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I’ve seen a lot of negative comments about this manhwa. It’s understandable for those who have following since the beginning.

For myself, i just started reading it recently and the waiting does not really affected me.

However, my pov that the storyline does drags too much. We know that the story doesn’t always need to be a happy ending but the writer keep coming back with the return of the characters. I guess this what the writer want. A story we can’t predict for the ending. I am thrill to wait for the next chapter. Just hoping it will be the last chapter.

This was the first manhwa that make me cried. On the part where Cain tell his past live story to Jooin when he sleeps
2024-01-20 02:05 marked
I think I’m at peace with this. Like I think we all know where it’s going, and I might not read what’s coming next, but I’m satisfied with Jooin’s growth. No, I don’t think he did Cain dirty. I actually think he did a great job resolving that relationship. Like there’s no way that it was gonna be healthy if they had gotten together when Cain still thought of himself as Jooin’s dog. If he would have stayed, his entire world would have been Jooin and that would not have been healthy for either of them.

I think Jooin also did a good job resolving things with Yahwi. He called him out on the bullshit and walked away.

It’s looking like they might reconcile but at least Jooin spent time on his own, reconnected with friends, graduated, and became an independent adult all on his own. He’s gained confidence and learned how to put himself first.

I’m not a fan of stories wheee abusers get a second chance so I’m probably dropping this now, but it’s not a bad place to drop it. I felt like I ended up getting a conclusion for every character.
2024-01-19 23:28 marked
Imagine double killing your ex husband corpse then having seggs with your beloved in the same room for a long timeee

2024-01-18 02:39 marked
With this last chapter, it's really difficult to predict what's happening next...
So Jooin chose to let both of them go, which is pretty understandable for me at least.
With Yahwi it's clear that they both loved each other but Jooin got so much hurt in that relationship that he can't be with Yahwi no more. Or at least not now. Maybe they will meet in the future and fall in love again, in a healthy way. But for that to happen, they really need a long Time skip, like them meeting as 30 year olds or something. But it's as if it's going to be a completely different story. Don't know how they Can pull that.
As for Cain, it's more ambiguous in the sense that we're not sure of what Jooin feels for him. Jooin himself seems to be still confused about those feelings..we know that he's precious to him, that he finds him attractive. But does he love him? He says that treasuring is not loving but at the same time we see him in other chapters blushing with his Heart beating when Cain is close to him. Him saying that his feelings for Cain came drip by drip, and also him sleeping at his mom's place to not be alone when Cain left.
To me it seems that he chose to let Cain go because of two reasons. First because he doesn't want him to abandon everything(family, Friends, studies).
Jooin cares a lot for Cain and he certainly doesn't want to ruin cain's life. And secondly, because Jooin doesn't want to be Cain's master, that is not the kind of relationship he wants. Even in their last conversation, Cain still talks about Jooin as if he was the same person of the past life. With Cain's letter, Jooin maybe came to realize that Cain has this much love not for him but for his past life master and that makes their relationship vague and based on something that Jooin is not aware of. That makes Jooin doubt his own feelings too because he doesn't know much about the real Cain of this World. So there are for sure some unresolved issues between these. I think they will surely meet again in the future.
2024-01-17 18:59 marked
Had reread the chapters again and it's so much to grasp that majority won't really know what's being said. But I'm glad Jooin decided to choose himself before anything else. He's not ready and neither are Cain and Yahwi. A separation was needed and during this time they will have clears minds without the rush of emotions blinding them. But can I say, I really enjoyed Cain departure, it was so much imagery and emotion, some may see it negativity but I saw it more positively, they will definitely meet again.
2024-01-16 16:58 marked
Let's be honest. All 3 of them are toxic to each other in some regard when it comes to being in relationships...I know this has been a frustrating ride, but I'm not mad at this honest depiction of 3 people moving on when things aren't right for them. It's just more accurate to real life which is probably why people are hating on it so much...I think it would be nice for them all to find their own versions of happiness, who knows, maybe when they grow a bit and become a bit more mature something might bring one of the couples back together and it can work.
2024-01-16 16:55 marked
As much as i wanted this to end already but this is the best chapter ever from this story as far as i am concerned. I have so much going on with my own love life right now like literally i am in the verge of calling off my engagement and i thought i needed to hear this today though ive been seeing and hearing signs but my delulu self wouldn't listen. Lmao. Kidding aside, i think loving someone wholeheartedly and letting them go at the same time is still as beautiful as loving them while you're being in a relationship. Painful yet still pulchritudinous picture. It takes a lot of courage and self awareness to come forward and let the person you love the most go and choose your self choose happiness for yourself then hope for things in the future that everything will be fine that one day there's come a very special person who will make you happy and you will feel loved again. This chapter is just very well written. Cain you may be just a character but you are a beautiful one, and I'll love you for as long as im alive.
2024-01-13 17:06 marked
I get what Jooin wanted, he saw himself in Cain. Like when Jooin let himself get walked all over for Yawhi to be content with him. He knew living for someone else is not the way to go, and so he freed Cain from that burden. I know people wanna be like “Jooin is so dramatic/Jooins dragging it on/Jooin is leading Cain on yet again” but Jooin is the only one who can give Cain closure with a proper breakup. I really like Jooin, I didn’t want him to end up with anyone because both options were unhealthy, but if Cain comes back after finally living life for himself, then I wouldn’t be upset if they got back together. Jooin is so misunderstood, I hope every little Yawhi dick rider learns to put themselves first like Jooin did throughout this story lol.
2024-01-13 17:06 marked
The difference between Jooin ending the relationship with Yahwi versus him ending it with Cain is that, with Yahwi, based on their dialogue in previous chapters, Jooin realizes that he does not love Yahwi anymore. What he feels for Yahwi is more pity or compassion than love. He cares for Yahwi like a friend/brother. While Jooin's decision to break up with Cain is solely based on his belief in Cain's older brother's words; Cain's love for him is synonymous with a mental dislocation. Fairly speaking, Jooin believes that Cain has gone awry.

I kind of get where the author is trying to go with this story but then again the breakup feels incomplete. It feels incomplete because only Jooin and Yahwi had a complete breakup ending based on Jooin's realization of his feelings towards Yahwi. Well, Yahwi has become someone he feels sorry for. While with Cain the breakup feels more incomplete because the decision was made based on a third party's opinion about their relationship; in this case Cain's older brother.

I wonder how will Jooin react when Cain's younger brother or older brother confirms to him that Cain is, in fact, not crazy, but is simply in love with him. Boy, that'll be extra depressing to read.

I can't argue with the fact that Cain's love for Jooin should have been written differently. Well, what's done is done. But, the reality check Cain needed to hear the most was to acknowledge himself as a human being, not as a dog, and to learn how to live in the present as well as to learn how to love himself first. And Jooin was able to convey that to him.

At the end of the day, the choices made right now will finally help them all move on and heal from this burdensome poisonous experience. Jeez, don't we all need that!

But, the author being the author, I won't be surprised if his end game is Jooin and Yahwi because that's what they've been shipping for since chapter one.
2024-01-13 08:38 marked
Hot take but I feel like jooin reacted like most people would when being faced with the choice between two people like bro was an over thinker with low self esteem who was in a toxic relationship like cut the man some slack. I think this story is so frustrating for people because jooin is just very human like people are complicated and don't always make good choices. I actually think it was a good choice to make jooin end up with cain instead of going back to Yahwi because even though he has changed he still at one point treated Jooin badly and he shouldn't be forgiven just because he changed. I would have like to see Jooin grow as a character on his own before getting with cain but we can't win them all ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2024-01-13 06:16 marked
I can't believe I'm saying this but i actually like jooin here. He was always indecisive af but he knew what Cain needed. Cain needed to live this life as Cain and not a dog he was in the past life. Thanks to jooin, Cain has overcome the past he thought his entire identity was about. Good job jooin. And good for jooin too. Often times we see the MCs identity just being about who they end up with etc etc but jooin has emerged as someone who didn't tie his identity to any of the potential partners. Good for him and good for Cain and as much as I don't like yahwi I wish him well too. He behaved bad, day after day as a result of his trauma but that doesn't excuse his actions yet I hope he gets therapy and gets better. These last few chapters showed Jooin's growth way more than the entire story did and honestly I'm happy for him
2024-01-13 06:02 marked
As much as i too think this was dragged to hell and back, they're FINALLY having a healthy and proper communication. They're expressing what they need to say to each other. Even with the yawhi convo (which i believe is Jooin completely cutting things off with yawhi) Jooin's finally communicating what he needs to say in order to get where he neds to be as a person.
2024-01-12 21:45 marked
I actually agreed 100% with Jooin. I get why he wanted to see Cain again, and everything that he said was absolutely right. He does feel something for Cain but they aren't on the same level. Cain loves him deeply and Jooin can't feel the same. It really would be a toxic relationship if only one side is truly devoted. I still wanted they together but only if Jooin could love Cain the same way that he loves him. I just hope that at this point Jooin doesn't end up with Yahwi either
2024-01-12 21:29 marked
Yall realize that these characters are just really realistic right? People saying join is annoying, can’t make a decision, but that’s how any person would react in that situation. It started of smutty yeah but the plot is good it’s just more emotional now. The author is definitely thinking about a good ending that will give everyone what they need. It’s a great story tbh
2024-01-12 21:21 marked
Jeez, Jooin not falling in love with Cain is the most crazy unrealistic thing. Literally the perfect man.
2024-01-12 21:14 marked
I was today years old when I found out that people really think Jooin committed infidelity... How when he was never in an actual relationship.

people are so funny. they read love triangles and then go around sl*tshaming the bottom whenever he's with one guy after being with the other. if you don't have the capacity to understand how love triangles are supposed to work, then it's better not to read them. jooin did nothing wrong, people are just bitter

2024-01-12 21:13 marked
I never thought I'd post a comment under this because a lot of comments are also very negative. So many webtoons follow the exact same beats especially when it comes to love triangles. Weak willed MC is in love with toxic ML who just uses him. A second ML comes along who's nicer it seems like he is the obvious choice but MC will end up choosing 1st ML after he admits his faults. That's what I was expecting, it seemed to be following that destined track.

But no, every character made mistakes because they are young idiots who can’t communicate. And now they are addressing it. Jooin realizes that Yahwi took extreme advantage of him and needs to let me him go to heal from the trauma. Jooin also realizes he took advantage of Cain’s feelings while in a low place, but didn’t accept that he didn’t get a proper send off. Clear communication is something you don’t get to see in webtoons, and I think its addressed so well in here. I don’t think the story is dragging on, it’s something us something we haven’t seen before. As far as the conclusion…. There might be time skip and maybe after that there can be some reconciliation, I wouldn’t mind that because hey that literally actually happened after some breakups. But I’d be ok with an opened ended future for Jooin, I think a lot of people won’t like it though
2024-01-12 12:05 marked
Jooin ends up alone team! BTS did tell you to love yourself before anything else
2024-01-11 14:17 marked
Why are ppl suddenly hating cain for giving jooin actual kind words/ being "poetic" when even in the earlier chapters, jooin and cain has always been poetic w eachother? Jooin even compared cain to a spring rain. Why are you all mad that jooin is getting kind words from cain instead of being verbally abused by yahwi
2024-01-07 14:08 marked
Yahwi crying so hard lmaooooo guess what? Trauma is not a license to make someone miserable. Jooin leaving Yahwi is the best thing he did and him realizing that Cain had always treated him right is the redemption of this story. That's realistic so suck it up. LOL
2024-01-07 01:08 marked

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