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mylastbraincell created a topic of Shitasaki Kara Koi

either normals or beta, its starting to sound like a slur

I love how the mc is breaking 4th wall all the time, he's aware he's being thrown into a trope. And the "God" is the author lmao

mylastbraincell created a topic of Guiding Hazard

The barbatos plush wouldn't sell well if you portrayed that spawn of devil like that. just an annoying dog

mylastbraincell created a topic of Secretary to Stage

The comments are so creative

mylastbraincell created a topic of The Crows Marriage

if you guys don't like Uke that are soft, feminine(?), fragile(?), petite and overall uwu faced. Just avoid Sakura Rico's work, they're all like that lmao... its kinda like a signature in her works (more like a fetish in MY OPINION)

(?) - up for debate

I imagined Kou to have Umehara Yuichiro voice

mylastbraincell created a topic of Aren't You My Type

It hurts but it hurts so good. Don't hurt my Geon, he should date me instead

mylastbraincell created a topic of Jinx


mylastbraincell asked a question

I want some gintoki/hijikata dj

mylastbraincell created a topic of Into The Thrill

did the author tried to force a trauma on the mc? he ended up looking miserable and an asshole... I can't even read half of the story because I'm so mad over the fact that he was upset over his "friend's" death after ghosting him from 4years and using him as a reason to have a night stand.
"make me forget." bro, you already are. "I'm the only one who actually thinks about Taeshin's death" or whatever, probably the nicest thing you've said so far

mylastbraincell created a topic of Jinx

Why are all Mingyu-nnim bottoms are such a pussy! what's up with them not being able to stand up for themselves?!

I wish i could come out like tht too

mylastbraincell created a topic of Guiding Hazard

my stomach did the thing (organ failure)