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Potato created a topic of Making a Child with a Beast

Eye fucker is totally trying to poach Yurito

Y'all know the meaning of KISS
Not every story needs to be some big song and dance with buckets of angst this is just two guys in love living their lives.

Potato created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

I hate this fucking story so much I come back every once in a while to remind myself what true trash is

Okay I need a volume 2 stat this is like the cutest thing I've read in a minute

Potato like the answer
Seth from ennead he is my babygirl

Lmao this is like the third isekai manga I’ve seen this week with an mc wearing booty shorts

Potato created a topic of Jinx

Hopefully Dan grows a spine while he's away from JK and hopefully their chasing arc is good I want nothing less than JK crying shaking and throwing while down on his knees begging for at the very least a sniff of Dan's foot

This man sucks I’m sure she probably misunderstood everything about the woman from before but he’s treated her awfully since they were children

Potato created a topic of Kudan no Kuroneko

The second story wasn’t my fav but this is overall pretty good

Potato created a topic of High Society

Yeah so um read the spoilers and this just isn’t my cup of tea I’m just not a real fan of the ml and the sibling thing is just plain weird and I fear for how it’s going to play out

Potato created a topic of Beethoven Reborn

This is cute and I like that he hasn’t forgotten his old language

Wah September yeesh Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) oh well I guess you need to wait for quality (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Potato created a topic of Ring

Lmao no raincoat so he won't look ugly was Taiya always this funny

Loved and treasured where????? Poor Suzuharu how is anyone even on dickheads side he’s an asshole through and through.

Potato created a topic of Half Goblin

Wow it's been a minute ion even remember the plot

Potato created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

Kids, they can be little monsters but you love them anyway

Wasn't John (or whatever his name is) literally in jail when the other murders were committed how is he suspicious