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jewels's experience ( All 0 )

jewels's answer ( All 12 )

Dude, I fucking hate harems, especially the ones where one of the love interests is the MC's sister (ew). I also hate it when the minor teenage girls are being over-sexualized and I especially dislike lolis. What I also find weird is that the tsundere/bitchiest character most of the time is skinny and flat-chested and is also being HUMILIATED for t......   reply
14 09,2020
My family consists of romanian roma migrants living in Germany. I was also born and raised in Spain for some time, so I consider myself to have three nationalities.   reply
14 09,2020
bisexual enby here. I still struggle with my sexuality and gender (or rather lack of) and there are moments where I even think I'm a cishet (which is kinda ridiculous, I don't even pass as one). I do like yuri, but to this day I still kinda hesitate to read it bc it makes me think about my sexuality and my future relationships which kinda gives me ......   reply
14 09,2020
14 09,2020
It's literal rape. Animals can't consent and just thinking about wolves, dogs and tigers etc. who live of their instincts, have pure intentions and can form wholesome bonds with humans and just generally seem like children (just better than them) being raped and taken advantage of by humans makes me want to vomit. And yes the half-human, half-beast......   reply
14 09,2020
since I fucking hate my life the only thing I practically think about is the future. It's kinda scary how much of it I have planned out, but basically (I know that no one cares): -when I'm 16 I'll get my own apartement and a job (in my country that's legal plus you get financial support from the government) -I also plan to get a schloarship for a g......   2 reply
11 09,2020

jewels's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

Started my last year last week. So far so good (I already had five breakdowns)

7 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

A lowkey student who doesn’t do any sports or any other extracurricular…

7 hours
did question

nah idk what everyone else is saying but these were wild times frr....

22 hours