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geekydweeb May 17, 2024 10:09 pm

I'm not sure if I missed something in this story, but I feel like Sehyuk isn't in love with the MC? Like, he definitely wants to possess him very much, but it's not love, I feel like he doesn't care about him or his feelings, etc.
Am I the only one who feels this way T-T

    asmiir_ May 17, 2024 10:57 pm

    In the side stories, we see his reasoning that his feelings aren’t pure or of the nature of normalcy that Hamin previously stated (in the early chapters) he desperately wanted and struggled for. He saw his desire to “have” as heavy and not something he would profess to Hamin who he believes to reject that absurdity..

    So I think it’s a bit both.. he loves so much to have him and he has to have him because he desires and wants him..

    Also when they were kids we see that Hamin bubbly personality brought him respite from the orphanage and even at the season finale he threw a tantrum because Hamin took a stabbing for him

    Sazz May 18, 2024 1:33 am

    It's not love obviously, it's obsession. It's the only way a sociopath can 'love'. People often seem to forget that he IS a murderer, someone with extremely low empathy. He cares about Hamin in his own way, a way which doesn't fit with our definition of love which is connected to our ability to empathize.

    chopin87 May 18, 2024 11:28 am

    He is in love but on his own way which is brutal, possessive and manipulative. After all he has gone through in life it's a wonder how he is not just on pair with the other shitty characters of the story but still has a grain of decency in dealing with the MC. And somehow the reason and answer for this is a somewhat roundabout way of "love" for the MC. Everything that has pushed him in his life was to be able to stand besides MC despite him being trash both as a human as well as socially. Let's never forget that MC comes from a criminal family as well, so in order to "get him" he has no choice given his extraction but to conquer the upper ranks so that he can reclaim MC as his as well as to be able to protect him. It's truly a bittersweet love story, but the only story you can have in that kind of environment. It does make kinda sense when you think about it but I don't know if I managed to explain it properly.

    Hary May 18, 2024 1:38 pm
    It's not love obviously, it's obsession. It's the only way a sociopath can 'love'. People often seem to forget that he IS a murderer, someone with extremely low empathy. He cares about Hamin in his own way, a w... Sazz

    Exactly, finally someone explained it perfectly, thank u.

    geekydweeb May 22, 2024 11:23 am

    Thank you all for replying and explaining! It makes more sense to me now, looking back at the story and the way the characters acted after reading your replies. There are definitely a lot of layers and nuances to Sehuyk and his relationship with the MC.
    Thank you (⌒▽⌒)

    geekydweeb May 22, 2024 11:24 am
    In the side stories, we see his reasoning that his feelings aren’t pure or of the nature of normalcy that Hamin previously stated (in the early chapters) he desperately wanted and struggled for. He saw his de... asmiir_

    Thank you so much for replying and explaining!

    geekydweeb May 22, 2024 11:25 am
    It's not love obviously, it's obsession. It's the only way a sociopath can 'love'. People often seem to forget that he IS a murderer, someone with extremely low empathy. He cares about Hamin in his own way, a w... Sazz

    Thank you for the reply, it was perfectly explained.

    geekydweeb May 22, 2024 11:25 am
    He is in love but on his own way which is brutal, possessive and manipulative. After all he has gone through in life it's a wonder how he is not just on pair with the other shitty characters of the story but st... chopin87

    Thank you for the explanation, I think it was perfectly clear!

geekydweeb May 12, 2021 10:07 pm

Honestly, the beginning is very meh, typical rape stuff, yada yada yada, but it gets SO MUCH BETTER! Like, I genuinely like the story now, the characters are interesting, and the smutty scenes are very *very* smexy.
Can't wait to read the next chapters >///<

    neji May 18, 2021 12:22 am

    yes i agree they should’ve just skipped the rape. it was gross and not necessary

    Orange peach May 18, 2021 8:29 am
    yes i agree they should’ve just skipped the rape. it was gross and not necessary neji


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