoujos; like Love so Life.

    Zoey Zoey Zoey May 21, 2016 8:02 am

    This is a complicated set of thoughts and feelings I'm going to express so hopefully this comes out right-I'm not trying to judge anyone here, in fact my own opinion was mostly about the legality of this; I do not believe that everyone who enjoys shota is a pedo. I think most yaoi readers are female and most of us identify with the uke. Yaoi is written mostly by and for women & for many in Japsn is a way to experience and deal with sexual feelings that are culturally frowned on. In shoujo and yaoi the female or uke says no when it feels good bc female sexuality is repressed. Female genitalia isn't allowed to be shown yet they have festivals where giant cocks are carried down the street while young women suck on lollipops made to look like a penis. Also in Japan youth is sexualized so there's a lot of cultural shit wrapped up in these mangas. But back to my point about identifying with the uke. If I had found shota as a kid I probably would have been obsessed with it (I was a fucked up kid with sexual feelings I didn't know how to deal with-I wonder why-(sarcasm)-kids are humans and even though it makes most of us adults uncomfortable they're sensual creatures. If molested they tend to become sexualized. I certainly did, & bc I was s child I was totally freaked about it, filled with guilt and shame but still I hid explicit romance novels under my bed. I fantasized about being kidnapped and molested by boys in my class. It's hard to even admit that. Because that fucked up little girl lives inside of me I'm triggered by this shit. Because when I read romance or erotic stories I identify with the female or uke I don't like seme pov stories most of the time. I'd like to be able to explain this better but it's hard. My biggest issue with shota and lolli is that pedophiles are actually made more likely to offend by seeing images of abuse. If it wasn't that way and it kept them from messing with kids I'd be uncomfortable but wouldn't object. It doesn't work like that unfortunately. I actually feel sorry for some pedophiles, especially the ones who fight to never offend. I think some ppl are unfortuntly born that way and some are created through abuse. It's horrific and pitiful. They are reviled and are attracted to a segment of humanity that by its very nature isn't able to give consent bc of they aren't mature enough. I have no sympathy for remorseless abusers. It's true this wasn't the worst and I didn't pay attn to the label. im alao not against depictions of abuse that are part of telling a longer narrative and aren't gratuitous or created to titilate. I read a manga before that showed abuse to explain how the character became the person he was and it was moving. Hopefully this makes sense. Anyways that my thoughts

    Errant Belle May 21, 2016 8:28 am
    Murder is bad. Violence is bad. A lot of people still like watching it, because it's fictional. As long as all they do is read and watch it then it's fine. It's fictional. Child pornography involves an actual l... @Anon

    And there in lies a huge difference between you and I.
    For me, the fact that something is illustrated does not change the fact that it is child pornography. Any depiction of sex between an adult and a child is child pornography. And before you jump all over me screaming "No! No! No!", consider this...
    Currently animation is reaching a level of sophistication that allows for the creation of exceptionally life-like depictions of human beings, as well as animals, scenery, etc...
    Consequently, the difference between that which is real and illustrated facsimiles is rapidly shrinking.
    Furthermore, animators can now also use pictures of real people to create animation both quickly and affordably.
    So imagine that someone decided to illustrate, whether through still pictures or animation, your child being sexually assaulted by an adult. Would you still believe it was OK?
    And if you don't have any children, then would you be alright with someone depicting you molesting a child?
    Sure, it wouldn't be you. It would just look EXACTLY like you. And you can't say it's wrong because their using your image because, again, it's not you. Just like you think it's not child pornography because it's only illustrated.
    I know people think of shota as victimless, but I'm simply not convinced. It is material that stimulates/arouses people through the depiction of children in sexual situations, which is in and of itself dangerous because people who find molestation arousing tend to be pedophiles and pedophilia, like most sexual disorders, involves escalation. In other words, the more exposure the sexually explicit material a pedophile has, the more likely they are to move on to molesting real children in real life. No, not everyone who reads shota will abuse a child; however, some will. And in many cases it's exposure to those materials which will accelerate their transition to real world abuse.

    Errant Belle May 21, 2016 8:40 am
    This is a complicated set of thoughts and feelings I'm going to express so hopefully this comes out right-I'm not trying to judge anyone here, in fact my own opinion was mostly about the legality of this; I do ... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    You bring up another reason I don't want to see shota/loli on this or really any site.
    Children born today are able to access anything via the web so quickly, but here shota/loli is mixed with other manga representing a broad range of content.
    Sure there are warning about adult content, but let's be honest, things like that tend to attract, not deter children.
    While I believe a lot of content on this site might be detrimental to children, I believe shota/loli would be particularly dangerous to a child. In essence, it normalizes and in some cases glorifies sex involving children. That is not something any child should be exposed to.
    And I know people will say, "well you can't stop kids from finding stuff online", but that is such a cop out. First of all, you can stop children from reaching inappropriate material and/or help their parents stop them from accessing it with the right tools.
    Secondly, even if you might not be able to stop every single child from seeing something they shouldn't see, you don't simply give up. Although some children will get around deterrents, others won't. There is no reason to make it easy for them. Just like there is no reason to have illustrated child pornography on this site.

    Crazyanimefreak May 29, 2016 9:46 pm

    I feel like any manga site you would go to will have shota manga. So they would have to ban all manga sites then we wouldn't be able to read any. Honestly if your trying to avoid shota read the tags carefully.

    Errant Belle May 30, 2016 4:52 am
    I feel like any manga site you would go to will have shota manga. So they would have to ban all manga sites then we wouldn't be able to read any. Honestly if your trying to avoid shota read the tags carefully. Crazyanimefreak

    There's really no reason a manga site can't opt not to post lollicon and shotacon, in fact some do opt out of manga that include children in sexual situations, so it's not like it's a requirement.

    blackie July 21, 2016 8:38 pm
    And there in lies a huge difference between you and I.For me, the fact that something is illustrated does not change the fact that it is child pornography. Any depiction of sex between an adult and a child is c... Errant Belle

    very well said, I completely agree with both of your long posts.
    I'm glad you posted them because I was trying to think of how to portray these same thoughts, but you did so well that I can only agree with you.
    A pedophile would be attracted to shota AFTER becoming an offender, what makes us think they wouldn't be attracted to, and fueled by it, BEFORE they become an offender?
    It's like smoking in front of someone who's trying to quit

    blackie July 21, 2016 8:48 pm
    This is a complicated set of thoughts and feelings I'm going to express so hopefully this comes out right-I'm not trying to judge anyone here, in fact my own opinion was mostly about the legality of this; I do ... Zoey Zoey Zoey

    Thank you for posting your thoughts, I completely agree that these subjects should not be taken lightly, and should not portray abuse as a healthy, loving relationship.

    And I'm not talking about consentual S&M where the relationship is all about trust - I'm talking about people being sexually taken advantage of.

    But I am ok with manga that portray the real psychological issues that accompany these scenarios, and perhaps even go through the forgiveness process and DO turn into healthy relationships

    this is just what I think, tell me if i'm wrong
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Errant Belle July 21, 2016 8:54 pm
    very well said, I completely agree with both of your long posts. I'm glad you posted them because I was trying to think of how to portray these same thoughts, but you did so well that I can only agree with you.... blackie

    I love your line about smoking in front of someone who is trying to quit!

    blackie July 21, 2016 9:41 pm
    I love your line about smoking in front of someone who is trying to quit! Errant Belle

    thnx! XD

Zoey Zoey Zoey November 13, 2015 5:40 am

…I cant stand to read one chapter of a manga I'm excited about only to be left hanging while waiting. I've made myself wait but I fucking looove Hanamura Hichika ಥ_ಥ. I want to check who the scantalator is to make sure it's still an active scan group but I know if I hit start reading I won't be able to resist reading past the scantalators credit page-

Zoey Zoey Zoey November 9, 2015 11:28 pm

Have dogs now-my kids allergic to cats and most dogs but poodles & poodle mix's work so now I have the one breed I never wanted-but I'm head over heels for our pups. So maybe that's why the last story felt so sweet. Or maybe anyone whose ever had a pet that they adored and who was their best friend would get it. I've never had a dog before now so I've never had to deal with losing one. I had cats and their loss tore me to pieces. The fifth chapter totally made the whole manga better.

Zoey Zoey Zoey October 10, 2015 4:01 am

Means finding them to be the biggest fucking assholes ever. My daughters father was the biggest love of my life but I used to want to kill him regularly. Whenever he was super wrong and knew it(like when I was 8 months pregnant and he laughed at me when I lost my balance and got tangled up in the vacumn) he'd call me "baby" in this super annoying tone. My pet name for him was ass or asinine ass. Now it's shitlord but I'm not in love with him anymore. He always called me baby or dumb bitch which id make fun of him for saying bc of it was such an uninspired & cliché insult. Falling in love and being in love, especially when you start out as friends seems to also mean that you experience not just intense love but intense rage. I find when u love someone so much that it's physically painful to be separated then all your other emotions in regards to that person are extreme as well; hurt, happiness, sadness, joy, heartbreak. I like that this manga shows how much loving someone also means finding them beyond annoying.

    Anonymous October 10, 2015 8:41 pm

    saying my fathers daughter instead of my husband is sad it means that y r no longer with him although the love y felt to each other

    Zoey Zoey Zoey October 28, 2015 6:59 am

    Unfortunately life doesn't have the happy endings that romance stories normally have. Especially when they person you love is a mess. Plus I was to smart for him and to prideful to pretend I didn't sometimes know more then him. I realize now that the only thing about himself he was proud of was his intelligence so he needed to be the smartest in the room. He just got a new wife and she's never gonna challenge him intellectually. Whenevef he complains to me that she never learns anything I have to work hard to refrain from laughing and saying-but isn't that what u love about her. I feel pity for them both. He's constan trying to change her and she's often upset that he's mean to her. If it wasn't for our kid I prob wouldn't deal with him much. It's just sad-his insecurity and inability to be ok with himself have him in a constant state of instability and unable to kick his drug addiction. I may have had my heart broken but I have a wonderful child and a stable, comfortable life. I just have learned to leave the passionate love affairs to fiction. Srsly if I ever decide to give love another try its gonna be with a super nice, super stable, older guy.

Zoey Zoey Zoey October 6, 2015 4:29 am

I made myself wait eight chapters before reading only to be left in the midst of the fucking angst. Love angst but I gotta be able to get to the other side. If not in a mess. So I've decided to wait some more especially since I just watched the season finale of fear the walking dead and oh my fucking god did that show mind fuck me and leave me a soggy, sobbing mess. My two passions in fictious story lines-Yaoi and zombies.

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