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Nobody created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

The chapters are up to date.
Look up “Tu manga online” and it should be the first hit off Google search.

Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard

I cant help thinking he’s banging someone and being banged as well since he’s an esper and a guide

Nobody created a topic of Love in Orbit

Whoever already seen the chapter, or when it’s posted, I think you’ll understand what I mean.
Artist can draw creepy really well.

Nobody created a topic of Nerd Project

So I’d been reading this one here and there, but finally got around to actually read it completely.
Since I hadn’t read it from the beginning I always wondered where the attraction came from because i find the “i was straight until I met you” trope a bit annoying, but from my interpretation it’s less about Luke being straight and more like since his only experience has been with his ex, he hadn’t even thought about other possibilities.
He did blush when he first laid eyes on Andrew.
And well, Andrew is ambiguous. He’s been labeled as gay and he seems ok with that assertion and he showed attraction to Luke from like chapter 10 (the chapter where his shirt shrank).

Nobody asked a question

There’s been a few times where I’ve created a topic on a series page, and when I go look for it later, it’s nowhere to be found. Does that happen to others too?

Nobody created a topic of D:AZE

So, I started a little project to make it easier for me to read the raws, and figured I’ll share it here.
It’s a very basic translation done with google translate so it’s not the most accurate, but it’s serviceable enough to hold over until the official is released.
Currently the Korean raws are to chapter 51.
I’ll be uploading the chapters to albums on my homepage.

Chapter 41

Nobody created a topic of D:AZE

Here’s the novel link:데이즈

Originally I thought I messed up because the description is wrong, but looking at it closer, this is the correct link. Just ignore the sypnosis.

Nobody answered question about question
Romances that come out of nowhere. Fated loves. I hate that they are not allowed to decide who they want to fall in love with cus of some BS promise made in the past. Especially when the promise was made by some third person. (Examples: The god of pain groom or Kamisama no uroko).
Nobody created a topic of That Sexapparition

But I would have liked the side stories to come back to the present to finish off.

Nobody answered question about love for the booty
Eh, to me it’s just another day. So to answer your question, no, I can’t wrap my head around romance, but to each their own. I have nothing against Valentine’s Day.
Nobody created a topic of Guiding Hazard


Chapter 29 is ready.

It’s a bit of a sad chapter, well more like nostalgic.
Anyway, I can’t wait for the proper translation.

Here are the links for the time being: