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constant misunderstandings for comedic effect like hahaha oh my god you are deaf AND stupid thats hilarious
bishounensupremacy created a topic of Bluelock

i love ness sm man hes so boy failure

i feel like the pubic hair post should count as a historical milestone as well
that one korean drama where the local serial killer makes a bracelet from the teeth of his victims to gift the main character
when they talk about being desensitized to stuff and they are proud of it like bragging about how watching a real life gore clip did not affect you at all is not gonna make me fall in love with you if anything i'm concerned. when did we normalize having low EQ
bishounensupremacy answered question about going to concerts
'green flag' ml whose whole purpose is to worship the ground fl walks on no friends no goals no hobbies the only thing we know about him is that he has mommy/daddy issues (just so fl can be the one to 'save' him) and muscles like are you sure he is alive
bishounensupremacy answered question about going to concerts
your honor he just had a silly crush
bishounensupremacy answered question about going to concerts
most of these are just soulmate au but horny. imagine asking someone if they are a fork
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i like women and men who look like women
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
yarichin bitch club. i don't normally enjoy love triangles but not only the love interests relationship with the MC but their relationship w each other is written really well, there is potential for some of the side couples too. people don't realize it's decent bc the author has a habit of cutting straight to the sex whenever it gets interesting
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
its the 'a guy like you effect' at first ur like oh enemies to lovers cool and then it starts turning into a fucking fever dream bc the author doesnt know where to go w the story
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i'm much more tolerant towards whoever the MC is tbh soohyun from checkmate for example like i was full on supporting his delulu behaviour but looking at it objectively it's pretty messed up
bishounensupremacy created a topic of 19 Days

i will humbly accept the jian yi x xixi crumbs

bishounensupremacy answered question about question
crazy how there's a tech where u can force artifical intelligence to act like ur fav characters & have a convo w them and we just casually moved on from,,,14 yo me would have reacted like a victorian child seeing TV, i remember cleverbot evie/facade and stuff

are we rly going down the 'babe ily let out ur rape fantasies its ok<3' route like... the whole point of this fetish is that ur partner enjoys the fact that u dont like it no way thats healthy for either of u

making friends online is such a chore bc you might text for years every single day and even then there's a chance it'll be super awkward when you meet irl. not to mention the possibility of getting ghosted out of nowhere. like i didn't tell you my whole life story and my mother's maiden name for you to just disappear on me. now i'll be wondering wt......
bishounensupremacy answered question about question
i basically killed my social anxiety by purposefully putting myself in uncomfortable situations over and over again
bishounensupremacy followed a goer
5 days