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bi-lateral_general created a topic of Full volume
bi-lateral_general created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Reading these comments knowing I made the right choice to stop reading for a while

He definitely should have said his safe word earlier in the encounter instead of letting Jiho finish. Though it is alarming that it took him a few moments to even remember what “Macaron” meant.

Hope to see more from this artist in the future. I really like their art style and the vibe of their stuff

How are y’all out here asking if this is the end when there’s a whole ass page that tells you it isn’t? Y’all stress me out.

Anyway. VERY interesting how Ao went from “I can’t believe Asuka did this to us” to “I can’t believe Asuka did this for us”. Such a shame that the author decided to go down this path. Praying for a time skip so that I can believe their relationship in the extras.

Cute start! Definitely good advice to treat your lover as your best friend. You don’t have to do ultra romantic things if they aren’t interesting to either of you. It’s all about a healthy balance.
I love how Ren is smitten already. It’s sooo cute. And the ferret being a menace the whole time just is icing on top.

I don’t really care about the ML at all at this point. The “mystery” was vaguely interesting in my the first chapter but now it is just meh. The way this kid was conditioned and raised to behave like a narcissist isn’t necessarily his fault and I would also be annoyed to talk to someone like that, but bro How has NO ONE said anything to him for YEARS?? Like not a teacher or another classmate up until now? Jesus Christ. His entire world view has been shattered. This is the biggest just transfer moment I’ve ever seen.

Praying this flashback section ends soon (like Ch 55 or something). Like the past is great and all but I’d like to continue from where we left off already.

Asexuals reading smut unite.
Thank you kindly for translating this chapter. I’ve been thinking about this manga for a while. Happy New Year!

It’s okay bro. We can all see that you’re down bad for him.

Honestly I wish this had a bigger timeskip after their falling out. It’s only Asuka that reaches out or works hard for the relationship, and Ao strung him along for weeks before treating him like he was some kind of monster. I don’t feel like the kiss here was earned, and I don’t like that Ao doesn’t have to apologize for blaming Asuka. I guess this only works because he’s such an airhead.

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Wake me up when Seth is back

bi-lateral_general created a topic of HUNGRY SOULS

Looks interesting enough, hope it doesn’t get too bogged down with “lore” related nonsense

I’m going to puke these last couple of chapters have felt so dreadful. Like it’s wild how many little happy things have happened but none of them have done anything about the amount of dread I feel. Theo fucked up, we get it. He’s done terrible things. Jesus Christ this is a painful redemption arc for him.

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Bye Bye

I guess it’s fine it ended where it ended but definitely felt like the artist was rushing to be done with the comic lol. I didn’t really care for the beach related scenes in the extra story anyway, but it’s a shame they never showed the baby.

So was Asuka supposed to just ask the other gang to please not rape him? Please don’t kidnap his younger sisters next and sell them? If violence leads to violence, than Asuka is the response, he is not the cause. It’s so heartless of Ao to put that blame on him.

Lol I can’t imagine how “wife” could set someone off so much. Language changes and evolves all the time, a man can very well be a “wife” or even a “mother” depending on context/the story. At no point is anyone forcing him to become a woman.