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Camelia created a topic of Wet Sand

Not related to the romance between characters. But covers of seasons seems to match the character the season kinda focus on. For the first we had Ian, an in the first season we saw a lot of his backstory, explanations about him etc...
Now we have TJ and there's already focus on him, we are getting his backstory in newest chapter, there's bigger focus on the things he's planning to do regarding the mafia etc.
It may be totally unrelated, but it's interesting to think about that.

And regarding the romance.
I understand people and why they are mad. I hate love triangles and dragging things around. But on the other hand Ian isn't obligated to stay with Jo just because Jo said he likes him. Life is more complicated than that (I agree that Ian shouldn't be giving him false hope tho).
And Isn's x TJ's relationship is complicated from the beginning. Their entire lifes they knew only for eachother, they were only constants in eachother's lifes. It's not that much about love how much it is about dependance and fear of losing that one comfort feeling of constance. (I know TJ broke Ian's legs and their relationship is toxic, but just take in count what kind of life they are living and where from they are coming).
As for TJ I even see him as tragic character. I kinda pity him (as a oerson, not as a Isn's lover/fuck buddy)
I'm very interested in where the story will go.