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I want this author to get serialized so bad man it's unreal

Woop Woop followed a goer

Eumm..... Hi thereヾ(〃^∇^)ノ
I'm confused
I love anime and yaoi 
my bday 16/6
i love frogs <3
I dont know what to put here ฅ'ω'ฅ
Oh and if u want to be friends then leave a message on my message board or on my email
Btw thanks for visiting my homepage ~
Have a great and blessed day!! 
 ♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪

04 12,2023
Woop Woop add 1 photos to Manga
Woop Woop add manga to list Oneshots

As some trees in Yuzuru Kashiwagi's lush garden mysteriously start withering, he decides to consult ...

  • Author: morino kikori
  • Genres: Shounen / One Shot / Mystery / Supernatural
Woop Woop add manga to list Oneshots

A quick one-shot about a man coming across a girl with fairy-like wings whose right arm is trapped t...

  • Author: Nihei Tsutomu
  • Genres: Horror / One Shot / Seinen
Woop Woop like question

Dear Authors,

Just because the genre if slice-of-life does not mean it doesn't have to be interesting ಥ‿ಥ

I love slice-of-life, it's one of my fav genre. I can reread a single manga with that genre over and over again.

But why do almost all slice-of-life genre are just not interesting enough to keep me on my phone for hours?! (っ˘╭╮˘)っ

I wanna get lost in the story.

What's wrong with adding a bit of seasoning here and there every once a while? What's wrong with making the story with actual plot and development while keeping it slice-of-life? What's wrong with a having the characters have character development? What's wrong with having them cry? Sob? Angry? Complicated? Or just sad? What's wrong with that?

I read slice-of-life of life cause it will make me happy for them. Make me root for them. But if you make the plot and character too straight, plain with a single characteristics it doesn't make it interesting. It will only bore the readers and leave, some may even add them to library and maybe came back to read again, but believe me, a lot, and I mean A LOT will not came back for a manga that does not catch there attention •  ‿ ,•

Dear Authors, I do try to read the manga, I would even keep going even it I was bored out of my mind to see if there is any development but chap 30 and still none? (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

Sincerely, a devoted otaku since 2013

P. S. This os just a rant people. Just a rant hahahaha

Woop Woop shared experience about video games
It's being released in a pretty good magazine too. Only played some of it, but maybe now I'll actually finish it.
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┳┻| ┻┳| ┳┻|_∧ ┻┳|ω `) ┳┻|⊂ノ ┻┳| J

23 11,2023
Woop Woop add 1 photos to Cute

Changed in the tankoubon
Still looks rad

Woop Woop add 1 photos to Cute
Woop Woop followed a goer
19 11,2023
Woop Woop add manga to list Fantasy

The setting is a certain kingdom. In order to save the kidnapped princess of the kingdom, the Kingsg...

  • Author:
  • Genres: Webtoons / Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Shounen

Big expectations for this