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Atlas add manga to list Re-read Favorites, part 2

Sasabe Sumito is an omega with a complicated past which made him hate betas. He has been newly hired...

  • Author: Kusabi Keri
  • Genres: Drama / Romance / Smut / Yaoi
Atlas add manga to list Re-read Favorites, part 2

A story between high school boys who are childhood friends(Chapter 1 found in Cheri+ magazine, March...

  • Author: SCARLET Beriko
  • Genres: Romance / School Life / Yaoi
Atlas answered question about question
Easy... Buy lube that look like semen (yes that exist) and go have fun... This doesn't necessarily have anything to do with a kink, though it could have... And breeding kink (to my understanding) doesn't equal wanting to have kids necessarily... Don't have kids unless you're thinking about raising them, not just about the pregnancy and the sex........
Atlas add manga to list Re-read Favorites, part 2

Miyazawa Subaru is a designer, who thanks to the recommendation from his planetarium creator friend,...

  • Author: Kida bisco
  • Genres: Shounen Ai / Yaoi
Atlas answered question about question
For me, I don't think, it's about whether I would want to stay friends with them or not, I couldn't.... I would definitely have a talk with them about it, but if we're so far apart in our values or thoughts that, I find them morally wrong, I couldn't stay friends with them.... How am I supposed to trust them or even just have fun with them if, I kn......
Atlas answered question about if u are not human
What are you people on about??? NOBODY's an asshole for being something. The only way anyone's an asshole is if they ACT LIKE ONE.... Anyone calling you an asshole for simply being the way you are or feeling the way, you do, is actually the asshole!!! As long as you don't actively walk around hurting people on purpose, you're not an asshole - th......
Atlas answered question about video games
Trust me....It's not motivation, it's ADDICTION.... I have no right to say this, since I don't follow my own advice, but don't spend your money... It's just an endless cycle...
Atlas created a topic of Wait, I Love You

How is this so highly rated?

The art is top tier... but the story and the characters are cringe, over the top and honestly so unbelievably repetitive it's insane...

They are supposed to be adults, but they're acting and talking as if they're 13 years old.... No adult speak and act like this....

Also give them things to say - I feel like, I just read the same few sentences again and again....

Atlas add manga to list Re-read Favorites, part 2


  • Author: Ayu ikemori
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance
Atlas answered question about question
Are you really this unaware or? You know people have different types!!! and from what you've said, it seems like your type is the stereotypical top looking person, BUT you do realize there are other people in this world with other types right...??? There are literally billions of people in this world and not everyone's going to think like you..........
Atlas answered question about question
STOP with this "study well" nonsense you guys are commenting!!!! I promise you when you're 30/40/50/60 you're going to regret it if all you did was study well, unless what you love most in life is studying - then go ahead... The older you get, the more time is taken up by work and responsibilities, and that's not a bad thing, but it means you're ......
Atlas created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

You guys expecting some sort of epic fluff and not a sadistic side story are weird....

It's giving "I know he's a serial killer, but I can fix him"

I think a lot of us can agree there is too much SA and violence in a lot of stories, that have no business being there, but this is not it...
This story is literally centered around a character who's a murderer, who's been forceful and violent from the beginning - and shocker he is a sadistic fxck...

If you don't want to read about these characters, then that's fine, even understandable, but it's weird and borderline unhinged to expect these characters to suddenly become saints, just because that will fit your own narrative...

Bad guys are bad and they do bad stuff okay!

Atlas created a topic of Mad Dog

I feel like people are weird if they expected anything other than SA or dubcon in this story... We're literally dealing with a psycho serial killer who has very little regard, if any at all, for anyone else but himself.... Expecting the psychopath to suddenly be a good guy is mind blowing to me....

This is not me condoning SA in any way, this is me calling you guys out for putting a psycho on a pedestal and then being surprised he belongs in the gutter...

Doing research is NOT a nicer way of saying you've been watching porn!!!??? gay, straight, any porn is not and will never be something you can use for research.... I'm only saying this, if anyone here thinks porn can be used for research, it cannot.... Please know that 99% of porn has almost nothing to do with reality.... <3

Atlas created a topic of Love So Pure

This is one of those that start of sort of mid... Like the first 10 chapters are just ok and then you read another chapter and then another and another and it just gets better and better and better.... and by the end of it you're like NOOOOO make it go on forever....

Atlas add manga to list Re-read Favorites, part 2


  • Author: Janome
  • Genres: Comedy / Romance / School Life / Yaoi
Atlas add manga to list Re-read Favorites, part 2

A compilation of various extra chapters from "Tasogare Outfocus"....

  • Author: Janome
  • Genres: Drama / School Life / Slice Of Life / Romance / Yaoi
Atlas followed a list

୧••୨ ========== Feel Free To Suggest Anything==========୧••୨ 

what to expect from this list-╫░
 Shape-shifter = Animal can shape-shift into Human 
Animal-traits = Humans with animal appearance ears, tail, legs, etc.
Bestiality = Human X animal


.••. .••. .••. .••. .••. .••. .••..••.

03 03,2024
Atlas created a topic of We'll Get Our Happy Ending

Did I just read a story about a person, trying to imitate emotions, or is this story written by a person imitating emotions, because it has to be one of the two options.....

Soma literally belongs in a psychological story and the other characters aren't much better....and either that is intentional but odd in this plot...or it's accidental because the author has a disconnect from the emotions... idno....