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trying to convince myself thats claude but those damned rolled sleeves make me think otherwise

potato soup answered question about sleep more
hello, ADHDer here ^^ im happy to answer the questions here id just like to say i have my fair share of comorbidities so those will likely make my answers different from someone with fewer. for me the extent to which it affects me can change a lot, even with the same day; i have SAD so my executive function is definitely far worse in winter and wh......
potato soup created a topic of Can't Think Straight

hes so good in the upcoming chapters uwaaa

man yall are gonna god insane at the next 3 chapters

potato soup created a topic of High Pulse

still think he looks weird with black hair after it being brown so long

potato soup created a topic of Swapping

how dare they make me think ho seo was gonna actually gonna die/did die twice in one chapter and not have them say i love you to eachother.. i cant accept this im going thru raws even tho its 2am, ive already cried, and ill have to go through hell again

potato soup created a topic of Can't Think Straight

makes me happy to see him all depressed and pathetic. hes also improving bit by bit already too. who knew realising your sexuality would change you as a person/s

so excited for specifically this weeks raw chap to get translated. papago is papago so its decent but there was some translations that had me genuinely worried but seeing the official trans for this makes me feel better ( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ ) also while reading raws i was wondering about if ash's rut/rut cycle was different from most alphas since he didnt have it until now whereas with lyle its a monthly thing. making me think that it happens farther apart and because of that its more intense, making him more... (⊙…⊙ )

potato soup created a topic of Someone Like You

theyre so in love *clutches my chest and keels over

potato soup created a topic of Believe My Sign

how we holding up everyone? eyes puffy? snot running?

potato soup created a topic of Can't Think Straight

bet garams gonna laugh in his face

potato soup like the experience about love for the booty
Oh my GODDD YAWLLLLL IM FUCKING CTYUNG I CRODE. IM CRODE. AGGGHHH AHHHH AGGHHHHH UUUGGGHHHHHHH....... DEFINE THE RELATIIMSHIO.... PP00-PPPP-PPPEAK....... PERCHANCE........ nobody understands karlyle the way I do we have a telepathic mental link he's so relatable and real I crode. They're literally so fucking healthy (aside from the misunderstandi......
potato soup created a topic of Believe My Sign

buckle up everyone the next 16 chapters are pain incarnate ^^
dont drop this shit tho its so fucking good it made me pass out at 4am after sobbing reading the raws on a school night. def one of my all-time favorites, especially for angst

oh just you all wait huhuhu... things are gonna get GOOD hehehe

wanna kick in that bastards stupid blonde head. bro acts like he cares about seria but its just obsession and hes willing to do damn near anything to get seria back into his grimy claws. cant believe some of you are going along with his manipulation and victim blaming hes doing anything he can to guilt trip her and yall are mad shes not telling him to screw off? since when did that ever work?
crazy to see people going along with his insane ass

potato soup created a topic of A Trace of the Wonder

i saw the notif from manta and died a bit and now i am dead

potato soup created a topic of Reunion

best creampie ive ever seen on this site

potato soup created a topic of Popping Candy

i need someone whos read the novel or raws (if theyre far enough) to me if its gonna take forever for this to get better. im only at chap 18 and i can tell that hongyuns being at least somewhat fake and these comments are making me dread reading past this point.
i dont want this to be like that stupid sandcastle bl but if it is i wanna stop now. gonna die if i have to finish another shitshow like that again

never thought id say this but im so excited to see rouche get all alpha male when callis is there