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Just a guy created a topic of PASSION

I know it's not gonna happen because it's not that kind of webtoon, but just once, I'd like to see an MC escape their toxic love interest for good, whether that's leaving them or by fighting back and winning. Or maybe not even escape, but at least give the toxic person as good as they get. Poor Tay only got one good sucker punch in before he went back to getting steamrolled.

Just a guy created a topic of Yobau Yomosugara

This manga sure is something. In Chapter 1, we learn the MC was mostly fine with the possibility of an old man sneaking into his room and sexually assaulting him. And in Chapter 4, we learn the love interest was an adult when he met and fell in love with the then child MC. I guess they're a match made in heaven then. And let's not even get started on all the bullshitery going on in the brother's story.

Just a guy created a topic of Akatsuki no Yona

God damn. I was rereading this manga and the vibes really have been downhill since chapter 179. That's almost 5 years and 100 chapters of the author making me sad on purpose. Don't get me wrong, I love the drama and the intrigue, and I think everything is well-written, but what I wouldn't give for a moment of triumph or fluff to alleviate the soul-crushing empathy I feel for these characters and their suffering.

Just a guy created a topic of GIVEN: The 10th Mix

I think I'm happy, but apprehensive. I thought the original work had a great ending. I wish I knew what the author plans to do by continuing the story.

So, the dragon king cut off the arm of his own soldier and was about to genocide the whole bird kingdom and they just... moved on from there? No discussion, no reckoning for the destruction and possible annihilation wrought by the ML? Just cuddles and kisses? I mean... if you want your story to be confusing and unsatisfying, more power to you. Also, what was the deal with the bird kingdom? They were evil enough to kill unarmed attendants and turn on each other, but that was the first time they'd attacked in a millenia? Why?? Did this story get axed or does the author just have absolutely no skills at writing conflict or ending a story?

Just a guy created a topic of Guardians Of The Lamb

I'm glad we got a happy ending for Hari and Moogil, but damn, there was so much more I wanted to see. I wanted to see Hari get introduced to Simon. I wanted to see Hari and Moogil go out and find his grandparents. It seems like Hari has decided to start acting again and I would've loved to see how she made that decision. But here we are at the end, so I suppose I'll have to be happy with what we got. Maybe we'll get lucky and there will be bonus chapters.

As angsty and harrowing as all these new developments are, I do think it's kind of funny/ironic that Penelope didn't forsee this possibility with Eclis before now. Like, the whole reason any of this is happening is because girl got herself trapped in an otome game. Bad ends with an obsessed yandere are a pretty common feature in otome games. Penelope's gotta get good.

In all seriousness, I understand why someone realistically would forget about game mechanics when they're constantly afraid for their life, but still. Kinda funny that all this drama is still par for the course in a dating sim.

I liked the relationship between Iana and Isaac, but also it felt kinda rushed and out of nowhere. Iana already has, what, four(?) potential suitors and you're telling me that some guy who she hasn't even known for that long and who she was only using to further her own goal in the first place is the one she loves the most? That she would give up on 9 volumes of efforts to stop her sister from becoming the Saint just for this guy? Sorry, author, I did really like the dynamic between them, but you're going to have to put a little more time and effort into their relationship to get to me to believe that's something the main character would do on her own without the plot forcing her to do it.

Just a guy created a topic of Hime Muko

Has it been known that the characters were in their late teens this whole time? Did I just forget because I originally read this through the fan translations a while ago? Does anyone have a chapter/page reference for when their ages were mentioned before the bonus chapters?? Because I had to do a double-take when I read that Shiki was only 17.

Just a guy created a topic of Finding My Father's Son

Damn, I forgot how much I liked this. Jericho very believable as a teenage girl. She doesn't act like she's secretly an adult and she isn't too immature either. She's really a great female lead and I can't wait to see where this story goes now that's it's back to updating.


Somehow, this is worse than if her kind family was just an act and was secretly using her the whole time. Seems like they all genuinely cherished Wisteria until the younger sister was in danger and then they all turned on her. The ex-love interest is especially nasty. The younger sister clearly loved Wisteria, and I genuinely can't imagine her being okay with marrying a man who told her beloved sister to die in her place. Not to mention, the asshole had the audacity to forbid talking about her and allow bad rumors to spread about the woman who loved him and also took his wife's place as sacrifice. I hope Rosalie divorces him - but knowing these types of stories, Wisteria will probably come back and forgive him and wish them happiness and absolutely nothing will be resolved in a satisfying manner.


Just a guy created a topic of Lucia

It returns! I have no idea what's going on.

I was pretty set on wanting Azure to be endgame until this volume. I still like him, but it's never going to work out if he stays as king, because he'll have to put the kingdom first over Nina like he does here. Nina needs someone to support her, and I think Sett does a much better job. That being said, I'm not convinced the author agrees with me. It's hard to think the endgame will be anyone but Azure, considering that the author describes him as "perfect boyfriend material."

Just a guy created a topic of Under the Oak Tree

I know Riftan is being an ass and he sucks for that but also I kind of love it. I don't think I'd enjoy Maxi's growth and her learning to take charge quite as much as I do now if Riftan was acting perfect and automatically supportive. Watching him want to protect her but be stupid about it and watching her want to help and putting her foot down and not put up with his well-intentioned bullshit is great, and I think the conflict between their characters and their desires is fun to see now that Maxi has grown a bit of a backbone.

Just a guy created a topic of Troll Trap

PLEASE. I am praying for Jihyun to be useful again. She had a little power-up where she contributed more than usual and she has been a liability ever since. She helps out here and there but mostly she gets taken hostage or forced back onto the sidelines while a different character steps up to do the heavy lifting. PLEASE give her another training montage or something so she can level up with the rest of her team.

Just a guy created a topic of Bad Friend

Was there a non-sexy reason the other crystal had to go up his ass? I understood the justification for feeding Rigon the life crystal that was basically an aphrodisiac because negative energy and whatever. But the bead up the butt was lost on me.

An unexpected update. Now......give me the dog x cat romance you've been teasing us with for so long, you coward!!!!


Sooo... the metal-looking stuff on the demon lord's face in his original form was just his face? I was kind of hoping for an original form face reveal but... I guess that's just his face???? And the mask on the demon lord's servant is also just part of his face????????

Just a guy created a topic of Minato Machi Neko Machi

I wish we'd gotten another chapter of Sora grieving and then healing and maybe agreeing to be the witch for a new cat. I don't know. It just seems too sad for the manga to end on "the cat never came home again." Maybe I'm just too much of a dog person and I just don't have the strength of heart to let cats go when they're ready to go.