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Demi created a topic of Codename Anastasia

Zhenya appearance caught me off guard (ch 0) I understood people were complementing his appearance but I didn't think he'd be that much of daddy material

Demi created a topic of Cheating Men Must Die

At this point give su a break, I feel as though with the initial popularity of this manhua the creators are Unessesarily stretching it....

Despicable, torturing and condemning a little girl just for a divine creature, I bet its their sick and twisted vulnerability of the mind that created such atrocious actions from them, even more so they chose manipulation and gaslighting to get what they want, this wasn't just for dracon but it was for their pitiful entertainment...

Demi created a topic of Terra Draconis

People actually bully you for how old your parents are..that's disgusting, how is it possible that some people have to find every piece of info to harass you about no matter how small it is.

Demi created a topic of God's ID Card

The way these cops did their interrogation with physical violence was repulsive.

Demi created a topic of Talented baby squirrel

Can someone tell me How to pronounce her name is it bee-tay, beat-y, bet-tie or something else . Thanks in advance.

Demi created a topic of I Can See Your Stats!

Yanu makes my body tingle all over, where to get a dragon Boyfriend (≧∀≦) but he gives off masochist vibes

Demi created a topic of Placebo Memories

Did Hamin ever tell Woojin his name (ch2) ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

The way these people come up to him and ask to be in his movie is the equivalent to a random person asking an artist to draw them

I'm a bit puzzled about the Mc's class in the story. Initially, he was tagged as F class, but after regression, he kept his D class skills. Yet, in Chapter 10-11, they mention him as a "D class." It's a bit unclear with the switching between F and D classes, and the modern martial arts concept and the families, in my opinion isn't really explained properly.

Demi created a topic of A Talented Player

He's is very conspicuous in his actions, those guardians are only interested if it's a player who acts like he knows the future and is very skilled despite his level rather than a player who actually knows the future, he's most likely a variable that would ruin their plans and could possibly get eliminated in later chapters...

Demi created a topic of Kacchan and Deku

Not me refreshing the page multiple times aggressively(⌒▽⌒) To found out it was only 2 pages long

Demi created a topic of Bad Friend

(Ch.39) It all adds up now,I suspect the high lord to be the one who hired assassins to massacre the sect..what would the magyo sect gain from lying, and Rigon wouldn't join the enemies side after watching haon 'die' just from his personality alone. Rigon also stated back in a couple chapters prior, that if haon knew what he was he planning or the truth he'd drop everything and help him

But im still a little puzzled,if so then where did the murim leader get strong assassins from....could he be Rigon's father

Demi created a topic of Bad Friend

This manwah, makes my belly tingle, gives me butterflies I love it.

Demi created a topic of Can We Be Each Other Company?

The style is really refreshing.

I mean It is a genuine mistake and reflects on her as a person but her making assumptions on who the culprit is and forming a dangerous contract based on those assumptions without precautions such as "give me the contract and the blood of the contractee of the contract" has landed her in a difficult situation

Demi created a topic of Good day to go crazy

Everytime i see him I freak out, how can a human be so gorgeous, but his cranium is huge (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Props to the mc for wearing the same outfit consecutively for 3 years straight before his death.

Demi created a topic of Solo Max-Level Newbie

(Ch 2) I love how it too him less than a panel to process the game came to life before immediately concluding he needs to get an item ( ̄∇ ̄")

" 'Seok young' and 'seok young' have been looking for seo Chae yoon"

" 'seo chae yoon' kept asking where 'seo chae yoon' is "
