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Demi created a topic of My Favorite Idol

I'd rather when she's angry she replies " Think about the people/family your leaving behind" rather than " think about the fans", it's unfair.... why are idols subjugated to the will of their 'fans' should their life also be dedicated to their 'fans' might aswell be a robot since everything is about the 'fans', it's their fucking life give them a break for godsake, fans are 70% of the reason most idols are driven to insanity. At this point just let them breathe.

Demi created a topic of Movies Are Real

The newsreporter girl is really going deep into his personal life, he chose to remain anonymous as not to put his life in jeopardy, even as a reporter its common sense is it not to not pry and reveal such topics just for a bit of popularity and privilege?

Demi created a topic of I didn't have it but now I do

If there was a boy I liked and he told me he's gay, and I get the sudden opportunity to turn into a good lookin' guy, you betcha I'm gonna go straight up to him like ' Hey your cute, can I get chu number, I'm a transfer student hope to see you around' no hesitation whatsoever he'd probably know its me either way, i have a never miss personality after all.╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Either way good for her, it seems turning male regained some of her confidence, in my opinion I think she always had that confidence and brazen personality she just wanted to start anew in a roundabouts way.

Also is it just me or she's too good at this, she's been studying boy love books and shows on her free time

31 chapters in and I don't even know/remember the red head girls name and why she is up and above in other people's business ┑( ̄—  ̄)┍

(Ch 32) Well she isn't as bad as I thought , girl your A okay in my book

Demi created a topic of Delivery Man From Murim

For chapter 19 where Kang so asked if there was a technique that could make awareness stronger what would you do, I don't necessarily agree with what hayoung's dad said. I would honestly not share the technique. There are many awakeners who have motives that could harm others even the supposedly 'good' ones wouldn't hesitate to kill to achieve their if everyone gained such a method it could potentially be catastrophic, so rather than sharing it to every awakened individual, share it with the ones who you can trust and won't betray you.

(Also how is it possible that in every murim to modern era they end up getting a disciple they never asked for( ̄∇ ̄"))

Demi created a topic of Delivery Man From Murim

Why...WHYYYYY do they always end up cutting their gorgeous hair after ending up in the modern era I'd die to obtain such long luscious hair (╯°Д °)╯

Demi created a topic of Million Times Attack Speed

Nice, but it feels like it's rushing through the plot a bit too quickly. Additionally, I'm having trouble understanding the cultivation ranks in this manhua. Based on my knowledge from other cultivation-based manhua, even if someone is just one stage ahead, they should be at least 100 times stronger. Even if the protagonist is a gamer, he still needs to learn how to effectively utilize his body and techniques. It's confusing because despite his devouring system and attack speed, there should still be a significant power gap.

And what's the deal with the heads of the family? Why are they so weak and still stuck in the qi-blood realm? Is it practically impossible to improve one's cultivation in this manhua?

Bahaha I'm going to punch that blonde prick and I haven't even gone past (ch 1) First of all shizuka already said no way...but saito is so persistent to do it just because he knows Shizuka is drunk....this saito kid thinks with his lower half rather than his fucking brain

Demi created a topic of Practiced Liar

(Ch 1) I would love the power of mindreading but only if I can control it, save myself the embarrassment of hanging out with fake people

(Ch 2) I'm sorry, but the flashback at the start of the chapter where those two boys got into a fight was ridiculous, if another friend(1) tells you your other friend(2) doesn't like being pushed into doing things you like, and your not hearing it from friend(2) then the best coarse of action would be speaking to friend(2) to found out how they can make it more comfortable for each other instead of jumping into conclusions and starting an all out fight confrontation. If my Friends behaved like
children at their age and acted like that I'd scold them both because that form of manner I will not tolerate. I myself have willing removed myself from friendship groups that never worked out, not to harm my mental health. And the audacity for that guy to call out Toshiki's name out to gossip in front of his face from something that happened in middle school shows how Toxic and immature this Tetsuya guy is

Demi created a topic of Nebula’s Civilization

Tbh the cover made me think he had beautiful long black hair with nebula linings ╥﹏╥

My Dumbass thought they were all male (Lizard people)

I guess its alright though I shouldn't judge so quick

- Majority of the story is ai generated, kinder off putting

- the comedy in this isn't sitting well, his stats are well over 1 million and can't even carry his dad is wild.

-His stats are crazy strong, hard to believe anyone in this manhua will have stats over 1000 and yet he shows vague disappointment ....makes sense he's still extremely weak I'd be upset to if my stats were just for show.

-how it's presented in terms of how they tell the story is hard to understand

( will update after 20+ chapters)(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜.

I've seen hundreds upon hundreds of this trope where the wife wants a divorce and the husband suddenly finds interest in her unwilling to part ways. At first I thought well that's annoying because in the end the wife forgets about her past trauma and falls in love itis so predictable...i was on no-ones side but now I'm stand with this mc's mentality, "I practically insulted you, you've caused mental stress upon me and you still choose to restrain me" <-- this pretty much sums it up...I doubt she'll get a divorce and she'll most likely take interest in him after some sort of event and the excuse of him not knowing even though he's neglected her will surface up or the kid (love him) will convince her to stay sinces
he has been brainwashed into believing he has to live up too his 'father's' expectations as the heir and that's it....I really hope its different though; cause I really really will strangle that man if it end's up the same

*Sigh* Once you're rich enough even 900 million won is but pocket change (︶︿︶)=凸

Demi like topic of CUFFED!

The artstyle is nice reminds me of 80's anime/manga retro style especially those like Urusei Yatsura or Touch

I'll have Ricky because it seems like she doesn't appreciate the presence of a fine male companion beside her. The female lead is displaying a high level of indecisiveness, and if I may be honest, she's making the situation all about herself. Her behavior is becoming selfish due to her lack of self-awareness. Despite experiencing death once and her brother having a valid point, she continues to make numerous assumptions. She acts giddy despite these assumptions and quickly opens up, leaving her fiance behind. Due to these assumptions, she displays immaturity and needs to learn to gather herself and become more mature. Otherwise, she risks losing people who genuinely care about her, not because of external factors, but because of her own actions. I guess her and Dylan are a perfect match both indulge in selfish ideologies, birds of a feather flock together (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Demi created a topic of My Favorite Idol

The art is Really beautiful (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Demi created a topic of Everyone Regressed Except Me

Mc's stats are seriously all over the place,I mean, his strength is through the roof at 4,000, but everything else, except concentration, is below 600.Let's be real, in the long run, it won't do Mc any good. If he wants to get ahead, he should really focus on balancing out his skills and bringing all his stats up to the thousands. That way, he'll have a solid foundation and won't regret it later on.

Re-reading this cause I don't remember how this went but 1.1 her walking down and getting all the girls attention reminds me of something Tamaki suoh from ohshc would do... love it (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Demi created a topic of CUFFED!

The artstyle is nice reminds me of 80's anime/manga retro style especially those like Urusei Yatsura or Touch

The Christmas art at the end of chapter 32 is gorgeous, if his character wasn't a game character but another real life brother...I would adore that

I guess its alright though I shouldn't judge so quick

- Majority of the story is ai generated, kinder off putting

- the comedy in this isn't sitting well, his stats are well over 1 million and can't even carry his dad is wild.

-His stats are crazy strong, hard to believe anyone in this manhua will have stats over 1000 and yet he shows vague disappointment ....makes sense he's still extremely I'd be upset to if my stats were just for show.

-how it's presented in terms or how they tell the story is hard to understand

( will update after 20+ chapters)(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜.