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This mf Yahwi saw condoms and went "It's enough to make a guy soft." Corny ass mf It probably didn't fit him cus his dick smaller than his dignity fr.
2024-02-13 10:03 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2024-02-11 14:08 marked
Since the new season has started let me share few songs that best describes the three main characters, their lives and relationships in this story. I request you guys to listen the songs while reading the story. You will understand them and the story better.

Ian : Stay Alive by Jungkook. Mind you this song actually fit Ian better than his own song "Addiction". Jungkook's voice will make you feel and understand what Ian has been going through in his life. I suggest you to look for a correct English translation for this song since there are so many incorrect ones.

Joseph : Kishi Ou no Hokori. It's a bittersweet OST. You won't require any lyrics to understand him. Listen to this OST while you read about him and you will understand why this OST perfectly fit him. Rewrite The Stars and Til Kingdom Come by Coldplay are well suited for him and his relationship with Ian.

TJ : Softcore by The Neighbourhood. Just give a listen, TJ immediately will appear in your mind. That's how perfect this song for him. We Danced Together by The Rakes. What better song that fit him and his relationship with Ian. This song will make you understand how complicated their relationship is.
2024-02-10 16:01 marked
Junghyun was tolerable yet annoying bc it seemed like he really did care about hajin but after the time skip, he became nothing but disgusting scum. If he really cared about him, he would’ve let hajin make his own choices. But he just wanted to possess Hajin and keep him for all the wrong reasons. I do like how the story shows how they were kids and how Hajin used to cherish him as a friend.
2024-02-10 03:35 marked
It took me an entire season to realise that this is a love triangle. I avoid them like the plague, but somehow this one is palatable.

Time for my controversial take.

The "chemistry" that a lot of people see between Ian and TJ is simply just obsession and addiction. Ian wants out of the chains TJ has held him in, but I guarantee if TJ somehow miraculously let go of them, Ian would sit still like a dog awaiting a command. They're both bad for each other, but TJ is too consumed to either realise or accept it.

Jo and Ian were doomed from the start. There is little hope of them ending up happy together. Ian is tied to TJ, and no matter how far Ian runs, he'll always have a line leading directly to him. Jo is being pitted against someone on a much higher level than him in terms of emotional fondness. No matter how much Ian may want him, a part of him still belongs to TJ.

Jo offers him stability but TJ offers him familiarity.

My prediction and wish is that Ian doesn't end up with either. He wouldn't be happy with TJ and it would just be so unfair to Jo. Gaining his freedom and starting a new life would be the best option for him. He's never been alone for long enough to establish himself as an individual. Give him a few years to figure his stuff out, then he can try again.
2024-02-09 02:59 marked
Because ain't NONE of these mfs clean when you look at them through "real world" lenses, and I hope y'all realize that.

Jooin: irl the guy would be considered a master gaslighter. He constantly gaslit himself into believing the worst about Yahwi, and occasionally Cain too, not giving them a chance to explain or talk it out before lashing out at them over his own assumptions. On multiple occasions he even tried to gaslight Cain and Yahwi to their faces, telling THEM how THEY feel. Something he never really apologizes for. At some point I think the author tried to turn him into an "inspirational" assertive bossbabe, but irl his behavior towards people would just be considered paranoid, cold, cruel and b!tchy. Also deep down he knew he was in love with Yahwi all along, he couldn't stop thinking about his feelings for him 24/7, but he still strung Cain along for a while.

Yahwi: it might be a fetish trope in smutty yaois, but irl a lot of his seggsy times with Jooin would be considered coerced at best and forced at worst. Yes, he also drank the night of their first time, but after seeing how drunk Jooin was moments ago, he should've known he was not in the right condition to consent. Also he definitely used force that time at the school trip. He is also insanely emotionally constipated and has abandonment issues, which makes him lash out and turn mean whenever he fears rejection. Also has/had a tendency to be very selfish and disregard other's wishes and feelings.

Cain: irl him making a move on Jooin when he was heartbroken and at his most vulnerable, and honestly not in the right headspace to consent, would be considered exploitation. Not to mention all the seggsual harassment he did to him without Jooin's knowledge, e.g. when he was asleep. Mostly had good intentions, but at times showed selfish and controlling behavior when he resorted to manipulation and lies to get either what he wanted (e.g. living with Jooin), or what he thought was best for Jooin (which really isn't decision to make). Also he was a stalker at first.
2024-02-05 03:41 marked
Also how tf did the author manage to write the most beautiful love letter from cain's pov but then give yahwi the goofiest fucking lines like "ya know yer the only one i wanna breathe in"??? Made me gag bruh what the hell was bro saying
2024-02-04 06:36 marked
I started off disliking a lot of Subin's trait but now, I just find it so frustrating watching people not understand him. I feel like so many of these comments are so ??? like Jun deserves better but so does Subin if that's the case. If you think they are incompatible it's not just because of Subin. Jun is lacking in so many areas too. Subin has much more nuance and a way better understanding of his own emotions (whilst being quite volatile/reactive out of the two), Jun on the other hand tends to hide under a mask. They are both insecure in their own way but Jun suppresses it to the point he starts letting them fester and they become a huge deal. I feel it's really unfair how so many people only blame one party for all this misunderstandings. I love Jun but I am not blind. I have enough critical thinking to understand the reason they are really fighting is not just Subin not saying "I love you" back easily. It's easy to blame Subin but really its not fair.

Maybe it's also because I've read the raws and from what I understood, Jun is a frustrating lover too. I guess with gaps in their age comes gaps in mentality or perspectives. But I am not gonna throw either one under the bus and say one deserves better.
They both deserve better, better versions of each other. Please fuckin communicate.
2024-02-04 04:15 marked
I'm not in either of teams, because entire story was shitshow and authors couldn't figure the plot out. But it's called Yourst to claim, Cain wrote that on the ring blah blah and that stupid spineless worm again ended up with Yahwi. Ik Yahwi was ML and everything, he's 'trying' to change etc. But he got to Jooin's home by doing the same thing as ever, being playful and not accepting no for an answer and ofc Jooin being spineless accepted him.

All 3 of them should have been with someone else. Even in Cain's case, he loved some history image, not what's in front of him. It was dependance love, not true love because he never had time to meet snd understand our stupid MC enough in present. He was driven by the past.
We just have to accept that it's not about the characters but about the authors who can't write the story in good way
2024-02-03 07:20 marked
If he (Jooin) was going to stay with the toxic and unstable ex -that caused him so much trauma (and couldn't stop blackmailing him with "you're the only one I got after mother"...) Why is the tittle called, "YOURS TO CLAIM"!? Cab somebody explain why we have developments, why we become suspicious for the behavior of those whom we loved and they instead gave us trauma, but in Jooin's case he asks for a KISS?! Does self-love means nothing to him?????!!!?!
2024-02-03 05:54 marked
This BS about Yahwi changing and not doing things that just suit his feelings. Miss. Me. With. That. Sh!t. He literally shows back up in Jooin's life because *he* needs it, and since showing back up, he's been doing everything he can to immediately get in the dude's pants.

You sure you missed the whole human, or maybe you just missed his @ss?! The dude asks for permission, like he cares, but just keeps on without getting it. Like seriously, Jooin has zero self-respect getting back with this guy instead of someone who treats him like he's worth more than what he can give the other person.

Gonna chalk this up to just another toxic yaoi couple, I guess. And just when I finally thought Jooin had finally grown the flip up. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
2024-02-03 05:50 marked
Two authors and this is the best they could do
2024-02-03 05:50 marked
This manhwa is really messing w me now. Like when I thought Yahwi was the endgame. Cain came along and stole Jooin away. And now that I finally started accepting Cain as the new ML seeing how he's actually so good. And now Jooin messes it all up. LIKE CAN'T YOU FCKING CHOOSE WHO'S BETTER??? If they were going to throw Cain away just like that after all the physical and emotional connection then they shouldn't have added him in the damn plot. Like I understand it made Jooin a strong person but what about Cain? What did he do? Why must he shoulder the burden of someone else? And now right after Yahwi comes in front of Jooin, he melts away? He literally kissed him on day one. This manhwa has become such a joke.
2024-02-01 22:53 marked
I don't really write "reviews" or my long thoughts on pirate sites like this. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Since I'm reading illegally. But I just have to write a little something. I don't think this ending was earned. I think the author had too many ideas and themes in their head. While also slightly chasing trends within Korean BL. Jooin and Yahwi's could have been it's own thing. Jooin and Cain could have been it's own thing. But them both together jumbled both. It seems the author wanted to make more mature "adult" love triangle. But with conflict themes and dynamics it all got lost in the sauce. I've read a few other media that have the MC break away from their love interests in order to self actualize. But this one lacked the proper vibe, maturity, and nuances to make it come together. I don't hate this story as some seem to do. But I do think it got too lost in its own self to be great.
2024-01-29 22:11 marked
this has been going on so long with 10 chapters being dedicated to one topic over and over y’all I barely even remember what is going on tbh

I miss when this was just a regular love triangle with hopes and dreams but now it’s just like if Jooin was gonna go back to Yawhi he should just did that when he first apologized or something cos girl that shit dragged lmaoooo
2024-01-28 03:14 marked
The story is trash and the readers unsatisfied, and just wanted to wrap it up quickly?

From the beginning it was obvious to anyone who knows their BL tropes that Yahwi was endgame, so that's not surprising. But the author truly managed to ruin the uke and both romances with their toxic storytelling, so no matter how much more they'd drag the story on for it was always gonna feel unsatisfying.
2024-01-28 03:13 marked
So stupid, with a few sentences and you forgave him after several years apart?
2024-01-26 05:01 marked
I can appreciate a good character growth but it's all been skipped, hasn't it?
We really never saw yahwi grow into the man jooin deserves.
Where's the repentance? Where's the internal healing? Where's the THERAPY?!!!!
Man o man.
Disappointed but eh.
2024-01-26 04:58 marked
There's a difference with wanting the endgame with Jooin and Cain and not wanting it after ch100 now which Yawhi stans don't even understand.

Jooin pre chapter 100: He's moving on from both relationships. He's focusing on himself and healing. If they both met up now, Jooin and Cain would start a relationship on equal footing. Cain wanting Jooin for who he is now, not what he was in the past, and Jooin being with Cain when he isn't vulnerable and hurt and looking for comfort.

This. This is the Jooin we wanted for Cain to end up with.

Jooin chapter 100: He's able to confront Yawhi without letting his past feelings get in the way... or so we thought. He decides to forget everything Yawhi's done to him, immediately rushes into relationship without even knowing if Yawhi has changed.

This is not the Jooin we want for Cain.
2024-01-26 04:57 marked
I can't believe Cain was the only one with complete character development. And before you say Jooin and Yawhi had development, no, they didn't, they more or less back tracked to who they were before. A timeskip does not count as development lol.

Of course this depends on how the story unfolds but Cain is the only one so far that decided to "let go" of the past he's been holding onto to finally be his own person. This is still staying true unless the author decides to fuck up.

For Jooin, his development has reached below 50 ft of crap after chapter 100. For a guy that was talking about moving on from both guys and trying to look out for himself for almost 20 chapters straight, he caved pretty easily in a single chapter without a shred of development or build up to end up with Yawhi. He tells both guys to move on after hurting him in different ways but the moment he sees his ex, he bends over.

As for Yawhi, all I see is him using how pitiful he is as a manipulation tactic. Sure, he regrets his actions but he's at the point where he can't live without Jooin. He literally begs him (again like in the past) instead of trying to build trust and making up for the things he did to him before. Instead, he chooses to rush into a relationship with him.

*sighs* the open ending was at least decent and kept everyones character in tact.
2024-01-26 04:42 marked

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