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Nemaki May 21, 2019 9:47 am

I want to find a yaoi that I've totally forgotten until now x') It was about a guy (uke) feeling aroused like someone touching him whenever another handsome gay guy (seme) is thinking about touching him sexually, but like it feels really real... And it leads to really embarassing situations like uke having a hard on at work x') Seme is popular and secretly gay and he wanted to fuck uke since high school maybe? They work in the same place, uke doesn't like seme very much because he thinks of him as a rival since high school. For those illusions to disapear, seme has to fuck uke (I don't remember why haha)
Does someone remember this yaoi? I think it was popular
Thank you have a nice day!

    fujosheep May 21, 2019 10:30 am

    I have read this manga too(๑•ㅂ•)و✧.Unfortunately,I have asked about this question but nobody answered it (/TДT)/ .Try to remember the tags

    fujosheep May 21, 2019 10:35 am Rainbow_stree

    thank you soooooooooooo much ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ eventhough I'm not the one who ask the question,but still,I appreciate it(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Rainbow_stree May 21, 2019 10:36 am
    thank you soooooooooooo much ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ eventhough I'm not the one who ask the question,but still,I appreciate it(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ fujosheep


    Lennon May 21, 2019 10:40 am


    Nemaki May 21, 2019 10:47 am Rainbow_stree

    Thank you!! ^_^ so it's not available on mangago anymore huh... :'(

    fujosheep May 21, 2019 12:03 pm Rainbow_stree

    I clicked one of the links and it brought me to the manhwa creator's twitter.He/She rant about a certain people who uploaded her artwork which is a man in virtue on mangago and illegal websites

    Rainbow_stree May 21, 2019 1:00 pm

    Well yeah and that is the main reason that its not here anymore but someone shared his/her google drive link for the same manhwa.. let me find it

    Nemaki May 21, 2019 2:35 pm
    Well yeah and that is the main reason that its not here anymore but someone shared his/her google drive link for the same manhwa.. let me find it Rainbow_stree

    Oh that would be so cool!! TToTT Thank you!

    Rainbow_stree May 21, 2019 6:56 pm
    A mangago user named honeyjam shared it personally

    Nemaki May 21, 2019 8:03 pm mangago user named honeyjam shared it personally Rainbow_stree

    Thank you so much!! Really!! :DD and thank you honeyjam! ^_^

    fujosheep May 22, 2019 12:28 pm mangago user named honeyjam shared it personally Rainbow_stree


    Kimsomi September 30, 2020 2:14 pm

    It’s not working

    Lennon September 30, 2020 3:21 pm
    It’s not working Kimsomi

    You're responding now?!

    Nemaki September 30, 2020 3:33 pm
    You're responding now?! Lennon

    Right it's been more than a year! How did someone find this post lmaoooo xDD
    But yes the link doesn't work anymore... I guess someone deleted it

    Rainbow_stree September 30, 2020 3:34 pm

    the link may have expired

    Nemaki September 30, 2020 4:07 pm

    It's funny and also pleasuring how everyone is still here after more than a year ^^ Like how have you been you all hahaha xD

    Kimsomi September 30, 2020 5:25 pm
    the link may have expired Rainbow_stree

    Ahhh right lol

Nemaki May 16, 2019 10:36 pm

I want to find a yaoi I've forgotten its name... It was about 2 guys in university, they were adults not high school boys that I remember. They were friends but one falls in love with the other (I think it was the uke but I'm not sure because both of them are manly at the same level). So he falls in love with seme, seme discovers it, I think they stay friends but then slowly seme becomes conscious of uke and they go out together.
I also remember that uke is tall, not feminine and has black hair. And seme has blond hair (or light brown or something but his hair hi white in the manga because there's no colour) and he has glasses.
I also remember seme like girls who have small wrists, and uke doesn't have small wrists x')
I don't remember anything else :/
Does someone know this yaoi?
Thank you have a nice day / evening!

Nemaki April 24, 2019 7:13 pm


So... did anyone here go see endgame today? What did you think about it?
For me, I really loved it!!! It was awesome!!! Though there was a lot of details about those little time travelers I didn't always understand x') and also there was too little captain marvel in this movie to my taste! :'( But apart of that everything was sooooooo great! The final battle was just perfect!!!
The deaths in this movie... so emotional oh my god... I almost bursted in tears in the cinema when Black Widow died... Such a strong and courageous woman... RIP Natasha :'( You were heroic through the very end.
And also Tony of course... he could have lived peacefully with Pepper and his daughter, but he chose to save everyone and also sacrificied himself to make everyone come back. Everything begins and ends with him... A great homage for him. Thank you Iron man... We'll never forget you.

    Shichi April 24, 2019 9:04 pm

    Oh my god reallyyy?? Can u list me who’s dead and alive? Pleaseeeeeee, I’m broke af this month n next month (barely survive, lol) so i couldn’t watch it n all my friends are sucks, they won’t tell me anything. Fuck them! So pleasee, i just want to know who’s dead and alive. ╥﹏╥

    Nemaki April 24, 2019 9:22 pm
    Oh my god reallyyy?? Can u list me who’s dead and alive? Pleaseeeeeee, I’m broke af this month n next month (barely survive, lol) so i couldn’t watch it n all my friends are sucks, they won’t tell me an... Shichi

    Haha ok I'll tell you ^^ All of those who disapeared in ashes are alive at the end of the movie. And for those who are definitly dead there is :
    - Iron man
    - Black widow
    - Vision
    -all the asgardians
    - and Thanos of course

    I have a doubt for Gamora but it seems she comes back alive if I understood well! But she will be different.
    All the rest are alive I think I didn't forget anyone!

    PoraPora April 24, 2019 11:20 pm
    Haha ok I'll tell you ^^ All of those who disapeared in ashes are alive at the end of the movie. And for those who are definitly dead there is : - Iron man- Black widow- Vision-Loki-all the asgardians- and Than... Nemaki

    Lol thanks actually I’m I’ll make predictions with my family and then act smart because I got them all right lol

    Nemaki April 24, 2019 11:33 pm
    Lol thanks actually I’m I’ll make predictions with my family and then act smart because I got them all right lol PoraPora

    Loooool you cheater xDD

    Imveryawkward April 24, 2019 11:36 pm

    Oof, my dad can't get tickets cuz he said that they're all sold out.

    Imveryawkward April 24, 2019 11:37 pm

    - in my area.

    Nemaki April 25, 2019 12:05 am
    - in my area. Imveryawkward

    Yep I reserved my ticket at the beginning of the month, the cinema was really full!

    Shichi April 25, 2019 9:20 am
    Haha ok I'll tell you ^^ All of those who disapeared in ashes are alive at the end of the movie. And for those who are definitly dead there is : - Iron man- Black widow- Vision-Loki-all the asgardians- and Than... Nemaki

    Thank youuuu!!! Love youuuu!!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Fuck my friends!(︶︿︶)=凸

Nemaki April 13, 2019 8:17 am

I want to find a yaoi I've read before... It was about 2 boys high school student best friends, one of them was from the sport departement (basketball maybe?). But one day I don't really remember but the sport student (uke) has to stimulate his prostate because he has an illness or something and he goes to a cabinet with his friend (seme) coming with him. The doctor was a woman and she guide seme stimulating prostate's seme. Seme x uke come from best friends to lovers I think.
Do you know this yaoi?
Thank you have a nice day!

Nemaki March 17, 2019 10:59 pm

Hello everyone!
I want to talk about a sensitive subject about me, and I can't really talk about it with my surrounding so I came here...
This subject is about my sexual orientation. Actually, I'm a girl, 22 years old and I've never gone out nor kissed nor slept with someone. That never really bothered me and I don't feel bad about it, but it's not like I'm against all those things. It's also not like I never fell in love with someone and not like I never was attracted to someone. Then what? With time passing, I noticed that girls like me with 0 experience were more and more rare in my surrounding. And today, I know no girl like me!!! I know they exist and I'm not the only one of course, but of all the people that I know, there is none... I was a little shocked when I realised this.
But then again why?
And not long ago, I found (most of) the reason : it's because I'm bisexual, but sexually attracted to men and romantically attracted to women. At 22 years old, I finally know what I am and I can sort of imagine what my future will be : living alone all my life, or going out / marry a man but breaking up with / divorcing him some years later because I can't stand him anymore, or going out with / marry a woman but having 0 sexual interaction with her...
When I think about that, I get a little sad because whatever the choice I make I'll never have the chance to be completely happy...
That's what I wanted to talk about. I'm sorry it's not manga related but I had to talk about it... I don't know if it's because it's not know in france but I couldn't find anything about people just like me on internet so I didn't know where to go to talk about this...
Are there people like me here? Or do you know someone like that? I want to know that there are people like me and that I'm not the only one like that... If someone has a link of a group (or other) of people like me, please tell me because there is a lot I still don't know about myself and that would reassure me that there are people like me.
Thank you for reading my story, have a nice day / evening.

    민지 March 17, 2019 11:14 pm

    You and I are very similar. I relate to you on so many levels. I am 18 and I too have the same issue. I have never gone through all the "normal" stuff people go through like love and dating. And that's OKAY!!!!!! I just want you to know there is nothing to be ashamed of. Although it's not common, rest assure their are others going through the same issue. You're not alone.
    I'm sure you won't be alone forever like you imagine to be, you're bound to find someone. I know it feels scary to see yourself alone (I too am going through the same situation) but maybe the universe will have different plans for you.

    Nemaki March 17, 2019 11:51 pm
    You and I are very similar. I relate to you on so many levels. I am 18 and I too have the same issue. I have never gone through all the "normal" stuff people go through like love and dating. And that's OKAY!!!!... 민지

    Thank you very much for your response! Yeah I know it's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm not, but honestly it's a little akward when someone asks me if I was ever in a relationship before and I tell them the truth... They always look shocked for a second and then change the subject xD but I don't mind that much haha
    There's also pressure of my parents who want to see me married with children someday... like a lot of girls I guess, but I never talked about this with them I know they wouldn't understand :(
    Anyway thank you for your kindness I was really touched! Whether you are like me or not, I wish you the best too for your future ^_^ <3 <3

    Noree March 17, 2019 11:54 pm

    I guess I would consider myself in a similar scenario that you're in.
    I get romantic feelings for guys but I whenever I think about the future of us being together or getting married. etc it feels kinda null or hopeless; Like if I were to start dating with them, I'd be glad that I'm with them but I wouldn't be "truly happy" in the relationship.
    When I look at girls I immediately get turned on or attracted by them but I've never grown any romantic feelings or development for a specific girl before.
    Like when I think of a future of being with a girl I feel complete, but there's no girl to fill in that imaginary dream of mine and all I can imagine is a blank figure.
    Unfortunately, I'm still lost and I don't know how to manage these feelings but I'm glad that I'm not the only one whos going through this.

    tl;dr I get crushes on boys but I can never imagine a happy future with them and I imagine happy futures with girls but I can never develop a crush on a girl.
    (Note: I'm a girl; just stating to avoid confusion)

    Nemaki March 18, 2019 12:15 am
    I guess I would consider myself in a similar scenario that you're in. I get romantic feelings for guys but I whenever I think about the future of us being together or getting married. etc it feels kinda null o... Noree

    Thanks for your reply! It seems we are almost the same, except our sexual attraction and romantical attraction for one sex are reversed maybe.
    I'm glad to meet someone like me, it's really hard when all you see in your surrounding are happy hetero / bi / homosexual people fulfilled in their romantic and sexual life and you can't identify yourself to any of them... I hope to meet more persons like us in the future! Though I'm lost too I wish you the best for your future :)

    민지 March 18, 2019 12:27 am
    Thank you very much for your response! Yeah I know it's nothing to be ashamed of, I'm not, but honestly it's a little akward when someone asks me if I was ever in a relationship before and I tell them the truth... Nemaki

    Today's society is harsh. If only people understood not everyone is the same and we're all different!!!! People assume once you hit a certain age, you're supposed to be somewhat experienced, when that's far from the truth lol. ( ̄∇ ̄")
    I understand though, parents tend to not be too understanding when it comes to things like these, I wish they were!!! I guess they want the best for us, even if it seems a bit harsh and too demanding. Maybe they'll come to understand someday!!!
    Thank you though and likewis ~~ Best of wishes to you too~~~~ (⌒▽⌒)

    UkeLover March 18, 2019 12:42 am

    Why think so far ahead? Have fun while you can. Plus you can find someone who wants an open relationship.

    Nemaki March 18, 2019 1:01 am
    Why think so far ahead? Have fun while you can. Plus you can find someone who wants an open relationship. UkeLover

    I'm not the type to have a relationship just for fun, that's my problem : it has to be serious or else better staying single haha, I think like that.
    I actually thought about having a relationship with a man and a woman at the same time (not cheating of course everything would be consual, I don't know how it's called in english) but I'm not sure it is what I want because I don't know anyone like that, I would be very lucky if I could find at the same time a man I'm sexually attracted to and a woman I'm in love with, the 2 of them all agreeing to be together it seems almost impossible to find haha, but above all I couldn't talk about it to my family I would have to hide it all the time it would last!! That would be exhausting I don't think I could do that.
    Time pass much quicklier that we think, I prefer to think about it now for what could make me truly happy in the future :)

    UkeLover March 18, 2019 1:12 am
    I'm not the type to have a relationship just for fun, that's my problem : it has to be serious or else better staying single haha, I think like that. I actually thought about having a relationship with a man an... Nemaki

    You just need to find a woman who you can be with who's willing to have an open relationship. The man doesn't need to be the same each time cuz it's just sexual. That's what I'd try to do any way. But in any case, I just meant thinking isn't doing, you know. Nobody ever regretted a little fun... Unless they didn't use rubber or something (≧∀≦)

    Sorry I'm just crass.

    Nemaki March 18, 2019 1:25 am
    You just need to find a woman who you can be with who's willing to have an open relationship. The man doesn't need to be the same each time cuz it's just sexual. That's what I'd try to do any way. But in any ca... UkeLover

    Hmm I guess that could work too! But I don't know haha I have to think about it.
    Lmaooooo xDDD Never forget to use a rubber everyone! xD
    Thanks for your advice! :)

    UkeLover March 18, 2019 1:37 am
    Hmm I guess that could work too! But I don't know haha I have to think about it.Lmaooooo xDDD Never forget to use a rubber everyone! xDThanks for your advice! :) Nemaki

    Not at all. Happy sexventures! ヾ(☆▽☆)

Nemaki March 3, 2019 1:20 am

Hello I want to find a yaoi... It was about 2 guys it's quite complicated haha : seme time traveled in the past for an experience and meet uke who is a student. They fall in love, uke has black hair and seme has blond hair and one of them has green eyes and is called Jade (maybe in japanese) I think. Then seme time travel back, and realise uke is his gardian older than him in the future. Uke actually searched seme after he traveled back because he knew he had to meet him. And I remember seme was in an orphanage when he was a child and then was adopted by a man but was raped by him, but one day seme was fed up and attacked him with a knife and ran away. It's after that that uke found him in a sort of prison (but seme was still a child and uke was an adult) and took him with him.
I don't know if it's clear time travel are always complicated x') if someone know this yaoi please tell me! Thank you! :)

Nemaki February 25, 2019 8:35 pm

Hello! I want to find a yaoi... It was about a guy (uke) watching another guy (seme) from afar. They were in the same class / club and uke was watching seme change after sport (baseball maybe?). One day uke used seme's sport towel to masturbate in the changing room but seme saw him. So seme locked the door and "raped" uke (I don't remember if it was consensual but uke was scared). Then they go out.
I think it was a yaoi with other stories included but I'm not sure I only remember the first story.
Does someone know this yaoi?
Thank you have a nice day :)

    spud February 25, 2019 9:41 pm


    Lol what February 25, 2019 10:01 pm

    Could it be Danshi Koukousei Hajimete No?

    Nemaki February 26, 2019 12:26 am
    Could it be Danshi Koukousei Hajimete No? Lol what

    Yes it is!! Thank you so much!! :D <3

Nemaki February 7, 2019 7:40 pm

Hi! I'm searching for a yaoi, it's not that much of a story it's more gay sex for fans. It's about a guy who broke up with his girlfriend because she made him submissive and put toys inside his ass during sex, but then he drinks with his 2 friends and get drunk and it's ending with a threesome between the 3 men.
Does someone know this yaoi? I think it wasn't that long, maybe just one chapter.
Thank you! Have a nice day / evening :)

    JPEG February 7, 2019 9:24 pm

    woah that was hot as hell... any more like that?

    Nemaki February 7, 2019 9:49 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! dragobonita

    Yes that was the one I was searching for! Thank you! ^_^

Nemaki February 3, 2019 3:01 pm

It's kind of dificult but I want to find an anime's name I watched when I was younger. It's kind of blurry but it was about a girl and her friends, and the girl was linked to a man from another world which was about to crash soon on earth or something. I remember there was magic, the girl's school uniform was like a white dress and it was really short O_O she had white skin blue eyes and brown hair and the man was much taller than the girl, had brown skin and red hair I think
Also I really liked the song from the opening.
Does someone know this anime? I want to know if there is a manga too, I think the anime had 12 episodes but maybe I'm wrong.

Nemaki February 3, 2019 10:28 am

I want to find a shoujo name I don't remember but it's a popular one
It's about a girl who is in high school and a guy who is rich and works at a compagny, their parents want them to meet to date but the girl had to stand for her big sister so she put on a lot of make up to seem older
But then the man humiliates her for that so she slaps him and leave
And then the man shows up at her home with a great car and flowers or something to impress her
At first they don't like each other but then at least the girl falls in love with the man

Does someone know this manga's name?
Thank you, have a nice day! :)

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