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Tagged it "horror" ?

I've been reading 50 chapters waiting for the horrific part then suddenly it was the end.

It's not a bad story but it's definitely not what i was looking for.

Please read the stories before tagging ffs

This was way too complicated without having much to say.
It's just about obsession of both manipulative protagonists and the ending just shows them diving deeper in that unhealthy relationship.
The storyline is confusing as fck ( and the shitty translation of the 1st chapters makes it even worse) but in the end, absolutely nothing happened and they re still stuck in the same shit.
The characters are all detestable and the moral of the story is : "when life is shit, be even shittier then all's well that ends well", wtf.

What spoilers? No there's no spoilers here wtf

So cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiché, everything's sooooooooo cliché. Omg. And the art is... meh, the characters look so stiff.
But more than that, it's so cliché.
So cliché that i feel like the plot, the characters, the positions, art style, dialogues, any events in this story and even the COLOURS or (lol!) Characters' proportions could be swapped with any others from any yaoi/heroic fantasy book, we wouldn't even notice it.

The only good thing in this whole book is Bia.

11 09,2023

??? ? ???? ????????? ? ???? !!!
#!@%& ?

I usually hate short stories but they were all so cool!
No i didn't cry at chapter 22!!!
Okay maybe i did a bit but shit this story was so sad... In the end i don't even know if it was my favourite one or most hated, but it certainly touched me.

Well that sure was unique. At first, the art made me uncomfortable, and i couldn't figure out where the story was going.
It was about magic,.then relationships, and expectations, also about hardships, and society, and life.

But in the end, it's a story about burnouts, and i like the message conveyed.

Don't try to be perfect, don't fit other's expectations and learn to let go. Just live.

It's a beautiful yet subtle ending.
But really the art style is.... Ughhhhhh ><

And i cried for Miyeong. Seriously having a hard time with these kind of things, my dog is at the end of his life and I somehow became hypersensitive on that matter...
RIP, asshole parrot

03 09,2023

About that seth x horus ship because horus is oh so virtuous and caring.
Did you guys all skip season 1?

Horus was literally the first one shown raping* seth...
Well Osiris was the first but it appeared way later in the story if i remember well?

I'm actually more interested in knowing how they're gonna break the curse, what's going to happen to anubis, isis current situation and how the humans will overcome all that actual mess.
It's been a while since we last saw Ra, i miss her mischievous character and I'm curious about her behaviour in season 1.

And i also wanna know who the hell is the foreign god who was after Seth's ass for so many chapters oO

Feel free to dm me spoilers xD

What about his family? And the whole kidnapping thing??? How did it happen and what happened after that, what the fck???

You really gonna leave us like that???


My comment just magically disappeared?

I was expecting them to be a mess, but even then it's an absolute disaster x')

Also, to those who tagged it "twins"... Please read the books before tagging, you're fcking up the search results.
There's no twins in this story.

This story is great, have an actual and interesting plot, the art is gorgeous, the light work is crazy, the translation is not some sloppy Google translate disaster and here are the readers rating rapists.
I really don't understand you guys anymore.

The art is REAAAAALLY basic, the story is... I thought it was about baseball but it seems to be about just the characters who happen to play baseball.
And once again, it comes from an editor who would sell their mother's soul and ribs to satan to sell porn to kids.

So yea, make up your minds. Do yaoi or do shonen ai but stop with this ridiculous censorship. We don't care that much about the sex scenes, we've got pornhub.

Also I don't know why but some chapters need several minutes to load, I'm not waiting that long to see black covered half panels of a not so great drawing in a story that doesn't seem to have any actual plot..
I rarely drop something i started reading even when it sucks, so i guess i really didn't like this one.


To whomever tagged it with [can't wait for next chapter]

Why did i think it was completed??

Has the less sandwichy sandwich I've ever seen

I'm facing a terrible dilemma here.

Well first, the art is ok. Translation is good and character development does exist. The plot... Well its just a plain toxic relationship trope with nothing else around.

The main characters are absolutely detestable and all i felt for the side characters was pity. One of them even just dissipated into thin air lol, RIP Jowoon.

Oh, also half a chapter at the end was seriously not enough to explain Jiwoo's hateful and despicable behaviour all along the story, I would have enjoyed a bit of the scenes from his POV cuz... Seriously wtf man.

I'd say it's not really interesting but i sticked to it until the end out of unhealthy curiosity but this ending was seriously pure shit, so I don't even know how to rate it.

None of them deserved a good ending and making this story a tragedy would have been so much more coherent, so yea, I don't know what to think of it.