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fuck off i wanna sleep created a topic of Acute

Luka and Kaito did the most damage in this one. It was natural to be selfish in the ways of love but when you love two people so much you can't choose over them so you keep it in yourself even if it hurts but just to keep them both, that's real noble. And that's what Miku had in mind, but she didn't really register how it would be like for Luka. The best intentions but didn't have that much of a proper way of executing. Miku made the promise with Luka to cope that hurt she was nursing, but she couldn't have known it wasn't enough for Luka.

The promise was for them not to make a move and hurt each other but the rules didnt extend to Kaito. In the end, Kaito had the final say and I know theyd understand and be fine with it if it was Kaito who was the bearer of news. If ONLY the girl who got picked, giddy from all the romantic love of her best friend's crush now her lover, didn't hid it away from the best friend leaving said best friend still wanting and hurting for so long and none the wiser until it bubbled and exploded, huh? NOPE!

Really, it was all fine for Luka and Kaito to end up together. But the least Luka could do was to tell Miku immediately at the start that Kaito chose her because she was just who Kaito fell in love with, not the girl he prefered and now the promise was null and void. That way, Miku would be let down gently. Love was uncontrollable, and Miku would understand that. But Luka was cowardly and thought Miku would really hate her. Though, hiding it for a long time was what really spurred on Miku's grief and hatred.

Kaito was just icing on the cake of Miku's suffering. Why didn't he ever criticize Luka on why they needed to hide their relationship from Miku? Didn't he know hiding their relationship from Miku was just isolating her further from their friendship than just outright telling it to her earlier? And why did he further enable Miku's love for him by sleeping with her just to placate her the shittiest way possible instead of stopping it now once and for all? He was a shitty guy for that and just made it all worse. What was he thinking, seriously?

The two weren't great friends. They babied Miku's emotions too much, thought her feelings had little weight and she would just throw a tantrum, be annoying and petty over it. They thought Miku wouldnt have to capacity to forgive them. And they were right, if they weren't also very wrong to begin with. And so, during the height of Miku's grief, they only stood by and watched even though they instantly knew Miku was already hurting, that she was becoming insane from all the hurt shes feeling and needed help. Now its come to bite them back in the ass. But in the end they cut ties with her and Miku is left to think it was all her fault. It was so unfair for Miku.

She's thought all her life she was only immature and selfish and spoiled but I think she saw herself wrong and only made assumptions from people telling her what she was like. What Miku felt wasn't immature and was very solid and had depth. Giving up your love for those who were less fortunate in life wasn't selfish, and she did it for Luka and Kaito. Miku was actually kind and the two overlooked that quality of hers and made a nasty (but temporary) enemy of her by making light of that kindness.

fuck off i wanna sleep created a topic of Fangs

Holy shit fucking finally its gonna update. Ive missed En and his baby face (≧∇≦)

Is it fucked up of me to want to have them end up together? Like, not in a creepy "I wanna f my sister/brother" way, but just let them hug it out or something, Mai reveals she understands him (like a Will & Hannibal type of shit), and then they get to some kind of compromise.

AAAAAHHHH THIS IS WHERE ALL THE FUN BEGINS! Shit is about to get fuckin wild! There's a looooong way to go before Moondae can get rid of the damn 'Do This or Death' condition...

Bro was sweating so much about gifting him a ring but in the end he gave Sihyeon the necklace ver. of it instead in order to avoid the sus XD careful, chan, you're slipping

So, let me get this straight... You're shit to your son (who you first raised up btw) but now after that son grew up you're suddenly all lovey-dovey sweety cakey with your seven year old daughter, as if she were your second attempt at parenting???? Get out of here, you senile old grandpa.

Even tho it's so awful everytime I read this arc, it's always nice to see this sudden depressive side of Moondae. It gives him more depth to his character and it shows that no matter how smooth sailing he is currently going, one way or another, the stress of maintaining this stability would come and bite him so hard in the ass later when he least expects it. You'd think he'd always be lowkey and chill but then sudden shit like this happens to him and what he does as a response is not some kind of plan to fix it but to punch or strike his head on to some hard shit and panic about it so much.

fuck off i wanna sleep asked question about question

Lately, I've been reflecting my behavior when it comes to interacting with the internet and boy do I regret all the shit I've said in here. I was like, what, 12? When I came here and started lying my ass off for attention I didn't get from physical social interaction (not my fault COVID was rubbing its ass off on so much people it started a pandemi......

This is why you can never be too sure about social media. Because everyone should always remember to approach everything and everyone in the platform with a healthy amount of skepticism and indifference. It's not a good thing to be too affected by anything in these kinds of places.

Thought he was bout to call him 'Daddy' :P

fuck off i wanna sleep created a topic of Bye Bye

Dude... you phrased that goodbye to your husband like you were phoning him on the walkie talkie during war. Of fucking course he'd think you were trying to off yourself, idiot.

This better upload fast or I'm gonna turn out to be the killer myself

fuck off i wanna sleep created a topic of Camping

I hate sounding like a degenerate but this shit is high quality porn material, like, dude has a giant dick and personally, I'm loving it

Fuuucckkk, this manga literally bombed my heart to SHREDS It was my fault. I willingly walked into this one even though I knew it was gonna be angsty AND I don't like reading angst but I still did it anyway...

Oh god, has he been molesting his sister? That's so fucked up what the hell

Girl, I don't get how she reacted after she just felt so repulsed of her dad. Couldn't she just lock herself up in her room and ignore him? No, but instead she risked her entire well-being because she can't stand a stripper as a father. The same stripper who did nothing but work to support her and make her live a comfortable life! But she's just throwing it out because she thinks her dad is an undignified slut (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Bro really dragged an innocent bystander into a rally and forgot he was helping a lost person who just wanted to go home lmao

Normally, I wouldn't like these "I reincarnated as" type of mangas/novels/webtoons as soon as I see the title, but there's something about breaking out of the formula or whatever you call it.

And the most I like about this manga breaking out of the Reincarnated MC Formula is that girl isn't even close to being a Mary Sue. Like, absolutely no concrete plans, she's just winging it with a shit ton of hope and perseverance that her brother might even have a wick of possibly not becoming a serial murder killer. And that's her only goal. Keep her damn psychopathic step brother entertained enough not to get bored and end up killing everybody. And let's admit it, it's a shit strategy compaired to every other FL you see reincarnated into a game. Girl thinks she can bend water or some shit.

But unfortunately, she's dealing with a psychopath, and oh boy, those guys are damn near unfixable by Heroine Guide to Changing The Course of Events 101. But, OH, WHAT'S HAPPENED? He ended up becoming OBSESSED with her! GASP! What a twist! It's a bit weird and unexpected, but I'm not complaining. Actually, it makes it even more exciting to anticipate the end result.

I'm messed up in the head cuz why do I actually want the two of them together... like, I want this to be a partner in crime thing at the end where there's some sort of conflict Mai's gonna face where she chooses between going against her brother or to join him in the so-called "hell" Kurobe keeps yapping about. And frankly, I'd like it to be the latter.

Man... I like slow burn in a psychological thriller way.