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crunchysocc answered question about question
idk abt others but when i get told that i take it with pride like "wow they think im independent" so yea imo she might not have meant it in a negative way
crunchysocc created a topic of Nerd Project

help i am thankful for the translations but why do some translators decide to use the ugliest fonts, just use a normal one it impacts the reading

crunchysocc answered question about character obsession
a bear, at least nobody will ask me what I was wearing if i get assaulted
crunchysocc answered question about question
its okay to take things calmly, dont rush anything! especially when it comes to deciding your future, i know there's a lot of pressure about many things at that age but remember that it is okay to take your time to think things through, and if u end up taking paths that you regret later on remember u can always change it whenever you want, you got ......
crunchysocc created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

this was a nice read but the amount of second hand emberrassment it gave me is unmatched

crunchysocc answered question about question
yes its the government's fault and the way they manipulate us through 5G waves!! REMEMBER TO WEAR THE TIN FOIL HATS Y'ALL THE GOVIRNMNT WONT GET US!!
crunchysocc answered question about love myself
I dont have a set style it is usually either dark academia or homelessish lmfao-
crunchysocc answered question about question
im currently waiting for wuthering waves rn it will come out on 22 may (i know ill drop it after one week cause im too burnt out for ts but still)
crunchysocc followed question about talking on walkie talkie

Whats a random dream you remember really well like you can remember every little details For me there i dreamt of it in elementary school and it was abt my whole house being sucked into the barbecue in my backyard and the first thing that was sucked in was a green pillow

31 03,2024
crunchysocc answered question about question
it was detergent powder for the washing machine, it was laying near the toilet and i thought it looked delicious so i took a spoonful and then spent the next hours washing my mouth

do people actually find this hot im sorry ash is being disgusting these last chapters, it is getting so uncomfortable to read

crunchysocc answered question about question
my parents used to tell me that if i eat too much cheese id get worms in my stomach cause i loved cheese too much
crunchysocc answered question about dream about fave yaoi hottie
back in my gifted kid days i really thought i could be anything i wanted and my dream was to be a vet cause i used to be obsessed with animals and it was all i could ever talk about, but a couple years ago i worked for internship as vet assistant and oh man it wasnt fun, first day at work had to aide for a horse pregnancy check and i came home dren......
crunchysocc followed question about question

what are some cultural shocks that you guys have experienced? also, do you guys think pretty privilege is a thing? have you guys experienced it? it was a year ago. my family and i had a 3 weeks vacation to the philippines. it was lowkey creepy since a lot of people were staring at me whenever we cross a street or just walk. i asked my filipino co......

29 03,2024
crunchysocc answered question about question
accidentally rejected my middle school crush because i literally didnt hear her confession even tho i made her repeate it a couple times i swear my ears just shut down when somebody has to tell me something important, its like they start speaking gibberish so i really just replied with "ahaha" she got sadd also one year later i was drunk and ende......