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GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

I actually was really anticipating the authors' notes because I needed to know what was going on in their minds while creating this poorly executed love triangle. And then I read that Cain was the first character to be created and that the concept was born out of his own bg (a pet being reincarnated). And then what do they do? Create a love triangle (with 2 characters that are not on par with Cain at all, I'm sorry Jooin and Yawhi stans), set everything in a present day that doesn't relate to the concept of reincarnation (except from Cain of course) and just use Cain as a device to get the other two to be endgame. And on top of that???? We are told that Cain's whole existence is just in relation of Jooin's existence (like, Cain learned to love himself but he is still not his own person) and that the authors are not likely to show us A FULL ASS BG/SIDE STORY about Cain (and his brothers). Ah and yes also Cain is not allowed to have another love story.
Like, authors, you can use a lot of deep and meaningful concept and just sing praises to all of your ideas and characters, but the execution WAS NOT IT. Just no.
Cain literally deserves his own story. We DO NOT need more side stories about Jooin and Yawhi, who from the very beginning should have had their own story SEPARATED from Cain's story.
They are literally two whole different plots put together just because "love triangles sell". Yes, when they make sense and are well executed. But not like this.
I appreciated reading the process behind this story. I hope the authors are happy with themselves and are resting now. But I will cut my fingers off before reading another one of their stories. Unless it is about giving justice to Cain. That I will read. And it is funny because I was not and I am not a Cain stan lol I didn't even wanted him to end up with Jooin in the end. Like, characters like Cain are not really my favorites in general, but in this webtoon he is the best written character...but he is just a plot device. I am so disappointed but also resigned because I shouldn't have expected anything better after reading the authors' very first webtoon (the one before Yours to Claim, which too had bonker plot).
See yall somewhere else (maybe complaining together on Jinx).

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

"Therefore, the story existed in my ideas folder for a very long time..."

To quote another author, Mr C. Hitchens who was far more interesting and entertaining than these two: "That's also where it should have stayed"

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Basically Cain won't have a story because his whole purpose in the world is to follow Jooin's order to live and be happy?
I never, NEVER, saw a character so poorly written.
That could have made a good premise to make his own story and maybe grow as person and character and to build a good plot around his growth and gradually taking distance from Jooin. But nah, in the end every character focus only on Jooin.
I sincerely hope the writer doesn't write anymore because they are not good at doing this. There is nothing good in this story: not the characters, not the plot, not the development.
The only thing that I wanted from this story was actually an arc for Cain, but nope we don't even deserve that?
Sorry author, but no. You have SO wronged me.

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

All the author note told me is that they made up excuses and justifications and that the story was actually meant for Cain, the reason is started but in the end made him a side character. They say main character but it's obvious they switch up on him despite giving all the good qualities (even waje the artist says so). Should've just stuck with the first idea they had it would've been better and much happier as the the reincarnation doggo came to learn how be human instead of being a damn love triangle.

GODZILLA like topic of Wet Sand

Well, looks like Jo just realized that Ian is most likely still in love with TJ. I personally didn’t even realize that Ian was in love with him until Jo voiced it in his head this chapter (the flashback was from chapter 15. In the flashback, Ian admits to having been in love with someone once and in this chapter 45, Jo realizes that Ian never stopped loving the person he was talking about. However Ian himself didn’t realize it and just refers to TJ as family).

For those of you who didn’t grasp it, the reason why Jo says to himself that he’s not as pure as Ian thinks he is, is because by telling Ian to respect TJ’s wishes, he’s lowkey hoping to keep them apart so he has a better chance with Ian.

GODZILLA created a topic of Camboy Bunny


GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

YOOOOOO I was on fb and twt. I saw a new manhwa couple and I shit you not they look exactly like Cain and Jooin (even wearing the same outfits). The fucking top name is McCain too So Cain stans if you want a better story with just fluff it's called Camboy Bunny. Cain really did reincarnated in another life and become that boy (referring Katy perry song)

GODZILLA created a topic of Wet Sand

Are people not realizing that Ian just realized that their sex isn't romantic but a coping mechanism for their trauma? It's a form of escapism from the reality they do not want to face, its a unhealthy emotional outlet.

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

I'm happy that Cain looks back fondly with no ill emotions but I'm also dissatisfied. I really wanted more with Cain family but it felt rushed with their closure just to move to the 2nd half and add Jooin. Tbh I didn't really care for Jooin part at all, kind scroll pass it real quick because all this could've been done way better. Either way glad Cain doing well.

Bonus info: Cain's chapters all take place before chapter 99-100.
I think his chapters should've been first because its random asf to put it afterwards.

GODZILLA created a topic of Leave the Work to Me!

Just want say that I really love authors that include HL, GL and BL in their series, all the flavoring is nice, thank you for feeding us so well

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Wow the author really loves words play.
Canis = Wolve, Mong, does mean dreams but it also means Woof.... girl how obsessive are you with wolves. Jooin = Master, Yahwi = Cat. Literally got the master owning both the canine and feline. Did she really think this was some grand writing?

I think the adaptation writer really likes Tristan because I swear some scenes never happened in the novel. Well it has been long since I last checked.

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

I can't believe Cain was able to escape to reality and leave the manhwa just like that. He's built different

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

not me just straight up reading ch 105 with no knowledge about this manhwa just for yellow haired guy. Yes, I have not read this and had not a single clue about what was going on but never the less it was CUTE!

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

a happy ending isn't always about romance & love exists in many forms including loving the world, ourselves, our family and friends! I am so happy for cain<3

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Love that Cain has no hatred in him and sees all the good. He is so colorful and shines warmly. Just love that all his panels are drawn so well, someone had pointed out that all of Cain's chapters are always so colorful and 105 proves it

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Damn, just saw the recent chapter and Cain really did win. He's the true winner

GODZILLA created a topic of A Terrible Romance

Fair warning my darlings. This season (S3) will be all about Minho and Woojin, mostly past. Like no lie, Taehwan shows up in 5-6 chapters out of the 30+ chapter's.

GODZILLA created a topic of Flower of the Sun

If anyone cares Side Story 1 is actually Side Story 2. The stupid red site skip the first chapter and review that contain important info.

GODZILLA like topic of ARTS MANZ

I have a sneaking suspicion that Joohyuk behaves this way with Eun-oh because of inferiority complex. He might be the president of the art club, but I think he does his best to stay at the top, so Joohyuk doesn't get bored. It's just a speculative theory.
Well, in any case, his shitty behaviour just gave an opportunity for a third person to slip in. However, I don't think Eun-oh will stay with him. Joohyuk and Eun-oh will be endgame.
(I know Joohyuk is probably going to be super annoying for like 50 chapters, but I'm prepared. I don't want to hate him already.)

...Or the author could surprise us and Eun-oh will end up with Michelangelo's David a.k.a. Mr. Shaggy Black Haired Nude Model.

A little backstory behind Michelangelo's David :

1. Inspiration :
Michelangelo drew inspiration for this sculpture from the Biblical story of David, the tale of a young shepherd boy who saved the Israelites by slaying the warrior giant Goliath wielding only a sling and a handful of stones.

2. David’s pre-battle pose.
Traditionally, sculptors and artists portrayed David in his after victory pose — triumphant over Goliath. But, Michelangelo chose to depict David before the battle. That’s why David is tense, and at the apex of his concentration.

3. David the Hero.
David’s slingshot, which he carries over his shoulder, is almost invisible. This was done to emphasize that David’s victory was one of cleverness, and not out of force. He also exudes confidence and concentration, both values of the “thinking man”, considered as the image of perfection during the Renaissance period.

Whatever it may end up being, it will certainly be entertaining and I'm looking forward to it. (☆▽☆)