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Torabunbun created a topic of Marriage of Convenience

I may not have been in abusive relationship or marriage, but from what I can tell about abusive situations, I can understand why Lucy at first said no to both punishment and divorce of her husband. She most likely said that as she still feels the love he had when times were good but after experiencing it from a different perspective, she didn't have the heart to continue with her marriage and finally asked for a divorce by literally one of the most powerful people in the Empire who has great connections.
She deserves someone like Joseph who is pure hearted and the type of man to be a loving husband for Lucy.

This is what happens after years of abuse, the girl would become suicidal but hides it very well until she can't take no more. Even having both men confused (male lead) and delusional (asshole ex-fiance) on why she kept the hairpin in the first place. It was a symbol of love but now to her, a symbol of her lover killing her. Now she doesn't need it anymore after confirming the male lead wants to protect her after now seeing the full extent of her pain which he had underestimated at first and regretted how he initially felt about the hairpin's significance which is understandable as well.

I seriously think there is something wrong with the readers ... The current Christina isn't dumb, this isn't a novel she transmigrated into so she is confused on who to truly trust and who to honestly believe in. She is only going off based on the actions the og Christina has done and how others feel about the old her. If anything, she is naive and easy to manipulate because of being woken up into a new world she knows NOTHING about. How would any of you feel if you were thrown into a world you know nothing about? No novel to see the future? No otome game to see how the game ends? Nothing... I would be lost on who to trust and believe in no matter if they are friendly with me or not. Manipulation would be easy to do on someone like Christina.

This is by far the most enjoyable thing I have ever read on this site. Both FL and ML are just so cute together. The pacing may not be everyone's cup of tea but it just works out for the better.
ML knows FL is hiding a crucial detail of how she knows certain things, but isn't pushing her to speak about it. He is willing to wait until she is ready to him and she knows she will have to at some point. Which, I can see he would feel the anger towards those who have wronged her in her past life and will most likely want to start by killing the Viscount off officially. Perhaps cut ties with FL's family and make them no longer of the Count's support.
These two are the greenest flags for each other.
I love how our FL realizes that in the past, she fell for the ML because he was the only one who was kind to her. Now in this life, she can protect him from his wrongful murder instead of just using him for her own benefit like most FLs in her position would do. She is doing this out of love for herself and him. She is literally done with being weak and wants to stand on her own feet but most likely appreciates that the ML is someone to lean on if dire situation calls for it.

If you cover up half of Sven's face towards the end of Ch 90, it looks like two different emotions shown. One side is glaring and cold while the other is enjoying the situation and smiling about it.

If you cover up half of Sven's face towards the end of Ch 90, it looks like two different emotions shown. One side is glaring and cold while the other is enjoying the situation and smiling about it.

If this is a plot where the FL is originally from the world they transmigrated or reincarnated into, then I would be very happy as these types of back stories of how they ended up in the Modern world to only go back to their original place fascinates me.

Torabunbun created a topic of The White Wolf's Bride

To me, what it sounds like is that his Bestial instincts is taking claim that Sae is his mate, that is why her scent is so sweet to him. The blood was too much for him to handle at once plus with his protective instincts coming into play, he wasn't stable for a moment.

Going off from the comments, if it really was the ex-fiance that killed her family (which how when those two were together? Maybe it was an inside job), then I can see this is the Duke's way of trying to keep the FL safe from the ex but he is going on about it the wrong way, drastically wrong.

You people may find this icky, the ML didn't have much of a choice and he wanted to keep her alive. Marrying her was the best he could do to keep her safe. He did treat her as a child and wasn't planning on keeping her forever but that changed when had her coming of age, so she is now considered an adult at the age of 15, two years passed and she is now 17.
In technicality, this is no longer a minor married to an adult.
He didn't groom her, he took care of her and started seeing her as a woman later on.

I'm grateful that the child isn't any of three main cast, especially Callis because of his reckless treatment towards Seria considering he almost let her die so I don't think he's up to that task of raising a child.

If his original tragic past isn't the trigger, it's his kind master's death that would do the trick. This is most likely going towards obsession/yandere territory and I am here for it. The FL was the one who wanted to cherish him and nurture him, she should take responsibility of how attached Kian would get to her gentleness and kindness.
Honestly, I would want this man as my husband.

I love how even though she is reincarnated into the novel, she ends up with the same spirit as her new father, most likely without realizing it. I see this type of thing a lot in most of the stories I read and I'm here for it.
Makes the family a bit more authentic even though she reincarnated into a character from the novel.

If this is what being spoiled looks like, I want this child to be mine forever. I'll be here mother for life.

Torabunbun created a topic of Temptation of Wife

Calling the FL weak and dumb is uncalled for... There must be a reason why she is like this, don't judge her so quickly.
Not all people can grow a damn backbone until they get a serious wake up call.
FL, she got the wake up call and too much stress at the same time which could end up losing the another baby.

Agree or disagree, I don't care. This woman obviously had a tough life and just now found out her best friend is a backstabbing, psycho bitch. Her husband a cheating moron who doesn't always have his priorities straight but at least have the decency to get the girl some help, probably mostly for the baby but I digress.

Now she'll have to go through a round of healing, divorcing, revenge plus getting the ML that we have seen already. A duo who will take down man-whores family who I now deem unforgivable, even the father that I was rooting for to be the only good one.

It's painfully obvious there are miscommunications and misunderstandings on both sides.
A grandfather who was grieving over the loss of his son and now finding out he's dead then comes his granddaughter, it's a given during time of mourning, he's easily swayed by that terrible head maid about her lies of the granddaughter. And with that is how it starts the domino effect of everyone thinking she isn't worthy of being loved henceforth she is neglected, with no room to fix it.
Then you got Savina's point of view of being neglected because of what the same head maid said to her about the grandfather's "orders" and how she perceived that as being hated and treated horribly. In turn, caused her to despised them without truly knowing their true feelings.

No one in that family truly hates her, just unfortunately there are miscommunications and misunderstandings on both sides. While I am able to understand why the grandfather did what he did, but due to his lack of communication and seeing the truth, it's inexcusable.

After reading the comments, I would have to disagree with the dislike on Edith's dress. It does have so much going on with the pattern and colors but it suits her and Killian very well along with Edith choice for a necklace. Rubies looks better on her than that bulky sapphire would.
As for Lize... Lize and Cliff don't even match color palette wise! All they have in common is white and that's it. The dress isn't even cute and that sapphire just washes her and dress out due to be bulky and a brighter color than her dress.

Nothing else could ever say hatred than a woman's scorn. Break her heart, might as well be a walking tombstone to her. Rehart deserved this for fucking around, he found out what scorn is through a woman, a once naive, young rich woman.

I believe this is one of the rare novels where I can forgive the girl for being naive and a pushover. She was once a caterpillar trapped inside her crystalized cocoon and now she has hatched into a girlboss baddie sugar mommy.

This is honestly one of the best ML redemptions I have ever seen. Even though he was technically not at fault because he was mind controlled, him breaking away and falling in love with Edith as well as being more attentive to her is beautiful.
Also, I love how the isekai'd FL isn't all about running away or divorcing as the very first option to survival. She is doing what she can to survive within that house but as well falling for the redeeming Killian. Truly one of the best things I have read.