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Nicola's experience ( All 0 )

Nicola's answer ( All 2 )

about love yuri
I love her so i edited/cleaned him (⌒▽⌒) Its my first try, used autodesk sketchbook on my phone and it turned out great ig *smugface* And i dont know on which topic i should put this up...... So i dumped it here ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   2 reply
27 06,2021
  1 reply
27 06,2021

Nicola's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did how are u guys doing in school

great, all A's, grown closer to friends, still had some not so great moments that regret, just hoping for better next year

1 hours
did how are u guys doing in school

I'm still crying. I should've done better. I have so many regrets. I'm scared because I can't see my future. I'm high achiever yet I fell.

2 hours
did survived suicide

very not fun cause it hurt

7 hours