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crunchysocc asked question about question

Im kinda bored so I'm asking this Mine is probably my dating history, what about you

crunchysocc created a topic of Distorted Soul

plot is crazy af and both main characters are problematic, but art and storytelling is done so well, it is probably going to make me cry a lot

crunchysocc followed question about question

Okay okay okay i know i should already know or something but i just realized that the exams i have this week are gonna be like last ones that don’t really matter that much ? If that makes sense lol So plssss tell for the future me how to study to get on with this stupid ass school :D (I never study lmao)

20 days
crunchysocc answered question about question
this year sucked so hard but can't deny my favorite was Ireland, found Bambie thug to be quite an inspiration to me plus they're literally gorgeous, i am obsessed with how they executed the performance
crunchysocc answered question about sky children of light
omgg been a sky cotl player since two years now i love it sm but sadly have been too busy with uni projects to play lately
crunchysocc like the answer
[SPOILERS] They All Died Screaming is an apocalyptic slasher horror book written from two perspectives: during a deadly pandemic and a boy who is adopted by a serial kidnapper who *a*pes his "swine." There is a twist in the end that absolutely sickened me. Things have gotten worse since we last spoke is a lesbian 'meet-cute' that goes terribly wr......
crunchysocc answered question about question
I often think about this, i love kids and i love taking care of them, but what scares me is that im not emotionally stable enough and i might end up being an emotionally absent parent
crunchysocc answered question about question
it actually got so bad since ever i got tik tok ngl
crunchysocc answered question about question
toilet terrorist's hall of fame
crunchysocc answered question about question
i dont think i need to say itnumbers speak for themselves
crunchysocc answered question about question
any games by rusty lake are very cool imo, especially the cube escape series
crunchysocc created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

ohh this is taking a turn i dont like but at the same time it's pretty interesting

crunchysocc answered question about school is stressful
3,5 on organic chemistry after i spent my money on private lectures
crunchysocc created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

"Why is there a comet in the final episode of Land of the Lustrous? I thought about it and looked into it,
Comet Pons-Brooks, which has a beautiful pale color like phosphophyllite, will be observable this year for the first time in about 70 years (perihelion will be in April 2024).

Mr. Ichikawa also said, ``I finished it as planned.''

(found on twitter)

All the hiatuses were planned for this, I think everybody has to know

I am ending myself goodbye

crunchysocc created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

Today for the last chapter i decided to reread the whole thing again, cried so much i will miss this series a lot, it still feels somewhat unreal that it ended. This story means so so much to me I think ill never find something that will ever make me feel this way again, it will always be my favorite