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The art is Absolutely gorgeous, I can just stare at a frame and stay there.

Demi created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

I'm not even a gamer but I feel like throwing my phone just from the gameplay of him getting killed multiple times ╥﹏╥

Demi created a topic of Tamaranai no wa Koi na no ka?

He really may be a delinquent, he sure does got a way of breaking down My defences"

Gosh he's purely adorable and has a beautiful heart

Demi created a topic of Super God Gene

So let me get this right, from the start, she realized he was likely unaware or uneducated about certain things. Despite knowing this, she deliberately decided to make his life extremely difficult. When a second incident occurred—clearly an accident caused by the train's bumpy brakes making him lose his grip—she ignored the obvious unintentional nature of the situation. Her reaction was still overwhelmingly harsh. It seems she takes pleasure in wielding her power in an abusive manner.

Demi created a topic of Yeonwoo's Innocence

I adore Yeonwoo, and I cherish his friend especially Junhyuk resemblembling my lover personality wise. It's important to remember that being sensitive at times or crying doesn't make you weak or unimportant. When I was younger, I used to cry a lot and i still do, partly because I'm hypersensitive, but mostly because I'm just human—it's normal to be emotional. Surrounding yourself with people who empathise with you and lift you up are the ones who truly make life beautiful

Also jinwoo is unfiltered, seriously.

Demi created a topic of CUFFED!

Honestly this is what parents induce into their children, 'If I boy bullies you they like you' so it gives this tendency for young people to continue accepting this behaviour leading on to that boy believing that they show affection through harassment and dehumanising other people they quote on quote 'like' consequentially.Since no one actually does something about them. Or Alternatively it could just be an underlying medical condition

Demi created a topic of Love at First Voice

Is this whole Manwah filled with second hand embarrassment moments ,because the way I click off chapter after chapter is...
╮( ̄ε ̄)╭.

The boss just committed battery/ aggrivated assault to the employee, and even if we take into consideration that there was a contract that would considerably be an illegal one....though since its set in China, individuals with significant power may have more influence on legal proceedings so it would be hard for the employee to sue....

Damn he sure is a dick ( ̄へ ̄)

Demi created a topic of A Cup Full of Water

Ten thousand dollars for a plain white shirt is wild Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

I can tell the author likes Dr Stone. Approved

Demi created a topic of Myst, Might, Mayhem

Pretty lady, can I have your number please.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Demi created a topic of Strongest Level 1

Why do they always start off with foreshadowing of the mc showing up before someone dies and defeating the monster with super op skills and then end up being dim-witted when the actual chapter begins....

Demi created a topic of The Genius Actor’s Aura

That blue-haired director is seriously getting on my nerves. But the blonde assistant director? Total gem. I appreciate how composed and collected he usually is, but when he finally lost it and stood up to the director's immature behavior, I was all for it. Trying to silence someone just because they're younger? Absolutely ridiculous. I'm with him on that one. Honestly, I might have lost my cool with the director a long time ago. It's no surprise the show didn't do well in the past with that kind of dynamic.

Demi created a topic of Nar Kiss

Icchan is so fine like what (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Demi created a topic of Millennial Cultivator

(Ch 1) I'm starting to see a common pattern in these types of manhuas...Why is the first people they always encounter 'Women' extremely 'developed' ones in one aspect but very undeveloped mentally for some reason, not to mention they force the romance into the story which excruciatingly diverts away from the main focus of the plot 'powering up.' Or trying to hide the fact they are extremely strong. I sincerely don't mind who the first gender the Mc meets but it has to be done is a well processed way, and not oversexualising or romantising every single woman or ....little girls that comes in the mcs way at that point it seems self insertive . Sometimes it's nice to actually meet a male and have a brosome and whatever guys do in a friendly encounter.? But I kinda like the little system girl ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Demi created a topic of Demonic Evolution

Still trying to find the purpose of her being there? Thinking logically his regeneration speed is already significantly good and she'd heavenly hinder him going all out in unescapable situations. Furthermore he can't continue protecting her everytime there is a sneak attack... and taking into the account that she isn't a special case like ang we can't deny her talent , yes but that's where it stops she is way to undeniablely weak in this current context.

As a pianist I didn't resonate with ch 59 the whole point of impressing someone on the piano is not to play super fast , but to play with expression, it's like listening to a slow sad song on 2x speed or a fast song with 0.25x tbe speed , that just takes away the element of the the message you are trying to convey with how you articulate the piece.

Are they sponsoring Wechat or something why is it mentioned in every chapter