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crunchysocc created a topic of Houseki no Kuni

this chapter broke me i am sobbing, "i wonder if master would be proud of me" cant be sure abt master but we sure are, phos

crunchysocc answered question about made a thing
this is one oc i cherish cause i made her to feel less alone about my compulsive skin picking (she got it as well) but i still havent been able to come up with a name that satisfies me
crunchysocc answered question about being single
sudden phonecalls for minor things that a single text message could resolve

88 people did   /   441 want to do

met so many people from here i love them smm

crunchysocc answered question about question
tbh sometimes i feel like there's so much going on at once that if i was about to sit in front of a therapist to get help i would have no idea what to say or where to start
crunchysocc followed a goer

The only and inimitable one, UNO!  
Yes... like the card game 

Find recommendations in my lists 

"The babies are going to exceed the realm of comprehension. A number beyond infinity. Uno we’re gonna have a force greater than any other. A deck of cards at our demand." - Skoopy 

24 03,2024
crunchysocc followed question about what is your philosophy

I'm curious about the consensus on this. Do you think humans are born naturally bad or naturally good, and then afterwards shaped by their environment? Do you think we're born with a mix of both? Or are we a blank slate? Is it standard throughout all people or does it vary?

24 03,2024
crunchysocc followed question about question

A lot of manhwa artists use 3D models/objects to cut down on drawing time and push out faster chapters. The contrast between the realistic 3D models and the artist's 2D art can be really funny. Share some silly 3D model panels with me!

23 03,2024
crunchysocc answered question about question
Im so sorry for the loss, here some feet its not much but i hope it works as consolation
crunchysocc answered question about learn a new skill
I have incredible aim when i flick my hairties on people's forehead
crunchysocc answered question about question
crunchysocc answered question about question
I survived a nuclear war/attack but the radiation caused my skin to fall off and my body and cranium to deform completely and i became some sort of monster, same happened to everyone else in my town too, we became immortal and started living in underground tunnels and we were all looking so horrific it was somewhat fun, for some reason in the dream......
crunchysocc answered question about question
i have no idea if it can be guessable or not
crunchysocc answered question about question
crunchysocc answered question about question
had a nasty porn addiction for around 7 years and my parents kept finding out but now i think i got over it, or at least i am managing it better
crunchysocc followed question about question

What’s some scenes in Manwha/manga that literally made your jaw drop like an audible gasp came out

10 03,2024
crunchysocc followed question about question

I've been on an art spree and I wanna see y'all's work too. I've tried new things for my drawings and have been listening to Ayesha erotica for an hour straight.

04 03,2024
crunchysocc followed question about get to know you

Im bored, i want a quick fluff/angst/smut name it.

02 03,2024
crunchysocc followed question about question

I am confused about my relationship. I recently got into a relationship just this valentines, and I'm still confused about what I feel about this guy. We just got together after a week which ik, honestly made me skeptical too as to why tf i did that. But he is such a sweet guy, he's so affectionate and all. So thoughtful and I think he does love m......

28 02,2024

first part of this was weird as hell I am disgusted