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reigensimp January 6, 2024 3:11 am

PLSS I need more friends who read blue period </33. If anyone is willing to talk to me abt blue period or numerous other mangas/interests,,, my tik tok is bumsrightankle!! And my editing insta acc is italianstylesalad572! Pls hmu fr! Oh yeah my disc is ashlovestoby :3 .. that’s it !! Anyway yatora is so damn relatable and Toyota canon!

    child._.e January 6, 2024 3:24 am

    Girl I'm adding u rn my tiktok is child._.e and insta is _.childe._3

    reigensimp January 6, 2024 3:33 am
    Girl I'm adding u rn my tiktok is child._.e and insta is _.childe._3 child._.e


    Lnniu January 12, 2024 3:35 am

    my user is mekamiii6 I’ll add u (´ω`)

    nana January 13, 2024 11:03 am

    I'll add u on Instagram, my handle is weixyuu

    reigensimp January 14, 2024 1:34 am
    I'll add u on Instagram, my handle is weixyuu nana

    I added u on my editing acc !

reigensimp November 19, 2023 11:44 pm

Anybody have recommendations similar to this story? I’ve read an okay amount of gl but as a lesbian I wanna read wayyyy more so ! Id appreciate any recommendations (no toxic stories tho, I dislike toxic stuff for the most part )

    murasaki_likesfluff December 25, 2023 2:49 pm

    As a fellow sapphic here's my recommendation: Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna

    reigensimp December 27, 2023 1:15 am
    As a fellow sapphic here's my recommendation: Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna murasaki_likesfluff

    Oo thank you!! I’ve almost bought this manga on Amazon a few times but haven’t done it yet!! I think I’ll give it a read now that somebody else has recommended it! ヾ(☆▽☆)

reigensimp September 27, 2023 4:37 am

kinda sad bc I would be reading this on webtoon except it’s already a daily pass for some reason?? Why do they have ongoing stories on daily pass now,. Webtoon is really getting worse over the years tbh

    opulentswan October 6, 2023 11:49 pm

    Like it’s so frustrating. Daily pass is annoying on its own and I thought they only did it with completed stories

reigensimp September 25, 2023 4:00 am

I still remember how shocked I was when it showed bro doing yk what after cutting the duke’s hair (⊙…⊙ ), but I’m really hype to see more relationship progression between them in season two cause you can tell that Carlton likes louison even tho he doesn’t want to admit it to himself LMAOO . The story is a super fun read tho, and it’s refreshing to read a bl story like this cuz usually there’s only a ton of straight ones,,, I wish there was a gl like this !!! If there are any gls like this pls give me some recs (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

reigensimp September 23, 2023 12:39 am

Lmaooooooooo.. that’s all I have to say, took you guys this long to realize he was an unredeemable shithead

    Roronoa Zoro September 23, 2023 12:43 am

    I knew he was unredeemable but jesus christ this typa shit makes me rethink every life choice

    reigensimp September 23, 2023 12:54 am
    I knew he was unredeemable but jesus christ this typa shit makes me rethink every life choice Roronoa Zoro

    Bro was goofy as hell with that - keep your hands off what’s mine

    Roronoa Zoro September 23, 2023 12:58 am
    Bro was goofy as hell with that - keep your hands off what’s mine reigensimp

    Right who does bro think he is?? btw I just realized what your name is, thats so real reigen is my favorite character of all time

    reigensimp September 23, 2023 1:00 am
    Right who does bro think he is?? btw I just realized what your name is, thats so real reigen is my favorite character of all time Roronoa Zoro

    YESS if you’re talking about mob psycho reigen so trueee , you have good taste, I love him a lot too. Also zoro is pretty cool, I haven’t gotten into one piece enough to say much abt him tho

    Roronoa Zoro September 23, 2023 1:42 am
    YESS if you’re talking about mob psycho reigen so trueee , you have good taste, I love him a lot too. Also zoro is pretty cool, I haven’t gotten into one piece enough to say much abt him tho reigensimp

    Mob psycho has gotta be my fav besides one piece, ik op is super long but honestly every episode is worth it, I love it with all my heart

reigensimp September 15, 2023 7:16 pm

Holy shit balls I will never be the same.. my life is changed after that chapter. AGH I love you paskim

reigensimp September 12, 2023 5:07 am

╥﹏╥ need a relationship like theirs so bad… but dating is so hard :(

reigensimp September 11, 2023 7:31 pm

Who else is horrified to see what’s gonna happen on Friday . (Talking abt raws not eng translation by the way). Esp since Paskim had to push the update back a week so it could be the highest quality

reigensimp September 11, 2023 11:39 pm

People who romanticize sa need to get a life and touch grass , just because it’s fictional doesn’t automatically mean sa is okay.. it’s still assault
edit : BRO stop replying to this, If ur dumb and ignorant idc I was just trying to say that sa is wrong but I guess that’s a foreign concept for you mfers LMAOO so embarrassing (also for those of you who think I’m a minor I am 18 , I’m not a stupid kid who easily gets influenced , which most of you clearly are)

    Silent Lucidity September 10, 2023 7:59 pm

    Fiction [noun] ˈfɪk·ʃən / literature; the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and does not describe real people or deal with fact

    reigensimp September 10, 2023 8:19 pm
    Fiction [noun] ˈfɪk·ʃən / literature; the type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and does not describe real people or deal with fact Silent Lucidity

    are you saying sexual assault isn’t something that happens in real life? because thats insane… i wonder how low your morals have to be to not care something like a unicorn is fiction but real life issues like sexual assault and abuse are real, not just fiction

    Tmsmyz September 10, 2023 8:19 pm

    This is about rape which is apart of SA but SA is a larger scope. Looks look you need your own advice.
    Ps, Jinx isn’t rape but SA and abusive.

    Human sexuality experts emphatically state that rape fantasy is not wrong, but healthy and normal.

    As you can see, forced sex fantasies have a rich psychology behind them and people may have these fantasies for wildly different reasons. In many cases, these fantasies don’t have a deeper meaning beyond someone just having an active imagination, a desire for sexual thrills, or a penchant for domination and submission. However, in other cases, they may have their roots in coping with trauma.

    In real-life contexts, rape – meaning sex against your will – is deeply traumatising. It’s not at all ‘sexy’. It’s an intense violation that causes high levels of distress.

    And it’s incredibly important to note that while rape fantasies are common, this does not mean that women secretly want to be raped. There is a huge difference between acted out role-play, imagined scenarios, and real-life experiences. No one asks to be raped, no one deserves to be raped, and how common forced sex fantasies are in no way justifies unwanted sexual contact of any nature.

    After research on the subject, psychologists and sexologists agree today that those fantasies are very common, completely healthy, and reveal a core element in female eroticism.
    First of all, there is an important distinction between such fantasies and an actual rape experience. In no way does having the fantasy imply a desire to be raped in real life. Psychologist Michael Castleman, in his article Why Do Women Have Rape Fantasies? on Psychology Today, dismisses as obsolete the view that fantasies always reflect wishes. Therefore, women who have rape fantasies do not actually want to be coerced into sex.

    It’s a fantasy. Not reality. You would do best to stop confusion the two.

    Tmsmyz September 10, 2023 8:21 pm

    Here is one about erotic fiction.
    The research doesn’t support you. I can search for more articles on SA specifically but it will be just the same. Educate yourself and take your own advice.
    “ Yet the role played by erotic fiction and fantasy is an important one, says sexologist and director of Sexology Australia, Elaine George. "Erotic fiction, in particular, enables a woman to get carried away with her sense of imagination and imaginary play," she says.

    "That imaginary play can be with a lover. It can be with multiple lovers. And it can be inventing a scenario that enables her to become erotically charged.”

    She may NEVER want to be with multiple lovers or could be against it in reality.

    “ Why do women read erotic fiction?

    Distraction and feelings of ease were identified as prime rewards associated with reading erotic novels.”

    It is a distraction. It is a fantasy for entertainment but you are associating with real life.

    Tmsmyz September 10, 2023 8:23 pm
    are you saying sexual assault isn’t something that happens in real life? because thats insane… i wonder how low your morals have to be to not care something like a unicorn is fiction but real life issues l... reigensimp

    Learn how to differentiate between fantasy and reality. This comment didn’t help you much. You are showing you are the one with low morals to be personally attacking someone by twisting their words into something else to demonize them. Disgusting.

    reigensimp September 10, 2023 8:35 pm
    Learn how to differentiate between fantasy and reality. This comment didn’t help you much. You are showing you are the one with low morals to be personally attacking someone by twisting their words into somet... Tmsmyz

    Imagine writing two whole essay long replies just to glorify sexual assault, your reply didn’t offend me at all bro im just grossed out how youre doing that far lmfaooo

    Silent Lucidity September 10, 2023 8:37 pm
    are you saying sexual assault isn’t something that happens in real life? because thats insane… i wonder how low your morals have to be to not care something like a unicorn is fiction but real life issues l... reigensimp

    I'm saying fiction is not real life. I like murder mysteries too, so you are saying I don't care if someone is murdered in real life? If you cannot distinguish between the two, then you are the one who needs to go touch some grass

    Tmsmyz September 10, 2023 9:01 pm
    Imagine writing two whole essay long replies just to glorify sexual assault, your reply didn’t offend me at all bro im just grossed out how youre doing that far lmfaooo reigensimp

    Imagine being ignorant and calling quotes from research as if someone wrote it out themselves to personal attacking them. No one is glorifying SA. You are being gross for how toxic you are and how far you will gaslight others. You are being absolutely disgusting and abusive. You are talking about yourself and need your own advice. I wasn’t trying to offend you. That is you taking the lost. You are showing how weak and insecure you are here.

    Tmsmyz September 10, 2023 9:08 pm
    This is about rape which is apart of SA but SA is a larger scope. Looks look you need your own advice. Ps, Jinx isn’t rape but SA and abusive. Tmsmyz

    In reality:
    Two sentences from me.
    Link quote from that link. Not me
    Link quote from that link. Net me.
    Link quote from that link. Not me.
    Link quote from that link. Not me
    Last sentence my own.

    Three sentences were mine. The rest were research from experts that proved your claim wrong.
    Learn to read and differentiate between fantasy and reality.
    Reality & research > your hateful ignorant opinion

    Tmsmyz September 10, 2023 9:13 pm
    Here is one about erotic fiction. The research doesn’t support you. I can search for more articles on SA specifically but it will be just the same. Educate yourself and take your own advice. Tmsmyz

    Only the first four sentences were mine.

    Link. Quote from link. Not me.

    I think maybe the last sentence is my own sentence. So five sentences if so. Why do you read and comprehend I am quoting experts that crush your false opinion that attacks others people but really degrades yourself. I am not trying to offend you but you are doing it to yourself.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) September 11, 2023 12:08 am
    Imagine being ignorant and calling quotes from research as if someone wrote it out themselves to personal attacking them. No one is glorifying SA. You are being gross for how toxic you are and how far you will ... Tmsmyz

    I hope you’re not too hurt by the comments attacking you. I really appreciate you for providing evidence for your claims, and also not being hostile either. I just wanted to say you’re an amazing person, and I hope you could continue what you’re doing as well. I don’t know you much but it seems you have a pretty open mind and that you would be an amazing person to have a conversation with SS well as an argument. Thanks again! /lh

    toilet terrorist September 11, 2023 1:11 am

    I agree it shouldn't be romanticised in fiction because it contributes to rape culture but i dont think ive seen anybody doing that. At most I've just seen people downplaying and joking about it, adults atleast. The minors on this website are a whole different situation.

    toilet terrorist September 11, 2023 1:15 am

    If you're talking about the manhwa itself then im not sure, im not rereading everything but to be honest if anything this manhwa is super grim with they way they present dans experience. They show that he fuckin hates it for most of the part; this story could be a good psychological but with mingwas writing not so sure.

    Tu madre 45 September 11, 2023 1:37 am
    Imagine writing two whole essay long replies just to glorify sexual assault, your reply didn’t offend me at all bro im just grossed out how youre doing that far lmfaooo reigensimp

    Right i mean gave us links and everything

    reigensimp September 11, 2023 2:27 am
    If you're talking about the manhwa itself then im not sure, im not rereading everything but to be honest if anything this manhwa is super grim with they way they present dans experience. They show that he fucki... toilet terrorist

    I mean I only read the first two chapters but idk this story isn’t the same as other creators who use sa but in a way that’s painted in a bad light, the mc doesn’t enjoy it but the creator is probably going to keep the mc with his assaulter for the sake of “development”. However if that somehow doesn’t happen then I will applaud the story, but yeah the writing is pretty mid ngl.. I liked bj Alex when I was like 14 but looking back at it now that I’m 18 I realize how cringe and toxic it was.. so keeping that story in mind, this one prob won’t be better

    kysofaygo September 11, 2023 2:49 am
    I hope you’re not too hurt by the comments attacking you. I really appreciate you for providing evidence for your claims, and also not being hostile either. I just wanted to say you’re an amazing person, an... kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o)

    bro why are you thanking them for defending the glorification of rape and shit

    Tu madre 45 September 11, 2023 2:52 am
    bro why are you thanking them for defending the glorification of rape and shit kysofaygo

    Ppl are sick asf idk what there is to defend.

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 3:10 am
    bro why are you thanking them for defending the glorification of rape and shit kysofaygo

    Because I am not defending your false accusations.

    Try again. Try reading instead of being toxic and abusive.

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 3:12 am
    Ppl are sick asf idk what there is to defend. Tu madre 45

    When will the moment you realize you are talking about you and them? They were being toxic and abusive here. They falsely accused me.
    Try reading.

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 3:15 am
    I mean I only read the first two chapters but idk this story isn’t the same as other creators who use sa but in a way that’s painted in a bad light, the mc doesn’t enjoy it but the creator is probably goi... reigensimp

    You read only two chapters…… you don’t know his character. You do realize BJ Alex is less toxic than how you treated others here, right??
    BJ Alex is a fantasy story. We are real people. Learn to differentiate between fantasy and reality and that there are human beings on the other side of the anonymous names. Learn how to respect others.

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 3:18 am
    I hope you’re not too hurt by the comments attacking you. I really appreciate you for providing evidence for your claims, and also not being hostile either. I just wanted to say you’re an amazing person, an... kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o)

    Thank you for your concern. No I am not hurt by others toxic behavior. You are welcome. Thank you. You seemed to be a open minded person too and a good person. Thank you.

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 3:25 am

    You do realize you are gaslighting here ^. Haha. That is more toxic behavior.

    One of the most common reasons for gaslighting is to avoid accountability. Gaslighters will use this tactic to avoid taking responsibility for their actions, to deflect blame onto the victim, or to avoid certain duties,or%20to%20avoid%20certain%20duties.

    The op of that thread has me blocked. Another bad faith actor.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 5:37 am
    Imagine writing two whole essay long replies just to glorify sexual assault, your reply didn’t offend me at all bro im just grossed out how youre doing that far lmfaooo reigensimp

    this person is so mad FOR WHATT LMAOOO you ate ts up, weirdo behavior sayin sum "this aint rape" ???? :skull:

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 5:48 am
    this person is so mad FOR WHATT LMAOOO you ate ts up, weirdo behavior sayin sum "this aint rape" ???? :skull: alex (he/him)

    Apply emotions is a trolling trick. It is an attempt to discredit your opponent. It is a pathetic. I am not mad. You have no affect on me. All I did was share information.
    Imagine sharing information is being mad. Lol. You are exposing how immature and insecure you are being.

    If you read the story with all the details and facts very carefully. You will understand this story is not rape. There are points it is close to rape but the next line changes it. The beginning is SA and abusive. Educate yourself.

    You are personally attacking and insulting too that is a trick. From a friend — “no one can stop you from acting poorly and ill-mannered towards people who think differently, but name calling is uncalled for and, quite frankly, abusive behavior. Mostly because the definition of 'name calling' is, "Abusive language or insults". You can look it up if you want. You're simply shaming people for something you biasedly believe is wrong. “
    You have only exposed yourself as something who can’t handle conversation or the truth, so you took the L here. You have exposed yourself to be a bad faith actor.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 5:55 am
    Apply emotions is a trolling trick. It is an attempt to discredit your opponent. It is a pathetic. I am not mad. You have no affect on me. All I did was share information. Imagine sharing information is being ... Tmsmyz

    you typing that much proves ur upset, it aint that deep. go cry and love ur rape manhwa somewhere else

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 6:15 am
    you typing that much proves ur upset, it aint that deep. go cry and love ur rape manhwa somewhere else alex (he/him)

    No. Hahaha actually typing a lot is natural for some people and isn’t something for you to judge from. If you look it up writing longer messages are better for communication. It gets a better understanding. Also, it weeds out people like you. It’s replies like yours that indicates you’re upset. First you are trying to imply emotions on me by weird logic. Second “it ain’t that deep” is an insult and undermining what is happening. It is dismissive. “Go cry”. It is controlling and abusive. Take your own abusive advice. Then you follow with a trigger response that makes it sound like you are crying. “ love your rape Manhwa somewhere else”. That is exactly nonsensical to this conversation. Are you triggered that the facts don’t support you? By the way, I never shared anything about me. You made it about me. You are aggressively attacking me and aiming at me for sharing facts. That is pathetic behavior. I am not upset. My replies would be much different but your comment expressed you are. You are attacking me without me even talking to you. You continue to attack me and try to control me. That is weak and small minded behavior. It is all because you felt intimidated by quotes from experts. I am not them. You are being absolutely ridiculous and abusive. You are being very hostile. I am not them. Time to grow up.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 6:17 am
    No. Hahaha actually typing a lot is natural for some people and isn’t something for you to judge from. If you look it up writing longer messages are better for communication. It gets a better understanding. A... Tmsmyz

    im not reading all that stop bitchin bro

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 6:38 am
    im not reading all that stop bitchin bro alex (he/him)

    Stop gaslighting and being abusive.
    Wait….. you didn’t read so you have no credibility to make a ridiculous statement like that. Take your own advice. You are talking about yourself. Cussing = uneducated ;). Your false narrative is not accurate. You are digging yourself deeper. ;)

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 6:45 am
    Stop gaslighting and being abusive. Wait….. you didn’t read so you have no credibility to make a ridiculous statement like that. Take your own advice. You are talking about yourself. Cussing = uneducated ... Tmsmyz

    Gaslighting and being abusive? Are you sped?
    You spend all this time arguing with people that point out the actual evidence. There is rape. Multiple times. The specific term showed is called Sexual coercion. But you probably already knew that cause you spend your time reading them and jerk off to that shit but pretend its "just sa". because you cannot come to terms that you enjoy rape manhwas.
    You are stupid, and beyond a loser. actual definition of a summer ant. LMFAOOOOO go ahead and call me uneducated you fuckin weirdo

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 7:07 am
    Gaslighting and being abusive? Are you sped? You spend all this time arguing with people that point out the actual evidence. There is rape. Multiple times. The specific term showed is called Sexual coercion. Bu... alex (he/him)

    There is no rape in Jinx. Rape is your pov. The story is clear- it is not rape. There are two attempts at rape- Dan’s boss and the loan sharks. I am communicating. You are attacking. No one is arguing. The ones point out things point out fan fictions details. Read the story again. I don’t have to pretend anything. The story is not rape. Rape is your delusion. “Because I came to terms that I enjoy rape manhwas”. That was a pathetic attack. You are personally attacking me.

    Hogu Hagyeongsu - rape — Hate it.
    Kiraide Isasete - rape — cute
    Caste haven - rape — Never finished it.
    Mob for Jack - rape —- hate it.
    Maki-chan wa Kare to Sex Shitai - rape —- heart breaking
    falling alpha enigma the fourth bath - rape — never finished it.
    harami bara - rape. —- weird.
    abarenbo_honey - rape. —. Nah.
    Imitation Mate -rape Meh.
    Under grand hotel - rape —-/ don’t care about it.
    kinai kemonohito omegaverse —- I don’t remember this one. I rated it one star.

    Jinx is not rape. Rape is your delusions.

    Most of the rape ones I have rated are one or two stars. What are you talking about? You act like you know me. When I only posted facts. You made it about me. Stop.
    All those insults are you defining yourself. “When you judge others you don’t define them, you define yourself.” You are calling yourself all of that. No I don’t call you uneducated. I said using cussing was uneducated. Two different things. All those insults are you. You are judging yourself. You are desperately describing yourself there.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 7:17 am
    There is no rape in Jinx. Rape is your pov. The story is clear- it is not rape. There are two attempts at rape- Dan’s boss and the loan sharks. I am communicating. You are attacking. No one is arguing. The on... Tmsmyz

    damn I hit a nerve there bro started to remember all their favs LMAOOO
    and it is clear. Forcing yourself and Sexual coercion Is rape by definition. saying some bs like "rape is your pov" is insane. If you can't comprehend situations then I advise you to stop reading in general. Actual bot fr

    Tmsmyz September 11, 2023 7:21 am
    damn I hit a nerve there bro started to remember all their favs LMAOOOand it is clear. Forcing yourself and Sexual coercion Is rape by definition. saying some bs like "rape is your pov" is insane. If you can't ... alex (he/him)

    Your response does not correspond with my reply. Stop gaslighting. I feel sorry for you. You are free to have a conversation with me. You are free to leave me alone. You are not free to gaslight me or be toxic.
    You are not describing Jinx. Rape is your pov not the story’s pov. You’re calling yourself a bot and degrading yourself. You are not harming me. Stop being sadistic.

    crazy fuyo. ;) September 11, 2023 11:17 am
    damn I hit a nerve there bro started to remember all their favs LMAOOOand it is clear. Forcing yourself and Sexual coercion Is rape by definition. saying some bs like "rape is your pov" is insane. If you can't ... alex (he/him)

    bruh you are in a site with hentai yaoiand porn and you are speaking that people glorify rape in a mangayaoi comment section do you to the same every horror movie .am i a killer for enjoying horror movies?

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) September 11, 2023 11:54 am
    bro why are you thanking them for defending the glorification of rape and shit kysofaygo

    I’m not though? They are simply educating, did you also read what they have sent? Since from what I’m reading that wasn’t the intent. Please have an open mind and read what they are saying. They aren’t defending it whatsoever. Sorry it’s hard to explain, but please read what they are trying to say and I’m sure you’ll have a better understanding. Try to calm yourself and think about it please. You don’t have to, but please don’t think they are defending real life SA.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) September 11, 2023 11:58 am
    Ppl are sick asf idk what there is to defend. Tu madre 45

    However I did have problems with stories that glorifies these toxic dynamics which I hope more add warnings about these types of things after all some get into these types of relationships due to things like toxic relationships getting glorified. Of course some trigger warnings could be very nice as well.

    kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o) September 11, 2023 11:59 am
    Ppl are sick asf idk what there is to defend. Tu madre 45

    Oops sorry didn’t mean to reply to you. My bad (TOT)

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 12:18 pm
    bruh you are in a site with hentai yaoiand porn and you are speaking that people glorify rape in a mangayaoi comment section do you to the same every horror movie .am i a killer for enjoying horror movies? crazy fuyo. ;)

    Your comment is so real. That person is probably ignorant and will only inflict insults on you. They can't even differentiate fiction from reality. Sad.

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 12:21 pm
    Your response does not correspond with my reply. Stop gaslighting. I feel sorry for you. You are free to have a conversation with me. You are free to leave me alone. You are not free to gaslight me or be toxic... Tmsmyz

    This is why I need people like you in my life. People are so oblivious, like they literally don't know shit that is happening. Lmao. If that person isn't able to understand your comments after everything you've dictated, then they need help. No I'm actually being for real. They can't come here and be dumb.

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 12:26 pm
    I’m not though? They are simply educating, did you also read what they have sent? Since from what I’m reading that wasn’t the intent. Please have an open mind and read what they are saying. They aren’t ... kuneho ♡(o⌒.⌒o)

    I feel the same way. Tmsmyz has been doing the most to ensure people know these kinds of things and those dumb accounts are just there taking it for granted, saying “I'm not gonna read that essay and shit” That's quite sad. And I find their comments, insecure, immature, and ignorant.

    Someone is taking out time to educate you professionally but you choose to turn a blind eye and deaf ear. Wow, how irresponsible and downright disgusting.

    We hope for the better outcome of these accounts

    Duckyº September 11, 2023 2:00 pm
    This is about rape which is apart of SA but SA is a larger scope. Looks look you need your own advice. Ps, Jinx isn’t rape but SA and abusive. Tmsmyz

    If I could like this I would. Great use of words and sources LMAOO A+

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 2:07 pm
    If I could like this I would. Great use of words and sources LMAOO A+ Duckyº

    Same here. Need people like him in my life for real. People are becoming too dull and dumb.

    reigensimp September 11, 2023 2:22 pm
    this person is so mad FOR WHATT LMAOOO you ate ts up, weirdo behavior sayin sum "this aint rape" ???? :skull: alex (he/him)

    They are the definition of stupid bro , they keep coming back everytime someone points out the fact it’s weird , you were right saying they’re a bot, I don’t think they have any brain cells so I only replied to them once because it’s not worth the energy to waste time on someone who’s ignorant and defends weird shit. All I gotta say is thanks for being a normal human being lmfao, unlike some people under my topic

    jojo September 11, 2023 2:45 pm

    so you go to a porn site or movie site and say the same thing ?

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 3:03 pm
    They are the definition of stupid bro , they keep coming back everytime someone points out the fact it’s weird , you were right saying they’re a bot, I don’t think they have any brain cells so I only repl... reigensimp

    Reigensimp you are aware they are not commenting on sa is wrong. I know TMSMZY will firmly say SA is Hideous. It is not a foreign concept. You are so caught up in your own arguments you don’t see what is happening. I think Toilet was the only one that actually addressed you. You can’t see the forest for the trees.
    The first two addressed one point of your message, you failed to understand them. TMSM isn’t defending anything. You certainly have no rational argument or credibility. You are not qualified to judge him.
    You can’t control a post after you post either.
    Why are your comments the definition of stupid? Why are you saying weird things? Why are you cowering? Why are you showing how weak you are? Why are you being ignorant and falsely accusing TMSM? Why are you threatened by the facts he posted? It is a normal human being a toxic coward who attacks people showing how weak they really are? Stop cowering. If you are not afraid, then you should stop hiding and talk with honor instead of trying to degrade others. Which is only cowardly.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 3:10 pm
    Same here. Need people like him in my life for real. People are becoming too dull and dumb. Manhwaspicy

    He is a great person. He is always seeking conversation on here. Why? I have no clue.
    Well… I do. But I will not share. Lol.

    However, I think he needs to stop giving people, like Alex and Reigensimp, so many chances to have a real conversation if this is how they are going to treat him. He doesn’t deserve to be treated how Alex or Reigensimp just treated him. It is just uncalled for. They are just exposing themselves as cyber bullies and lacking communication skills to have a conversation. They are never on the same page.

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 3:17 pm
    He is a great person. He is always seeking conversation on here. Why? I have no clue.Well… I do. But I will not share. Lol. However, I think he needs to stop giving people, like Alex and Reigensimp, so many c... Torakaze

    True talk. They aren't even worth his time anymore.

    gyarucorpse September 11, 2023 4:14 pm

    bro why are yall writing essays this aint english class

    gyarucorpse September 11, 2023 4:16 pm
    Learn how to differentiate between fantasy and reality. This comment didn’t help you much. You are showing you are the one with low morals to be personally attacking someone by twisting their words into somet... Tmsmyz

    dude chill its like saying killing stalking is a good BL

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 4:27 pm
    They are the definition of stupid bro , they keep coming back everytime someone points out the fact it’s weird , you were right saying they’re a bot, I don’t think they have any brain cells so I only repl... reigensimp

    deadass bro its wild how stupid people can be on this site

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 4:28 pm
    bruh you are in a site with hentai yaoiand porn and you are speaking that people glorify rape in a mangayaoi comment section do you to the same every horror movie .am i a killer for enjoying horror movies? crazy fuyo. ;)

    comparing oranges to apples, and why are u offended?

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 4:29 pm
    Your response does not correspond with my reply. Stop gaslighting. I feel sorry for you. You are free to have a conversation with me. You are free to leave me alone. You are not free to gaslight me or be toxic... Tmsmyz

    It is the storys pov. If you want to be stupid and not comprehend then go ahead. But don't get upset when actual pieces of evidence are present. You cannot deny what I've said because it is true, and just say im "gaslighting and being abusive" And you are a bot LOL

    reigensimp September 11, 2023 4:51 pm
    bro why are yall writing essays this aint english class gyarucorpse

    FR i alr said this in another reply but writing whole essays to defend sa is crazy, nobody’s reading allat

    gyarucorpse September 11, 2023 4:53 pm
    FR i alr said this in another reply but writing whole essays to defend sa is crazy, nobody’s reading allat reigensimp

    nah fr its sa its common sense to know its bad heck even horny teens know its bad

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 5:06 pm
    FR i alr said this in another reply but writing whole essays to defend sa is crazy, nobody’s reading allat reigensimp

    No one is defending SA. If you read it you would understand. You have no credibility here.
    You do realize many people have read those comments and know your wrong in your claims.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 5:08 pm
    nah fr its sa its common sense to know its bad heck even horny teens know its bad gyarucorpse

    You are off topic to what was said. Lol

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 5:11 pm
    deadass bro its wild how stupid people can be on this site alex (he/him)

    Talk about you and the ones you are standing with.
    “ It is the storys pov. If you want to be stupid and not comprehend then go ahead. But don't get upset when actual pieces of evidence are present. You cannot deny what I've said because it is true, and just say im "gaslighting and being abusive" And you are a bot LOL”

    The story pov isn’t your pov. That is something we should say to you. We can debunk you. He is a good faith person. You are being toxic. Your replies are bad faith arguments.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 5:16 pm
    True talk. They aren't even worth his time anymore. Manhwaspicy

    Right. He is not. This is when they learn he learn methods from me. And I am better at calling out their bad behavior as I understand their cowering behavior better. They are taking the lost here. They are giving the win to him because they have no logical or rational arguments and reduce to just attacking him. It is pathetic.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 5:17 pm
    Talk about you and the ones you are standing with. “ It is the storys pov. If you want to be stupid and not comprehend then go ahead. But don't get upset when actual pieces of evidence are present. You cannot... Torakaze

    "He got the d*ck all in his mouth look. Shaboing boing get his dick out ya mouth"

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 5:18 pm
    bro why are yall writing essays this aint english class gyarucorpse

    It is called having a conversation. It’s better than being a poser who can’t handle conversation and only knows how to be hostile towards people who posted facts against their opinions.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 5:21 pm
    "He got the d*ck all in his mouth look. Shaboing boing get his dick out ya mouth" alex (he/him)

    Figures you would cower. Your exposing yourself. Your strategy is nothing but putting up lame defenses.
    You’re showing how weak you are.

    gyarucorpse September 11, 2023 5:47 pm
    No one is defending SA. If you read it you would understand. You have no credibility here. You do realize many people have read those comments and know your wrong in your claims. Torakaze

    waah! waah!! go bitch and moan about it for all i care youre wasting your time just give it up weirdo

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 5:59 pm
    waah! waah!! go bitch and moan about it for all i care youre wasting your time just give it up weirdo gyarucorpse

    -insults - full of ego, childish, impulsive, and self centered.
    -ad hominem attacks.
    - no rational arguments.
    -loss touch with reality and this conversation
    -actually describing themselves
    - exposing themselves as a immature toxic bully.
    - this is a defeated and cowardly person who has nothing else left but to try to degrade Torakaze.
    -pathetic comment
    -take the loss

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 6:01 pm
    -insults - full of ego, childish, impulsive, and self centered. -ad hominem attacks. - no rational arguments. -loss touch with reality and this conversation -actually describing themselves - exposing themselves... Torakaze


    The ones wasting time is the one cyber bullying and not having a real conversation.
    There is nothing wasted with a real conversation. I wasted no time here.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 6:09 pm
    Figures you would cower. Your exposing yourself. Your strategy is nothing but putting up lame defenses. You’re showing how weak you are. Torakaze

    your not that guy

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 6:18 pm
    your not that guy alex (he/him)

    It is “you’re”, isn’t? Thanks for telling I am that guy. That is the only reason you would go out of your way to say something like that. It is because you know I am. You see it and feel inferior. Thanks for sharing your inferiorities with me. I like getting to know you more.

    gyarucorpse September 11, 2023 6:42 pm
    -insults - full of ego, childish, impulsive, and self centered. -ad hominem attacks. - no rational arguments. -loss touch with reality and this conversation -actually describing themselves - exposing themselves... Torakaze

    seriously though, shut the fuck up your brain is smoother than your moms vagina.

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 6:43 pm
    It is “you’re”, isn’t? Thanks for telling I am that guy. That is the only reason you would go out of your way to say something like that. It is because you know I am. You see it and feel inferior. Than... Torakaze

    omg this is funny

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 6:44 pm
    IMMATURE TOXIC BULLY LMAAAOOOOOOOseriously though, shut the fuck up your brain is smoother than your moms vagina. gyarucorpse

    Your pain is showing

    gyarucorpse September 11, 2023 6:47 pm
    Your pain is showing Manhwaspicy


    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 6:48 pm

    I laugh

    gyarucorpse September 11, 2023 6:49 pm
    I laugh Manhwaspicy

    youre pathetic, seriously. grow up

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 6:53 pm
    youre pathetic, seriously. grow up gyarucorpse

    You should take your own advice. Bless you.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 7:03 pm
    IMMATURE TOXIC BULLY LMAAAOOOOOOOseriously though, shut the fuck up your brain is smoother than your moms vagina. gyarucorpse

    Do you want me to start talking above your head? Why do you feel the need to use appeal fallacies and insults when arguing? Why do you feel the need to embarrass yourself? What kind of lame comments of those.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 7:04 pm
    omg this is funny Manhwaspicy

    Oh it is. Lol. It is. We are the same person lol. They can’t differentiate between different people. They are using all the trolling tricks. It is pathetic.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 7:08 pm

    What argument? There is an argument here? Like the one you guys imposed on TMSM after he told you the truth. The truth is not an opinion. The truth is the truth. You can disagree but it doesn’t change the facts or reality. It doesn’t change that you impose arguments on him. You won nothing. You lost everything. There is no opinion on this side. You just disagree with facts. Period. You are being pathetic. Grow up.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 8:16 pm
    It is “you’re”, isn’t? Thanks for telling I am that guy. That is the only reason you would go out of your way to say something like that. It is because you know I am. You see it and feel inferior. Than... Torakaze

    your stilll not that guy

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 8:20 pm
    your stilll not that guy alex (he/him)

    New at cyber bullying? Lmao. Double down on stupidity there. Hahahaha. You must be young.

    kysofaygo September 11, 2023 10:05 pm
    Because I am not defending your false accusations. Try again. Try reading instead of being toxic and abusive. Tmsmyz

    i feel like you have no idea what the term "abusive" means but anyways how is it toxic to call someone out for trying to justify the glorification of rape. OP literally said "hey rape and s/a is not hot and should not be seen as such" and a whole bunch of random niggas came in like "well akshually

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 10:08 pm
    New at cyber bullying? Lmao. Double down on stupidity there. Hahahaha. You must be young. Torakaze

    wouldn't be surprised if u were an old dude jerking off to kiddie porn

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 10:09 pm
    i feel like you have no idea what the term "abusive" means but anyways how is it toxic to call someone out for trying to justify the glorification of rape. OP literally said "hey rape and s/a is not hot and sho... kysofaygo

    literally bro its strange LMAO these people are something else, typing paragraphs n defending rape with their lives

    Manhwaspicy September 11, 2023 10:16 pm
    wouldn't be surprised if u were an old dude jerking off to kiddie porn alex (he/him)

    Why would you say this??? You're disgusting.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 10:23 pm
    literally bro its strange LMAO these people are something else, typing paragraphs n defending rape with their lives alex (he/him)

    No one is defending rape. People are defending their rape pov. They are attacking and being disgusting to keep their rape pov. No one is defending rape. Do you have reading comprehension issues?

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 10:33 pm
    wouldn't be surprised if u were an old dude jerking off to kiddie porn alex (he/him)

    You are being disgusting to keep your rape pov when no one is defending rape but you.
    I would say you are talking about yourself. How disgusting can you be to keep your rape pov? Do you realize those paragraphs were not defending rape. They are trying to get you to differentiate between reality and fantasy and that the ones that read rape stories are normal. Your hate is disgusting. TMSM was defending people, including you. He was trying to educate you. You are being disgusting. You retort to a nasty ad hominem because your opinions and pov are wrong. That is hideous. What is wrong with you? You need to seek professional help if you can’t handle being wrong or somebody helping you for free. Instead of being thankful for him. You treat him like trash. That is you. He is gold. Stop lying about him. Did you even read what he posted? Man up. Be a man. Instead of cowering in the shadows. A man would not be this pathetic towards others.

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 11:04 pm
    You are being disgusting to keep your rape pov when no one is defending rape but you. I would say you are talking about yourself. How disgusting can you be to keep your rape pov? Do you realize those paragraph... Torakaze

    MAN UP LMOAOOOOOOOOO you typing essays to undermine me is wild. you seem so insecure and unhappy with your life you fuckin rape fetisher hahahaha

    alex (he/him) September 11, 2023 11:08 pm
    Why would you say this??? You're disgusting. Manhwaspicy

    cause its funny you freak

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 11:19 pm
    MAN UP LMOAOOOOOOOOO you typing essays to undermine me is wild. you seem so insecure and unhappy with your life you fuckin rape fetisher hahahaha alex (he/him)

    You have no credibility. You are the one who has issues with long messages. They are not essays. You don’t have the logical reasoning or understanding how to use that logic. You trying to use that logic against me is hilarious. You need to understand the fundamentals and research behind it. Then you will know your conclusion is faulty. I am highly secure as your pathetic insults and trolling does not work on me. I am very happy my life. I am not into rape stories. What are you talking about? Hahaha anything for an attack. Your ad hominem is highly ridiculous and hilarious.
    My wife and my best friend is into Bl stories. I am called in to analyze stories or settle something. I am a straight man who occasionally read BL stories.
    If I am saying Jinx has no rape. However, you are the one seeing rape and grossly abusing others to force your rape pov. How do I have a rape fetish?
    You put rape in a non-rape story.
    You make TMSM posts about defending rape.
    You somehow make me a rape fetisher. When I am not.
    You are the one obsessed with rape that you can’t have a decent conversation. It has to be see rape and you must hate it. You secretly have a rape fetish. If you read what TMSM posted the rape fetish is healthy and common. How you are treating us is not. You are being downright disgusting and pathetic. You’re being absolutely absurd.

    Torakaze September 11, 2023 11:22 pm
    cause its funny you freak alex (he/him)

    Abusive behavior.
    Stand against abuse while being abusive.
    You are being the freak.
    We are being ordinary.
    You are being absolutely ridiculous.
    You are just exposing yourself more.

    reigensimp September 11, 2023 11:28 pm
    You have no credibility. You are the one who has issues with long messages. They are not essays. You don’t have the logical reasoning or understanding how to use that logic. You trying to use that logic aga... Torakaze

    Okay I just reread the first three chapters and are you brain dead or some shit ? He was coerced into it when he wasn’t comfortable in the first place, he only did it to pay off debts and for his grandma or some shit,, and even then he wanted to call it off while the dead beat assaulter male lead asswipe threatened to beat him up if he didn’t do it with him right then and there. He was uncomfy the whole time and practically pleaded for him to stop + it was forced . That’s the text book definition of sexual assault/grape,,, if you still choose to ignore the fact this is literally in the THIRD chapter of this trash story then I got no hopes for you atp.. I mean I already knew you were stupid to keep arguing back about how sa is bad but whatever lmfaooo

    jojo September 12, 2023 12:30 pm

    why cant i see the replies here ?

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 2:22 pm
    why cant i see the replies here ? jojo

    Reignsimp’s simply being a toxic coward. I, Reigensimp, can’t communicate because I was wrong or allowed other pov, therefore I have to be an immature bully and aggressively bully others into my uneducated opinions with pathetic insults then since I am a coward I will edit my topic to hide all the comments. I will go lying about them too.

    — I focused on one aspect of Reignsimp. Oh my goodness it was claimed I was defending SA when the sources does debunked that claim. Haha.
    Reignsimp is a liar.

    Now the last comment before yours that is Tora. It is abusive and toxic. Tora isn’t brain dead because he can understand a story. How abusive. Dan wasn’t coerced into sex. Dan was uncomfortable but he still consented. Did Dad only do it to pay off his debts?? This person doesn’t understand the difference between SA and rape. It is not rape but SA and abusive behavior. Jaekyung did threaten him but he told him to leave after. Dan chose to stay. It was not forced. they cherry picked chapter 3 and dismissed chapters 4 to degrade Tora to defend rape. That is what is stupid. Tora is not stupid. Tora is smart. Tora is working on a PhD. It is stupid to claim we were defending SA. Even the last sentence doesn’t match up to what happened but would fit more to our views.
    “ I mean I already knew you were stupid to keep arguing back about how sa is bad but whatever lmfaooo”
    So ”arguing” sa is bad is stupid. Reignsimp has no clue what they even talking about. Reignsimp never understood my posts. Get this my post that had four quotes from experts, Reignsimp told me I wrote it all myself.
    Reignsimp is a coward and fucked in the head who wants to degrade others to force rape in a story.

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 2:28 pm
    Okay I just reread the first three chapters and are you brain dead or some shit ? He was coerced into it when he wasn’t comfortable in the first place, he only did it to pay off debts and for his grandma or s... reigensimp

    Do you know the difference between SA and Rape 

Rape is a form of sexual assault. However, not all forms of sexual assault will be considered rape.

    Jinx is not rape but SA and abusive.

    You are abusing Tora for telling you the truth. You are being more toxic than the story. Tora is a real person. The story is fantasy.

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 2:32 pm
    Reignsimp’s simply being a toxic coward. I, Reigensimp, can’t communicate because I was wrong or allowed other pov, therefore I have to be an immature bully and aggressively bully others into my uneducated ... Tmsmyz

    I personally think I should had reworded some of that. No need to be like them.

    Reignsimp is being a coward and by their own comments shows they are messed up in the head …….

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 2:35 pm
    cause its funny you freak alex (he/him)

    Takes one to know one. You can’t even have a conversation with someone with different perspectives from your own. What does that say about you?
    OMG we got to see rape to be able to talk to you. No. You have to understand there are other pov

    stop being stupid and abusive. You are being disgusting.

    reigensimp September 12, 2023 2:41 pm
    I personally think I should had reworded some of that. No need to be like them. Reignsimp is being a coward and by their own comments shows they are messed up in the head ……. :) Tmsmyz

    Dick rider dick rider dick rider !!! This is literally pointless , stop trying to defend sexual assault, literally no one cares , you’re not getting a gold star for having 5 accounts and going after people who got morals, no one is abusing your dumb ass, just pointing out the fact you’re an uneducated idiot on the internet . I’m not a coward for not replying anymore, you just have the same stupid argument that no one cares about, no one is reading ur essay ass replies so give up lmfaoooooooo

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 2:59 pm
    Dick rider dick rider dick rider !!! This is literally pointless , stop trying to defend sexual assault, literally no one cares , you’re not getting a gold star for having 5 accounts and going after people wh... reigensimp

    You are being disrespectful and disgusting. Stop it.

    Name calling is abusive behavior.
    I am not defending Sexual Assault. Your attacking assault holds no value or water here. You look uneducated each time you came I am defending SA.
    You have morals? You? You are one of toxic people on here with literally on morals. If you had morals you wouldn’t wrote that comment or most of your posts. You are abusive. Name calling is abusive and someone with morals would not do. I am not the uneducated idiot here. That is also something someone with morals would not say. When you judge someone, you don’t define them, you define yourself. You define yourself. You judge yourself. That is you calling yourself an uneducated idiot. You can’t define me. You twisted my words I don’t say it was for not replying however you never tried. You only impose and dismiss others comments. People do care about the truth. I will keep post it. Your immoral opinions matter not. That last comment really no one with morals would say. Stop the manipulative and abusive behavior

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 3:00 pm
    Okay I just reread the first three chapters and are you brain dead or some shit ? He was coerced into it when he wasn’t comfortable in the first place, he only did it to pay off debts and for his grandma or s... reigensimp

    Tora wrote this on this thread.

Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.

Rape is a FORM of Sexual Assault. Sexual assault means more. 
In which a person is forced to engage in sexual relations. Where is that in Jinx? 
He grabs him and tosses him on the bed = abusive. 
“HOLD STILL BEFORE I BREAK YOUR ANKLE.” Sounds like a threat but more likely a warning. 



Skipping some lines. “…DON'T EXPECT TO BE
SENT HOME SAFE AND SOUND.” He makes a threat. 
Dan remembers the uke being slammed in the wall— abusive 
“THEN... HOW DO I DO THIS.” If this continued it would been raped because he threatened him into it. BUT skipping some lines. 

“IF EVEN THIS IS TOO MUCH FOR YOU, THEN JUST GET THE FUCK OUT.” This is the second time Jaekyung told him to leave. Dan could leave. 

Dan consented and it had nothing to do with the threats or being forced into it. 


IN NOW... Dan is consenting. 

Dan stops consenting. “S-STOP... DON'T”
Slam his head into the pillow- abusive. 
“…AND I'LL SMASH YOUR HEAD IN.”- threatening. 
First reading I was like this is rape. End of chapter 3. 
Chapter 4. Dan isn’t saying anything and by Jaekyung he is tight. Verify Dan told him to put it in again “YOU TELL ME TO JUST PUT IT IN, AND THEN CLENCH UP SO TIGHT I CAN'T
EVEN DO IT.” Why didn’t Dan talk again. He is too tight to cause him to bleed. When Jaekyung noticed something is wrong. He stops. He turns Dan around “WHAT THE ARE YOU CRYING?”OVER THAT? I BARELY EVEN PUT IT IN! “ Look at that face. He is concerned. He wants sex. He does not want to rape the guy. If you think rape is sex. You need professional help. 

“N-NO, THAT'S NOT WHY... Y-YOU JUST... STARTLED ME...”. This would not stop like no stop to someone. It would be a green light to many. 
Jaekyung covers up his concern. 
“NO... HIC-I CAN DO IT...” Dan consented again. 
This is not rape. 

No. Sir please. It is too deep. 
A few panels Jaekyung will stop thrusting and bend over to talk to Dan. He stops. He listened. 
He asked Dan how many guys had him before him. 
Dan is saying no it is not like that. It takes a little jump. We don’t know if Jaekyung asked to continue or not. 
Dan asked him to be a little gentler. He covers Dans mouth and finishes. 

What rape? Dan may not like it but he consented to it. At anytime he could had said he was a virgin and voiced more about his feelings. 
Again rape is Rape is a form of sexual assault in which a person (man, woman or child) is forced to engage in sexual relations (vaginal, anal or oral) against his or her will or without having given consent. Often an attacker will use physical force in committing rape; however, rape also occurs when someone uses threats of violence or emotional force or manipulation to engage an individual in sex.
Jaekyung did not force him to engage. He did made threats but the one that count is invalid as he told him to go home and Dan chose to stay. There was no emotion force. No manipulation. 
Then Dan returns to make another deal with him. Dan is a man and knew what kind of sex Jaekyung liked then. The second time I would say it comes close to rape is the penis sleeve. 
You have to take consideration Dan’s character and Jaekyung’s character. The story is clear it is not rape. It does come close to it.

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 3:08 pm
    Because I am not defending your false accusations. Try again. Try reading instead of being toxic and abusive. Tmsmyz

    I said it here I am defending SA. Why are you continuing with a false claim? It looks uneducated.

    Tmsmyz September 12, 2023 3:21 pm
    I said it here I am defending SA. Why are you continuing with a false claim? It looks uneducated. Tmsmyz

    I said it here I am not** defending SA. “I am not defending your false accusations”.

    I am not defending SA. I never have. I never will.

    You need to read what I posted and you will see you are falsely accusing me. Where are your morals? Someone with morals would never do what you are doing.

    Manhwaspicy September 12, 2023 4:05 pm
    cause its funny you freak alex (he/him)

    You say that because it’s funny? You are disgusting and I hope you get Karma.

reigensimp September 9, 2023 5:07 pm

Some people annoy me so much ,, they don’t get cirrus character at all,,, esp the ones calling him insane after the last chapter. I think it’s pretty telling but his backstory explains everything about the way he is now,, his shitty past actions are not excusable at all , but it’s explained why he acts that way,, he was emotionally neglected his whole childhood and had no good adult to show him how to act, so he became fake and thought that everybody else was fake like him too,, so he has no trust for others,, that’s why skylar means so much to him.. skylar has also gone through a lot and he says he wants skylar to stay miserable and be on the same level as him because he doesn’t think there’s any other way for skylar to stay by his side ,, because he dislikes himself that much. I also wanted to say the people sexualizing the sa in that one recent chapters need to stop because it’s not cool,,, cirrus was not okay for doing that but again it’s because of the fact he got sa’ed as a child ,, he thought he had to do something like that and when he was ejected he thought skylar hated him and thought he was dirty and disgusting,, which isn’t true , skylar was simply embarrassed about the whole thing. Anyway the people saying cirrus is a psycho are just wrong, he’s a mentally ill teenager ,, the adult characters in usual bls straight up are psychos sometimes but people still think they’re hot and cool; so I don’t get why people think cirrus is so messed up in comparison.. anyway all that is to say you don’t have to like cirrus or any of his actions, but it annoys me when people say he’s a psychopath or something when he’s clearly not

    reigensimp September 9, 2023 5:10 pm

    IGNORE ALL MY SPELLING ERRORS LMAOO I didn’t reread this back as I was typing..

    fenisme September 9, 2023 5:50 pm

    EXACTLYYYY thank god finally a normal person in this comment section

    Liz September 9, 2023 5:58 pm


    hope world ^ ♡ ^ September 9, 2023 7:10 pm

    Its hard to understand the character of cirrus especially if 1) you havent been on his shoes irl, like experienced such childhood or smth that could be considered disturbing & traumatic, 2) you dont understand the cause & effect relationship of things, and lacks the empathy and ability to make sense why he is such a complex character.

    The author did a very good job portraying his past and his today. Unfortunately, not everyone could see beyond the preconceived notions of a
    complex character like cirrus.

    reigensimp September 9, 2023 7:14 pm
    Its hard to understand the character of cirrus especially if 1) you havent been on his shoes irl, like experienced such childhood or smth that could be considered disturbing & traumatic, 2) you dont underst... hope world ^ ♡ ^

    I agree with everything you said and dang you said it so eloquently too,,, but yeah people who go into litc just because it’s tagged as a bl annoy me because it’s first and foremost a psychological story,,, it’s about them as characters and how effed up their lives are ,, as well as the fact they’re trying to help each other out

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