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I love emotionless characters as much as the next person but man it’s so wonderful to see both of them blushing and being super smitten with each other!

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Instant Family

How are you gonna give me a scene of nipple play just to zoom in on Taeheon’s pec that has no nipple??

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Gig of the Day

I hate how effortlessly hot Taeseo is. Like this artist is on some unreal shit because he’s super hot every panel.

I forgot how much I loved these two. Ukano is still one of my favorite male leads in a long time. I love how serious he is about communication and making sure Sachio knows how much he’s loved. This chapter was super romantic!!

I like how in chapter 8 they completely removed any sense of wrong doing from Seryoung and made Junseop a crybaby pushover. Yes men are gross but what Seryoung is doing isn’t any better. But I’m supposed to feel bad about Junseop hurting his feelings? Both characters really sucked.

Well it’s not what I wanted but the tagline should have prepared me. Turning off my brain for this one.

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Afterglow

Higuchi needs to get very confident very fast because Tenju has something way more important that needs sucking

Puking on someone is infinitely more traumatic than beating the shit out of them.

Praying this doesn’t end up with both of them waking up and feeling awkward and avoiding each other

Can’t wait to see how this turns out. Gonna reread Ookami-san in the meantime

I like this author but I already know this is gonna be a messy story

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Afterglow

He’s super hot but man I want to see him bottom too. His ass looked soooo good

The title for this isn’t long enough. I recommend: “My Scary Supervisor Jerks Me Off And Calls Me A Good Boy, Refuses to Elaborate!”

Reading for the first time and on ch 11. Both of these characters kind of suck but especially the boss. Immature asshole holding a high school grudge? I recently encountered an acquaintance that was holding a grudge against me since HS and it was so stupid. How embarrassing for a grown man.

This one checks most of the boxes. Honestly wish there was another chapter

bi-lateral_general created a topic of Koi to Seiyoku

Comments: deep introspection about race and colonization
Author: hehe Erwin and Levi sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Akira Nakata draws men like Motoya so fucking hot. Like I doubt I’d ever like him in real life but the way he’s drawn is sooooo hot.

I didn’t realize this was ongoing but V2 does a great job of showing how relationships don’t just fix everything. Miyabi is still struggling and Haruto is still trying to do everything for him. They both need to grow and become more comfortable and reliant on each other. I’m glad that they were able to communicate their feelings and I hope we will see better communication in the next volume.
I did check and volume 3 is still ongoing in Japan (2 chapters so far) so we likely won’t see it anytime soon.