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Ain’t no way this author put a dom twink in this and then didn’t give us any side chapters??? Like even volume 2 still has the main couple on the cover so I don’t think we’ll ever see the side couple in all their glory??? Bro

I know culture plays a huge role in shit like that’s , but the way I would go full homicidal on someone if they kept showing their face after deliberately causing me that amount of physical and mental torment….

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Dom&Sub

Is Sentinel AU that popular? I only just heard of it due to a different comic, but don’t think I’ve seen anything else with it

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Kiraide Isasete

This deep in the story I wasn’t really looking for a plot like this but at the same time, Hazuki’s jealousy needs to be addressed? I’m happy Naoto stood his ground because yeah, it is a lack of trust. And to anyone thinking this would have been resolved if he just told Hazuki about the love advice, I hate to break it to you but the core problem is not Naoto talking to others. It’s Hazuki not trusting him when he does. They have 3 kids together and he’s still acting like a child trying to keep his favorite toy to himself. Naoto should be able to go out and socialize without worry about his husband blowing up like this.

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Gig of the Day

The comment section had me worried but like. It’s two consenting adults so I don’t see any issue? The realism is missing but if he’s enjoying it, I’m not gonna complain. Yeomin wants him bad, let him have it. Taeseo’s thoughts are a little worrisome but he could just be one of those guys that doesn’t realize he’s going to smitten later. When he called him Babe tho!!!

Jingku looks like a golden retriever so I don’t want to hate him right off the bat. Please don’t make him an asshole third wheel

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Jinx

I only come here to check the comments and y’all never disappoint

Pretty sure I read this already but Akira Nakata is Akira Nakata

Good to know that after his hair cut, any semblance of a meek shut-in was also washed away. It’s clear that there’s some hidden past here, but the alphas in these stories always have no concept of personal space lol

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Instant Family

I just noticed the cover change and omg how cute. The rings!

I hate third wheels in general but this guy is somehow even worse than I expected

Thank you so much for picking this up! I’ve been stalking this series since Chapter 2 and it’s lived I my head rent free.

I mean yeah Coolmic in general has always been pretty predatory. The only reason they turn manga into the “verticomix” format is to make a single chapter into multiple “chapters” to maximize profits.

Wow the evil woman in yaoi. It’s been so long I almost forgot about them. Honestly a little bummed that Seiji showed up. It makes Ritsu look even more like what those naysayers think.

How did he run into him again if he went ahead and the live in the same place

I mean like. It looked more like Jooheon’s ex was attacking Dojin? I honestly have no sympathy for him if he’s going to try to force anything with Yulha.

Spoilers for the next set of chapters

This is just me venting into the void

but ughhhh the way this is going is so frustrating. At this point of the flashbacks I just wanted to return to the present. But seriously we’re getting an amnesia arc after an entire flashback season?

Amnesia plots are way more common than they should be and given how this story started with both characters not remembering their past lives, I feel like it doesn’t add anything to the plot besides chapters. I guess we get to see Hyo-Un act desperate in present time but let’s be real, he’s been desperate and sad for majority of the comic at this point. The draw for this comic was how confident and straightforward Taehyuk was so it’s sad to get set back to zero with him.

I hope I’m wrong and this arc doesn’t last too long.

This is now on hiatus until June as well. I think I’ll just have to wait until the entire story is finished before I come back to read it.