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me: leona is a bad person! horrible mother! a villain! hate her!

also me: she's so hot, i would let her ben**pre** me. fuck that

I'm going insane abt how much half of their problems can be solved if only they talked

mylastbraincell created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

... I want the modern setting back...

mylastbraincell created a topic of My Bias Appeared?!

our queen hyesung??? she's too beautiful to only appear in two panels. TWO!

Oh no... that means- in the other universe which Takamine isn't an idol... what if Takamine came saying something like "i want to become an idol because of you", and then Tetora would be like "who are you?"

Erin should date Melly, and they lived happily ever after. I love Ainz too, he's such a green card

i would've been fine if the trope was like "cheat on me? i will fuck your father" dynamic, but instead when the male mc also started calling his ex-fiancé'a father "father" alongside "partner"and "boyfriend".... I feel icky.... but its just me whatever

mylastbraincell created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

is hyo'un going to think taehyuk sent those men to kill him???? Noooo

mylastbraincell created a topic of Jinx

this is too painful to read... I feel sorry for kim dan every time there's sex scenes... (dropped)

mylastbraincell created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon

The hole we failed to protect