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tellmeamelia June 1, 2024 6:21 am

They have a mouth but it is only used for kissing and sucking. I looked at the raws. Honestly I don’t understand how we came to this point. Sometimes I feel like they just start good to later on f*ck it up. Anyways I will just let this marinate.

    PBF June 6, 2024 8:56 am

    Spoilers pls?

    haku June 7, 2024 9:44 pm

    omg what happens….?

    RARE°INSIGHTS•やおい◼ June 8, 2024 5:11 am
    Spoilers pls? PBF

    Here spoilers -


    later in night Aiden come to Dio house , dio is angry told "you have time to meet me now" Aiden pleases dio to open door they had intense argument when Aiden told that "he knew about dio leaving army " dio got angry and grab Aiden collar and forcefully told him that "you knew and didn't talk to me about it" Aiden knew he would be angry and accepted his anger , later dio blamed himself for team to get disband cuz of his confession and that he should have never fall for Aiden which hurted Aiden but also Aiden decided everything himself that "he should go back complete his studies and help out his sister, mom and nephew" dio told "you didn't even bother asking my opinion on it? You decided everything and you expect me to nod off and say yes as usual to it as well?" Then dio told him to leave next day discharge day of dio coming and they had final talk in base as subordinate and superior Aiden ask Dio to get angry at him , but Dio said "i want to remember every moment with you as my happiest hope you meet better person who wouldn't leave you boss" then Dio leave for his house saying that "it's usual love story that started uncertain moment of happiness and just end in vain" he meet his people in his town and met a blond guy Mathew who kissed him Dio try to move on but he couldn't and said no to that guy , Aiden on other hand months passed regretting his decision, red hair convinced aiden to talk out with dio so he could be at peace just like he did with his wife when she left him he never talked to her since then red hair wants to settle this out , so Aiden set off to dio house his head filled with Dio plane suddenly leads to rash plane landing which lead Aiden to help people but he himself got injured later Aiden friend contacted dio and he found Aiden on bed unconscious and Dio cries , hope he don't lose memory or something since it's western story I hope that arch just don't come .

tellmeamelia May 21, 2024 6:38 pm

I don’t understand author’s and their obsession with the size of these pipes. Why do they try to make size of it another part of the story? I mean are they out of stories? When it comes to sex most mangas focus about their sizes which realistically if they were to go online and search for it most women/man do avoid the ones that are long and thick(which I assume these types are not common). Like come on even when seme grabbed his weapon, the thickness and the length was shocking. Considering that he is a male and his hand is big dues to his height, that weapon is thicker than a water bottle. I think they use Stanley thermos flaks as a reference. It became quite annoying. Sure I know that these are just stories. But this store is parallel to real life. I don’t see any science fiction stuffs in here. If I wanted I could have read something specific to this. Sinde these theme become common it’s gotten boring and annoying. Anyway that was me ranting.

    Momo May 21, 2024 6:57 pm

    I was laughing my ass off reading this comment. Well it's an omegaverse and fiction so it's expected.

    sharouge May 21, 2024 7:13 pm

    I was laughing too. You're right. In real life, the size of .. theses pipes are totally absurd. But it's a yaoi and omegaverse so,these pipes must be urge like people's fantasies or urban legends...

    alivent May 21, 2024 7:14 pm

    I totally get what you mean lol. I’d find a scene hot then i see their baseball bat of a peepee and i just lose my focus because uhh that’s not gonna feel great.

    But then I also get over it quick because i can’t let it ruin the mood. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    tellmeamelia May 21, 2024 7:32 pm

    It feels like none of these people studied or pay attention to biology during high school. It’s a just a biological male genital organ not a 3rd leg standing between their legs. At this rate some of them can become an another leg. It’s kinda funny to think how can semes can fit it inside their pants. But you are right when I see something like that I just skip the chapter. I skip most of the sex scenes in the mangas anyway cuz they are not realistic at all. And it shows sex without emotions much like p*rn.

    Lbr May 21, 2024 9:20 pm

    IA with you. The Stanley cup reference had me losing tho. I think they really do copy it from there, like damn!!!

    No one really wants their insides rearranged like that.

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