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Torabunbun June 11, 2024 9:38 am

I may not have been in abusive relationship or marriage, but from what I can tell about abusive situations, I can understand why Lucy at first said no to both punishment and divorce of her husband. She most likely said that as she still feels the love he had when times were good but after experiencing it from a different perspective, she didn't have the heart to continue with her marriage and finally asked for a divorce by literally one of the most powerful people in the Empire who has great connections.
She deserves someone like Joseph who is pure hearted and the type of man to be a loving husband for Lucy.

Torabunbun June 5, 2024 8:06 pm

This is what happens after years of abuse, the girl would become suicidal but hides it very well until she can't take no more. Even having both men confused (male lead) and delusional (asshole ex-fiance) on why she kept the hairpin in the first place. It was a symbol of love but now to her, a symbol of her lover killing her. Now she doesn't need it anymore after confirming the male lead wants to protect her after now seeing the full extent of her pain which he had underestimated at first and regretted how he initially felt about the hairpin's significance which is understandable as well.

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