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mylastbraincell created a topic of One Summer Day

ugh... my uterus hurts from reading them fukcin so much... it look hurt

mylastbraincell created a topic of Secretary to Stage

i spat my drink, who let a humanity destructive weapon be anywhere inside a poor ass???

i know the author owns the character and they can whatever tf they want- but Lyle saying cock feels soo ooc lmao

the author is so good at making this a warm, cute and fluffy story. look at how heart warming and sweet they are whenever they're
NOT having sex 24/7 lmao
sometimes it feels like the sex scenes are forced bc the author doesn't want to have two characters having healthy conversation

mylastbraincell created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

I'm suffocating TT i need to know what's next WAAAH

mylastbraincell created a topic of Pretty Friend

Grow up he says, no, YOU grow up the fuck?!

the black haired dude was the bottom?!?!?!?!?

lee won definitely deserves someone better

the lack of communication is making me crazy

mylastbraincell created a topic of Jinx

using your sick family as a way to get to your side is a new low :((( i feel like walking on eggshell if i ever dated someone like jaekyung

mylastbraincell created a topic of Love All Apartment

I thought he was gonna date his coworker instead idk

mylastbraincell created a topic of Guiding Hazard

when the bottom is too strong ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

I like weird tropes like these, its funny and it works hehe

I want to get dicked like that too... aaa chief togami save mee aaa~

mylastbraincell created a topic of Secretary to Stage

I love men failures type seme, so delicious

A yes man (ash) and overthinking + bad decision maker (lyle) couple does not work. I'm scratching my scalp

mylastbraincell created a topic of Secretary to Stage

the idol thing is kind of silly, but this is so good

The MC be like: wdym i haven't been isekai'ed?