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foryourvicton did ( All 2 )

being single crying

foryourvicton want to do ( All 1 )

turn into a guy

foryourvicton's experience ( All 0 )

foryourvicton's answer ( All 8 )

about question
everyone listing the same 4 people over and over again so here, have some diversification, liston to victon they've got some really nice songs check out their latest comeback: what I said (the whole album is immaculate please give that a try), sacrifice (a member's solo), mayday, time of sorrow and here I am (my faves), unpredictable, nostalgic nig......   2 reply
26 06,2021
belated happy birthday! you do not deserve to be treated that way I hope things get better.   reply
30 04,2021
some of y'all be hyping up yaois with really badly drawn characters ex: out of proportion bodies or just weird in general, and im tired of it. like I don't really care much for the overrated yaoi storyline but I do care about the art !!!   2 reply
28 04,2021
about question
oooh okay why am I my own type lol   reply
25 04,2021
a 21 years old virgin   reply
22 04,2021

foryourvicton's question ( All 0 )